You know I remember seeing this game in a Game Informer a while ago. I wonder how development is going on this though. Still excited for any updates on this.
That means nothing Ritz. BlazeHedgehog has hosted his projects there too, and he doesn't mod anything. I wouldn't exactly call SFR professional quality either. It seems like what it is: a Unity game. Not saying that that's a bad thing but eh.
Going by that logic, all games made with the UDK (or rather the U3 Engine) is just a mod. Also, the links are dead. I really don't want to use a torrent either.
Why is it that a game that got the eyes of the world on retro gets no attention nowadays? Seriously is this even being worked on? Pelikan hasn't been around for quite some time...
Maybe he got a case of Generations syndrome? Meaning he saw a need was being met with Generations and lost motivation. If that's true Pelikan, you are dead wrong! Judging by the Generations demo, your work still shits all over it. I'd take Remix over that anyday! If I'm wrong, then please accept my humblest apologies.
I think that even the idea of comparing generations to Sonic fan remix is almost offensive. One of them is a brilliant fangame, that got the physics and level design right, developed by a single guy. The other is a just an ordinary game. I would elaborate on this but it would involve a huge tl;dr thesis. I'll just say this: Sonic Fan Remix made an invaluable contribution to the sonic community, and even to the whole sonic franchise, by showing the world that, with the right direction, it is possible and easy (yes I said EASY) to recreate, and enhance the classic sonic experience with modern hardware. As anyone else I can only hope that this project doesn't come to an end like this. What I would advise Pelikan to do, if he ever decides to quit this whole thing, is to release to the public (or at least to someone interested in continuing this fangame) the most amount of material worked on until now to ensure its continuity.
Not like anyone else here has what it takes to continue it. Also, I think he might have died, no joke. Moment of silence?
Yikes! I'd hate to think so. I haven't been able to contact him since, though. It worries me that he's either given up or Sega gave him the big thumbs down. Damizean might know.
Pelikan dead? That... would suck. A lot. And honestly this game shouldn't not be worked on. If it's just Generations syndrome, then ignore the game's existance and just make your own creation I say! It's only taking one level from each game anyways. If he's dead, then hope he had a good life. :/ Doubt he is dead though; probably just migrated away from Retro for a while. He was last active in April, which may have been a few months ago... Hopefully he just left :S also, wasn't his latest release suppose to have come out in February?
A simple google search revealed other places he frequents. His last youtube activity was 3 weeks ago. Where are these rumors about dying coming from?
I don't even know how to react to the fact that such an obvious and outlandish joke has been received with genuine consideration and worry. You'd think I'd've worked it out by now, what with where we are and all!
Ritz who else?! :v: I sent him a youtube PM a day or so ago asking him to just give us a little "I'm not dead" bump. hopefully he will come back soon and give us alittle detail of whats been going on soo far.
Generally when someone says "no joke," one would assume their assumption is correct. Besides, other than his YT channel which I had no idea about, his last activity on Retro was back in April. You never know, on the internet, if someone just dropped dead this very moment. :P Glad to see he's been active, apparently. He should give an "I'm not dead" bump definately, and release his version of Chemical Plant still (if he chooses to). Despite Generations' awesome take on it, his also seems nice and it'd be cool to see what he had in mind for it :P
Last I've spoken with Damizean about Pelikin about a month back, he hasn't seen him for awhile at that time. ( BTW coming to you from the airport in Beijing, Finaly im on way home)
Well, I just don't know where to begin with this one. But I'm a man of science, so here goes: 1. Ritz is known for not being entirely serious all of the time. 2. When someone juxtaposes an extreme and relatively unlikely scenario with the words “no joke”, it might be to intensify the sarcasm. 2. Someone dying is not the likeliest explanation for them moving out of the internet/developing limelight; they might have real-life responsibilities, be tired with the project, etc.
Fair. And when I said "correct" I meant they're being honest with their thoughts, sorry and to your second "2.," yes, I know. Let's drop the subject? |P
well, I'm not dead... but I've stopped working on the project for the time being. I hope to return to it at some point though. In the meantime I can't see anything wrong with releasing the work that me and Damizean have done on Chemical Plant so here is the link if anyone wants to try it out: