I'm sorry but, he has the right idea, but I think this is atrocious. Nothing seems iconic or Sonic. Someone mentioned it looks like something Lisa Frank would pull, which it does. It also reminds me of something I'd see in Crash Bandicoot or something. Some scenery also looks like it was from a library of 3D models and fashioned in a "Sonic" style attempt. In this case, I find it to be a very bad thing. It doesn't work well with Sonic, at all. I'm no expert with 3D models, but I really don't like this. Things like the rainbow, random whale, etc. seem really out of place. The art style of the scenery also seems "unSonic"-ish to me. I just really can't look at this and possibly imagine Sonic Team ever in their history from 1991-2010 pulling anything like this. It looks decent for fan work, but I think people putting this above Sonic 4 is a bit silly. :| (I would rather see a Sonic game fashioned in the style New Super Mario Bros Wii is doing. Sonic 4 "tried" this to some degree, but the inconsistency in styles and less impressive art makes it.. well flat out fail at it.)
I see everything as very Sonic-like personally. And I don't even think it looks too busy. As for classic Sonic, we have more than enough fan games and hacks recapturing the feel of the classics. I say let this come out before you bash on it. It IS a mystery to me why people think this looks horrible, it's gorgeous.
I see where you're coming at, but as a friend coins it, the "1995 CG" just doesn't cut it for me. >I say let this come out before you bash on it. I assume you wait for games, movies, etc. to come out before having any sort of opinion on them? Just curious. I'm not trying to bash it though, I really don't think this is that good looking. I think this is indeed impressive for a fan game, but I think this could be a lot better than it is. The scenery only has a 'hint' of Sonic, but nothing else. I think to point out something specifically, I'd say the grass looks more like giant long leaves growing out the ground. I think that might be making said grass hard to look checkered patterned.
I'm actually a fan of the 95-ish CGI. Reminds me of the art style of Chaotix and Sonic 3D Blast Saturn version (which was pretty if not a great game). And yeah, I do wait till a movie is out to judge the entire thing. I might see a trailer and have some small impression about it, but I won't let it control my judgment of it. And so far, I'm impressed here. Other games I feel worked really well with the prerendered high contrast early CGI style are Donkey Kong Country trilogy and Mario RPG. Really nice graphics there. This game reminds me of those in terms of graphical style.
I think I just fell in love. I know I'll be heartbroken; there likely isn't a computer near here that will be able to run this. But I still look forward to this ever so much.
Wow this looks amazing. Great job so far! This looks a LOT better than the actual Sonic 4. However, I think your game would look much better with the two suggestions (the "lighten up the darkest tones" and the "add fog to the background to make foreground pop out") other users have made. I'm not trying to be rude; the level detail quality is already outstanding.. far better than anything I could do.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that different people may or may not have different opinions? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I am genuinely more interested in this than I am in Sonic 4. This game looks absolutely beautiful. Please update with info every once in a while.
This... This isn't fair. Why isn't this what SEGA did for Sonic 4? My man... This is gorgeous. Easily one of the best looking fangames ever made. Really, take the atmospheric fog into mind but don't make it too heavy like in the example. I'm not that good with Photoshop so I won't have a piece of work to show you on how to make the fog. Just... Hmm... Not as heavy blue as Blaze did. Aside from that.... SEGA isn't even trying. They clearly could give a shit about effort if there are people like you out there in the community. You've earned my full fledged attention. Don't let us down, man. You show us work, we want to see it to completion.
This looks pretty good, but it's way too busy, IMO. However, do what you want to do, and good luck! :P
I love the way the game looks and everything, it's beautiful, but I'm slightly annoyed at the fact that this is suddenly "better than sonic 4" because of the graphics. Edit: Oh, and I'd also like to note that the wii probably couldn't run this >.<
Hm. Well, I do think the foreground needs to stand out a little more in a game where you need to react quickly. Visual noise doesn't really help ye olde peripherals much. Looking more carefully, the flowers aren't really an issue—they only seemed to be at a glance over the level map and at that first shot, but really, no, I was wrong on that point. Some sort of color difference or focus-effect on the background could actually help, really. I don't know if that means resorting to a "fog" or doing something more elaborate to them, but that's a valid point. A background should be eye-catching, but not more eye-catching than the foreground. That background IS really nice, though.
I don't think you can really say that Sparks. There are no 3D Sonic Genesis games to base this on. Because of that I think its all in the interpretation of the 2D game in 3D graphics and everyone is going to interpret it differently. While I'm not going to say whether this or Sonic 4 looks better I will say this looks as if it tries harder to look like the originals while still bringing the game into 3D detail Sonic 4 looks kinda bland.
Sonic Jam would like a word with you. If this isn't what a 3D Green Hill Zone was meant to be like, I don't know what is (the one in SA2 isn't bad, but I prefer this :3, and yes I know Sonic World wasn't an actual 'level' or that it's an actual game, but I think it still makes my point of a 3D Genesis zone :x) I don't think Sonic 4 is bland, but I think the discussion of Sonic 4s scenery is more appropriate for it's thread.
I forgot about Sonic World which is a good example. SA2 GHZ I cannot say it is because its not an evolution at all just an exact copy in 3D if that makes sense. But yes we should be talking about this game and I think it looks great so far, but the video left me wanting more.
You people are blind or lying. It's not HORRIBLE (love the totem, pelikan13) but seriously considering this amazing work? It's a giant cluster of colours. Should Sega show this, people would be killing puppies.
I'd ignore what other people are saying really, it's your project and you do what you like, although having said that there are some very intelligent people around here and the fog and light/dark balance ideas are very good, my only suggestion is to look at other 2.5D games of a similar vein and see what you can borrow from them in terms of ideas for getting your look just right. Beyond that, this is the most amazing fangame I have ever seen, the glorious graphics and attention to detail is phenominal! This really raises the bar for Sonic fangaming, however unless you get the Sonic gameplay look and feel JUST right then no one will like it, it's as simple as that, we're very particular about Sonic games but especially if they look even slightly alike to the original games. Be careful where you tread but at the same time have fun with it, don't let us all put you off. I really do hope this project gets finished though, it looks fantastic already.