Because let's be honest here. Had SEGA unveiled a Sonic 4 that actually was built using realtime 3D models, everyone would have cried foul with OMG WTF SEGA THAT'S NOT 2D. Don't deny it, it would have happened. That said, this is not Sonic 4, and it looks absolutely stunning. I am eagerly looking forward to a playable build of this.
Graphically, and artistically, this looks absolutely stunning. However, there is too much visual polution. Yes, its pretty, but you can barely see Sonic. The backgrounds, whilst beautiful, need to be downplayed, so that Sonic is the brightest and most noticable thing on-screen. Compared with Sonic 4, I'd say is better looking, but in Sonic 4, Sonic is easily distinguable, and the backgrounds are downplayed, but nonetheless pretty in thier own right.
I like the overall look, actually, both brightened and not; I think the smaller flowers should be used less profusely, though. Having a massive field of flowers does two things: it distracts from the grass, in both the sense that it blurs the player's perception of where the ground its and that it visually takes some of the graphical punch away from the grass; and, two, it makes the flowers themselves seem less impressive, to the point where I think I'd appreciate them more if they were placed in more irregular patterns—a single flower here, a couple flowers there, the occasional thick cluster. Y'know what I mean? *coughHILLTOPZONEISBORINGBECAUSEITFAILSATTHIScough*
If you actually watch the video, it doesn't look that way at all.
I'd say the video still looks too busy. If you can hardly see Sonic when nothing's moving, it's going to be even harder when everything's scrolling by at high speed. I think, though, that there's a simple fix that can help: A slight layer of colored "fog" between the foreground and background would really help the foreground "pop" and eliminate some of the visual noise. Given the images posted of how the level was constructed, adding something like this would be a snap. I just hope we don't chase this guy away. This is amazing stuff, either way!
Brilliant idea, Blaze. I think that does wonders! I hope he opts to implement this fog idea, as it doesn't sacrifice any of the detail but definitely ups the ability to distinguish between elements.
I'm of the persuasion that nothing really needs to be changed in the visual department. Everything's so lush and detailed. Adding in a fog effect really just cheapens in the look and makes the foreground stand out far too much.
These visuals certainly put Sega's claims of "HD" Sonic 4 graphics to shame. I really like this look. It looks like the offspring of Palmtree Panic and the Green Hill Court from All Stars tennis. I think it looks a little better with the lighter shading, and if I make a recommendation I'd say make Sonic slightly darker to make him stand out a bit more.
That looks great Blaze! You can totally tell what's happening in the foreground now. The details and saturated BG colors don't overpower where the focal point is. This makes it clear and direct and provides eye relief as well.
This doesn't make any sense. Doing something that is visually common when something is very far away doesn't cheapen anything, it just makes it easier to see and the depth easier to perceive.
Haha! This came out of nowhere. Pretty nifty, man. Whatever problem I have with the look of it other people have already brought up. Also, saw the gameplay video. The flowers move! Nice.
I had this idea as well, but I figured the Mega Drive games were able to pull it off without fog, so this should as well. Besides, I was too lazy to selectively crop out the "background" portion of the image in order to provide a mock-up =P Nice work.
Apparently your entire point. :P It's far away, less vibrant than stuff right in front of your face. Lighter colored because it is further away ? cheap.
Out of all the things that could've come from out of nowhere...I never expected something like this. This is truly an unexpected game, though I agree with other sentiments that the scenery adds too much noise to the game. Yes, the detail is stunning, though a fog of some-sort, as mentioned prior, would help to eliminate some of this noise. Nonetheless, amazing job thus far, and best of luck with your project.
You're arguing with someone who's clearly already made up his mind on the matter. As someone else pointed out, the genesis games didn't resort to such an effect. This doesn't have to either.