A solution to this would be to have a settings option from the menu that can adjust brightness, hue, saturation etc and having a default button to undo the changes. I think that would be great to implent, maybe not right now but somewhere along the track in time... To each their own, but anyways Great Job Pelikan and everyone! I really love this! Edit: I wasn't being nitpicky, I just love this project and the art styles!! :v: . . .
Would you all stop doing stupid shit like making a sepia-tone overlay to screenshots, and nitpicking. It's not your project, no one is here to please you, stop complaining because you don't like the hue of an image. By the way, the color the game has is because of shadows. If you want to play it with them disabled you can have your overly bright visuals back. Low High
The colour corrected one does look a bit better, although it is a bit too colour neutral and desaturated, and loses the character of the original. But the original feels too dark and blue saturated after seeing the "corrected" one. Some sort of middle ground would probably work. But who am I to talk? Everyone says my Sonic recreation was too tinted too, so it's probably the pot calling the kettle black here. :specialed:
Aw relax Jim, no-one's complaining. People are just making observations. You'd do the same if something caught your eye. Look back over the comments, people aren't demanding; we're showering praise and everyone's fully acknowledging when they're being nitpicky. A lot of people notice the tint, but it looks great whatever happens.
I hope you are talking on "Ironic mode" . I'm not here to demand or nitpicking, only I want to give a feedback because I think the color question is very important and this project is awesome and it deserves be care until the last detail, anyway Pelikan13 and Mercury are who decide... About the 16 bit palette color, I made another color correction, this time following the 16 bit palette. The correction is selective, that's mean that the correction is not made over the shadows or color gain but it touching the color zones, in other way the result is not same, isn't only a question about the darkness or the blue gain... Well it's not perfect at all but is an approach. Regards 16 bit palette/Selective correction 2 Original colors/Selective correction 2 Selective correction 3 (touching a bit the blue colors)
You know, before everything looked too blue, but now, while the the grass and the blocks look amazingly accurate, the sky, whale and sonic look too purple. Also, the water no longer looks blue with white foam, but just white foam. I'm pretty sure there's no purple, or invisible water in the original Emerald Hill. However it's your game, so you could pass it off as a setting sun effect if you wanted. I must admit correction 3 looks a little better, but the orange blocks look glossy as opposed to the original colours. At least it doesn't look like invisible water :/
I seriously hope Pelikan is going to ignore everything that was said in the posts above, otherwise this will turn into another S2HD where dozens of people argue about ONE PIXEL for weeks. Why can't people realize that the development of this fangame has been proceeding so well because this is not a team project?
To be fair, only a few people really contribute art that is seriously considered in the Sonic 2 HD forum, so in essence, it isn't really all that much of a team project.
I don't know if you guys know how Unity or 3D engines work. It's not really as simple as taking the game into Photoshop and messing with some sliders. Quit bitching and wait to see how the demo turns out. Fucking Sonic 4 thread in this shit. :|
It may not be a team project, but he's giving Pelikan some constructive feedback on his work. Whether or not he decides to use any of it is his decision to make in the end.
Technically, color-correction in post-processing wouldn't be that hard. It's still fucking hideous, though.
Guys should stop complaining about something awesome just because it isn't "perfect". Is something like "I slightly prefer the brighter version" worth the effort of changing it? Is a little more blue destroying an awesome game that much, that you guys need to complain? Some like the blue version better, some tje brighter version. Maybe some people would prefer a purple shade or whatever. It isn't possible to make everyone happy. If he'd try he would mess up the whole project. Just let Pelikan do what he wants to do with the game and play it or leave it once it is downloadable. I'm not talking about bugs. Pelikan was gratefull for the bug reports and more than willing to make them disappear. So have some faith. This game will be awesome and it still will be awesome, even if you would prefer another shading over the one he has chosen. ~Cheers
Since when was criticizing the same as complaining? Pelikan wouldn't post the images here if he didn't want criticism. Damn.
If my memory doesn'T fail me Pelikan had the brighter version at the beginning. People told him he had to change something use shading, etc. He did and now it's wrong as well. What do you expect him to do now? Change everything back so the other ones will tell him again that it is to busy?
I expect him to do whatever the hell he wants, taking whatever criticism he deems appropriate and constructive into account. That's what this thread is for. + - No Mr. Shadowrunner...I expect him to die.
Critisism can help make a good game better. I don't think it's fair to shoot someone down for giving their opinions on something, even if it isn't taken on board. If constructive critisism isn't allowed then what else is this topic supposed to be? JUST praise? I thought the idea of Sonic Retro was that it was supposed to be a bit better than that. And obviously I don't think there was any intention of making Sonic purple - it's just a lot tricker to photoshop specific hues (especially when there's so much blue) than it is to do the whole image. But I'd have thought that would be obvious.
I love the direction this game is taking, it's breath of fresh air to Sonic, and I had a feeling of awe when I saw the game in motion with that Robotnik mech running about in the background. That's menacing as hell. Also, the whole game looks amazing. I've seen posts on here concerning colour and all that, but to be honest, the direction that's currently being taken (slightly tinted) gives the impression of certain emotions, and considering the level is littered with badniks, it only adds to the atmosphere of chaos I'm seeing. I also hear there's a demo out soon? Here's hoping! Keep it up!
I won't shoot someone down because he gives his opinions but come on. It's been 40 pages by now. The Whole thing with being to bright and busy started on the first page. Pelikan heard the critics and changed it by giving it this kind of shading. That's dozens of pages back. How can it be constructive to bringt it back up? I Prefered the brighter version as well but it leave it be because the topic is over for some time now.