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Sonic Fan Games (The older ones)

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by DC.17, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. Perfect Chaos Zero

    Perfect Chaos Zero

    Notoriously Inebriated Oldbie
    Sounds like you folks over at MFGG have some really impressive gizmos. We should totally look into what you guys got going over there because it sounds awesome. If you got AIM, I'm on there as PerfectChaosZEON or just find me on IRC in #fangames on, hit me up some time and we'll talk about the possibilities of awesome stuff in the future!
  2. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    I've got it. You want it? It's yours, my friend. I'll probably get it uploaded tonight.

    It's not very good at all, though. Nostalgia goggles are a curious thing.
  3. Travelsonic


    Please upload it when you can.

    Yeah, the old platform movement games were overall poor compared to the static engine games, 360 engine stuff, and that which was programmed in C++, but playing some of these again were quite fun.

    It's about time we [the collective "we"] archived this stuff. :D
  4. ValleyBell


    Tech Member
    researching PC-98/X68000 sound drivers
    Great fangame collection! I always wanted to play some of these demos that are listed on SFGHQ but whose link doesn't work.

    Btw: The first Sonic fan game I played was Ultimate Sonichaos. Then I played through all other Magicgrafx games (I still enjoy Sonic Chaos a lot) before I found SFGHQ. Because that was in 2005 I never saw most of these demos before.

    Now the important part: a tool some of you may like.
    It's a small tool that allows you to replace the exe-file of a TGF or CnC stand-alone game (link). So you can e.g. replace a 16-bit one with a 32-bit one. (I'm using Win7 x64, too.)
    It works fine as long as the game doesn't use too much extentions. (Then you'll need to find another game-exe that includes them.)
    I still have no solution for KnP games and 16-bit installers.
  5. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Remembered the name of a game I mentioned earlier (with the Offspring music): It's called Omni Khaos. It's still up on SFGHQ, and it's decent, but nothing great. Some of The Games Factories' most famous issues are present, though it definitely comes close to greatness.
  6. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    My memory is failing me here but I believe Omni Khaos was Red XVI's first Sonic fangame. Legend has it he hated the game and couldn't believe it when people thought it was decent which then spurred him onto create the Thirdscape series which he genuinely did care about (and ended up being substantially better as a result).

    There's a 50% chance I could be completely wrong there but that's what my memory is telling me. God. To be fifteen again.
  7. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    I wish I was more involved in the online Sonic communities back then. While I had net back in 2003, the only thing I ever did was just download fan-games. But with this thread and the Chaomega thread, it looks like I missed out on a lot of great moments.
  8. DC.17


    a dead star Member
    I still can't believe that the Sonic community became what it is now. I remember being a kid and hopping onto the Sonic Fan Games HQ chat-room, actually met someone who became a close friend of mine whom I still talk to to this day (Although she has zero interest in sonic now. . . but still.)

    This thread has become very radical. So glad to just have access to all of these games, fucking awesome. The only thing that upsets me is some don't work properly / don't run on my PC. :(
  9. NHY


    Christ, I wasn't expecting to see such a massive dump of classic Sonic fangames, brings a smile to my face. I'm definitely going to have to check some of these out later on, thanks.

    And before I get lost in myself, PC0, do you happen to have a trailer for Sonic: Black Magic? Yeah, that was my handy work, would be nice to see it again for a laugh and a cringe.

    As for myself and the connection with the Sonic Fangame Community back in the early 2000s..... *shudders* anyone remember Anti-SFGHQ? Yeah, that was my idea. You see, there was a bit of a rivalry back then between MFGG and SFGHQ. Most of us on MFGG back then felt that SFGHQ was elitist and liked roosting newbies on an open fire for whatever ( though in my case, I sort of deserved it. All I say about that is try making a fangame that covers a certain 2001 event only shortly after it happened! :ohdear: ) amongst other issues eventually led to me making a crude ezboard forum that spread the hate. It didn't go down well of course but things were healed afterwards.

    I was quite active on the SFGHQ forums afterwards in 2002 where I was nothing short of an attention seeking troll, whining about my lot in life and lack of success with the ladies ( and before anyone asks, nothings changed in that area since! :v: ) most of being really annoying to the members at the time. I also briefly went by the username ' Zero The One ' due to a Zero of X series fame fanboyness at the time ( and is why he is on my team in MvC3. ) Speaking of X series, I started but canned a fangame called ' Megaman X Revenge! ' where all the boss would have being SFGHers and MFGGers of the time who have kidnapped Zero and trapped X in the world of fangames! I released a demo of the intro stage, if I remember correctly ( again, does anyone have it? )

    Of course, I played fangames but owing to using dail up at the time, I was slow to download games like Sonic Robo Blast due to its size ( at the time, the biggest thing I ever downloaded was the Games Factory at a whopping 10mbs! ) but a couple I remember playing were ' When Tails Gets Bored ' ' Knuckles: Episode 1 Racer ' ' Sonic K&P Collection ' and a bunch of random demos and binned games but truth be told, as you can see by my little speech here, I was more in it for the community.

    I'm quite a contrast in terms of online personality now, ain't I? I've always being a bit of a quiet person anyway.
  10. ProwlerX


    Wow... this brings back memories. I briefly was involved in SFGHQ back in the day, but was more of a lurker. Its kinda funny that I remember most of these. Thanks for uploading!
  11. Phredreeke


    Holy crap one of my old games are there. o_O No, I'm not gonna tell you which one, it's too embarrassing =P
  12. DC.17


    a dead star Member
    No!! I want to know!! Tell me which game so I can try it haha
  13. Mikel


    When it comes to Sonic Fan Games, I mainly remember the fangames that were out around 2002 - 2005. The first fan game I remember playing might have been Sonic & Friends 1 or 2.

    Also, does anyone here remember Manic Team well? I remember many of their fan games, like the Neo-Sonic Godspeed series, and Sonic Raiden. I haven't played the latter in a while (Due to the game crashing under Windows 7), but I might as well bring them both up here.

    And Perfect Chaos Zero, thank you for uploading those fan games. I am going to try out some of them once I get home.
  14. Perfect Chaos Zero

    Perfect Chaos Zero

    Notoriously Inebriated Oldbie
    Play it's sequels, Thirdscape and Thirdscape 2. They're awesome in various ways. Hand drawn everything is epiiiiic.
  15. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Definitely going to. I remember playing some other games by Red and loving them (or at least other games by the same "company" - Hitoshirenu Densha or something)
  16. Overbound


    Sonic Time Twisted Creator
    Does anyone remember Sonic One Shot? It played kinda like Megaman it might have been one of the earliest GM Sonic Fan games.
  17. DJ Yoshiman

    DJ Yoshiman

    Canada, eh?
    Music Website, Mario fangame (What is This Thing)
    You had fun during that time, they were in a number of your libs. Can't remember if I went along with you or not.

    Perfect Chaos Zero, now that I know who to thank, I'd like to thank you incredibly. Not only does this serve nostalgia, but you guys somehow managed to keep hold of one of the oldest fangames I created that I thought was lost many years ago. That Knuckles 3D one, so old that it predates my current name (the text file says "Superspy Productions," which was a character I created when I was very young... in fact, I think even the website I created for it still exists, but I dare not link to it), but I remember it so fondly and thinking it was revolutionary at the time.

    Also, I'd like to get in contact with you as well, in terms of the MFGG meeting SFGHQ idea (one I never thought would ever happen... in this lifetime, anyways).
  18. Anybody remember Sonic Adventure Gaiden? It was a huge file if I remember right, but it only contained one boss battle before ending. People raged, but I thought it was awesome.
  19. DJ Yoshiman

    DJ Yoshiman

    Canada, eh?
    Music Website, Mario fangame (What is This Thing)
    So, PCO.

    Any other servers you had?

    I had a space on, and unfortunately found out too late that they shut it down. I hope the same didn't happen to you.