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Sonic Fan Games (The older ones)

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by DC.17, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. Cyberlink420


    Sonic F (Sonic Paradox)
    Oh man, this thread is giving me serious nostalgia. Haven't thought about some of these in ages.

    Actually, as it turns out, I still have a bunch of games I downloaded back in the day. There's a few not in ScaleyFoxy's archives, like the later Y2K titles and Freakzone's Mario and Sonic games, but they're all on Internet Archive as far as I can tell, so not lost media or anything like that.
  2. Hitboi


    Act 4
    I know this is an old post, but your mind shouldn't be fucking with you, you could be refering to a Doom mod called Sonic Doom 2, because:
    1- It's a mod for a first-person shooter game.
    2- There was a gun in it, not just one gun but multiple guns.
    3- There was an ice-themed area.

    Also, it's a mod from 1998, so you probably forgot about it, anyway, here's a gameplay video that contains that level:
  3. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    This was SSNTails' thing, but I was a regular contributor. I did various things to it, but my biggest contributions were the maps for Ice Cap Zone and Carnival Night Zone. Looking at these today makes me wish I could go back and redo them. I'd do them a whole lot better now.

    Fun times though.
  4. Hitboi


    Act 4
    I thought the mod was a "one-man" thing, but it wasn't so.. nice!
    So it was a small collaboration or a community project? I can't find much info on this.
  5. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    It was me and him... and *maybe* one other person? If there was another, I don't think I was ever in contact with him. But I can give you a little history as I remember it...

    I had found SSNTails' website (then just going by the handle 'Tails') hosted on He had several mods... Tailz Nukem 3D... Sonic Doom (his continuation of Jeff Reed's original Sonic Doom), maybe something basic done with Quake (though my memory is very fuzzy on that). I can't remember if he had already started Sonic Doom 2 or not... maybe not since the very first level was my own, but I can't be 100% sure.

    But anyway, I was excited to see these, because I was also into making modifications to DOOM and Duke 3D. I contacted him, and we became fast friends. I contributed a good bit to SD2, though he did probably did twice as much (or more) to it as I did. Eventually, he shifted focus entirely to working on Sonic Robo Blast 2 which he had just started, and I ended up focusing on Sonic 2 ROM hacking.

    I had actually finished Carnival Night act 2, with the "Red Metal Sonic" (aka Cyberdemon) behind a door and all. The version of that level that made it into the 4.0 release was about 99% done, but didn't have that last bit. I tried to find a backup, but I believe that's probably long gone at this point. I remember starting on Chemical Plant and Oil Ocean (because we were going to have either 99 or 100 levels), but then the project stalled shortly after that I believe.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2021
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  6. Billy


    RIP Oderus Urungus Member
    Colorado, USA
    Indie games
    Man, to be young again. I remember starting up projects with ambition like that. "We're gonna have 100 levels!"

    That said, unlike my projects, the Sonic Doom stuff was pretty sweet, and I'm really glad to have played it back in the day. Love the stories.
  7. BtCE


    Does anybody still have a copy of this? The mediafire link seems to be down and a lot of these older fan games are pretty hard to find.
  8. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    Here's a Klik & Play game called "Mecha Sonic and Sonic's Last Fight", dated February 17, 2000, and sent to me via e-mail on March 13, 2000. This screenshot of the final boss doesn't quite capture the full experience:


    And this is the ending (sorry for the spoiler):

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2023
  9. darkmech



    I don't know if you're still looking almost 2 months later but YouTuber scaleyfoxy uploads alot of gameplay videos of old sonic fan games on their YouTube page. There's also a site where you can download them.
  10. ScaleyFoxy


    My Youtube as far as Sonic goes.
    Heyoo to anyone reading this.
    So I have managed to more or less track down and recover nearly every single "RAGE - Really Amateur Games Expo" Not to be confused with "SAGE" games.
    Now all I am missing is RAGE2008 also known under RAGE08 " &"
    It is literally the only Event Archive of games that I am missing so posting this message to draw attention to that in hopes that anyone who still has them would bring it to my attention via here or by DM thanks in advance.
    Side note: One can correct me if I am wrong RAGE's 2013/2015/2017/2020 were completely skipped while 2014 was cancelled.
  11. YoYo Games (the Game Maker Studio company) used to have this website called YoYo Games Sandbox. I frequented it a lot back when it was up. I was pretty bummed out when it shut down. But today, I found out that there's a whole site archiving the games that used to be on there.

    To me, one of the standout games from Sandbox was Diary of Miles "Tails" Prower.

    This is clearly an amateur effort, with a non-existent rolling physics and a soundtrack featuring Mario Paint Composer tracks from YouTube. However, this game still manages to charm me. One of things in this game that stands out to me is it's approach to loops, since the guy who made it couldn't figure out how to program them, they turned them into item roulettes. I find this very creative. I really think you people should give this dinky little fangame a try. It's truly something.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2024
  12. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    Some months back, I shared an old in-progress build of SRB2 with SSNTails that I had laying around for *years* on my old IBM Aptiva computer. It's from February 2000, when the game was only just beginning to break away from its DOOM II shell. Now, him and Sonic Team Jr. founder Sonikku go over this relic from the past:

    He is working on making sure any copyrighted DOOM II assets are removed before making this available. From the notes, it also looks like this was around the time Stealth was doing some programming for it.

    I'll post part 2 when it becomes available.
  13. Travelsonic


    Silly question but did anyone save the archives linked in the first post o this thread?

    (Also wonder if it'd be a good idea to all the old SFGHQ stuff to the Internet Archive)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2024
  14. Chimes


    The One SSG-EG Maniac Member
    This is gonna be a crapshoot but does anyone have this program where you could run 16-bit Windows programs (like Sonic Boom) on modern Windows? I recall downloading it and using it around three years ago and it had its own website emphasizing you shouldn't use it with DOS programs, only 16-bit Windows programs, but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know what I'm talking about???

    Edit: Found it. otvdm
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2024
  15. Okamikurainya


    Somewhere in Africa
    Relearning everything I've forgotten.
    It seems like most of the old Project Mettrix downloads are long since down and only one or two of the links have been archived.

    I know there's an older version of Mettrix in the Fangame Archive here, but I was wondering if anyone managed to save any of the other versions?
    As a piece of deep history, the Games Factory version in particular fascinates me. The jump in quality between "Sonic and the 7 Rings" and even the early E0 engine versions is so astronomical, it makes me wonder what this "missing link" must have been like.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2024