So I hopped on assembler games as usual and saw in the Unreleased Games section 'Sonic Extreme for X-Box'. First thought it was the title of a shitty homebrew, but upon looking at it, it seems like a very early pitch demo for Sonic Riders. Thread link: YouTube vid: The demo was found on an XDK unit making it more likely. Think what you will but this seems too good to be homebrew. Who wants to bet early product pitch?
so here I am doing everything I can Video reminds me of White Acropolis, but the name and concept remind me of Sonic Riders. Wasn't it going to be called Sonic Extreme Racing or something at one point? It sort of makes sense, since Riders controls sort of like Tony Hawk and has "Extreme Gear". But it could be homebrew. Nice find, I'd love to see more.
Well the guy doesn't seem like an elitist douche who won't dump stuff like most of ASSEMblerGames, so we might see a dump of this. And who knows, it's on an XDK unit, there might be some source code hidden in there too :p
Incredible find. We're trying to talk the guy into backing up the data ASAP as this has got to be incredibly rare. A release is up to him I suppose.
One thing to say for you. Don't be a fuckwad and pester this guy for a proto. Like Twimfy said, it's his right to release it or not. I've suggested he check out this site, maybe talk to some higherups, see if we can get a release, but it won't help if every last one of you dicks with the guy asking him to release it. Remember Ofer Alon? People bitched to him about the Xtreme data until he just up and left. Don't be dicks, be glad he released the video, and watch the thread on ASSEMblerGames for updated information kthx
Not gonna lie, that looks way better than Sonic Riders turned out to be. Looks like you can actually control Sonic.
That's a pretty incredible find if it's legit. This coming from someone who actually really enjoyed Riders on the XBOX, this Sonic Extreme looks like it could have been pretty fun, and actually looks like a Sonic game, instead of a futuristic hoverboard racing game with Sonic characters thrown in. I'll be watching what comes of this, hopefully something big. He says he's up to about Mission 3 or something and that it looks nearly complete, more videos of this thing in action would be awesome.
I'm at least glad they turned it into something more than a mock-able "SONEK SCHATBOADAH" game that's basically a reskin of Tony Hawk.
This is very, very VERY interesting. I hope the guy gives us more info, or let us dump the game. This needs to be preservated at all costs, and that sonic tech demo that he mentions, too.
We had better get a god damn dump of this. The guy really doesn't look like an incredible douche and I hope he's understanding that all of us want to take a good look inside.
Don't worry all of us "elitist douches" at Assembler are trying to help him. Christ I'm so sick of forum arguments.
Hey, I don't even know much about Assembler Games. To be honest I was just reaffirming that, from my perspective, he looks legit. I'm sure you've gotten contact with the right people, but just in case:, #retro. Though I suggest you query the higher ups, #retro is a plague. :x
ProtonX was having trouble registering here (something to do with broken captcha's) but someone has helped him out. No doubt he'll fill you all in.
I've spoken with the discoverer. We're cool, and he'll likely be around tomorrow. Please remember to be on your best behaviour, or I'll remind you.
Jeez were walking on eggshells here, one slipup and this discovery is back to the darkness from wence it came! Please don't screw this up guys.
Yeah yeah, 2 pages late, but you just made me spew 7th grade memory-semen all over my screen. My pal from class got one of those Pizza Hut PSX demo discs, and we were up all night long playing as either Tony or Kareem Campbell in that old Warehouse. To this day, it remains one of the greatest gaming nights I've ever lived through. I can't wait to see what becomes of this Sonic demo. Those videos are pretty sweet. to go listen to Superman. ...fuck it, popping THPS into the Dreamcast now.