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Sonic ERaZor 8 (2025) – Now In Widescreen!

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Selbi, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Josh


    I wouldn't mind seeing an expansion on the special stage concept. That's easily one of my favorite aspects of what you've done.
  2. Mercury


    His Name Is Sonic Tech Member
    Location Location
    Honestly, as much as I love ERaZor, I'd rather see you call it complete and make a sequel. Perhaps a hack of Sonic 2? Something that riffs on new levels and characters.
  3. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic

    Amazingly, I haven't played the newest release. Completely forgot about this. I got something to do now.

    <div><br></div><div>Played through. Not ashamed to say that I needed savestates. Great work Selbi. I gotta say though, I'd love to see something new. Perhaps an Erazor 2? Implement Tails and Knuckles?</div>
  4. redhotsonic


    Also known as RHS Tech Member
    United Kingdom
    Then the only update you can do for version 5 is say it's a fix. What I mean is, read through this thread, play the game a few times, and all bugs people have reported or you have found, write it down. Make it your quest to fix these bugs, then update it saying:

    "Version 5 is up, this fixes these bugs:"

    Otherwise, start on a fresh new hack. Either a sequal like Mercury mentioned, or something completely different and opposite. But don't make it Sonic 1. Make it Sonic 2 or S3K.
  5. Truner


    I wouldn't mind seeing more of that Special Stage. Frustrating and friggin' hard, but hard. Maybe a stage based on some beta/unreleased/conceptual stage? Something that's NOT based on the final version of Sonic 1?
    Like having that ball from whatever beta or something it was in that you can jump on and move around? Put some spikes in and projectiles and call it a really unfair day.
    That's all I can think of. I finished the third release and gladly played through the fourth one. I wouldn't mind playing through this a thousand times, were you to make that many updates.
    But if nothing comes to your mind, try hacking Sonic 2.
  6. BystanderLC


    You know MegaGWolf wanted to see a Crazy Super Sonic from the comics. I liked that idea.

    Make a boss where Sonic gets to use his hover ability on a flying Eggman boss in the labyrinth place. You could make it so that Eggman stole the camera crew for this scene. I really just want more use of the hover ability.

    In the last boss battle, you could try making pieces of the ceiling fall down, some gaps, some fire, or something before he gets to the boss.

    Maybe you could include a giant caterpillar badnik.

    Or hey. Show a scene where Sonic gets close to a super block, but Eggman swipes it and goes super.

    Just tossing ideas here.

    EDIT: You could make Ruined Place a lot more menacing with some cracks in the bricks or something. Maybe make it so that some of the floor crumbles and you fall into lava.
  7. WheatThins


    Co-Admin at
    I both downloaded, and finished Sonic ERaZor today. It is the finest hack I've seen to date, and honestly I registered an account for this forum almost solely to commend your work. :argh: The second special stage was beyond frustrating, but I managed to finish it without breaking anything. I see that you are unsure whether or not to close the door on this hack, frankly I feel that it's missing something. This is my all-time favorite hack, even beating Megaman Ultra; the only problem I have with this hack is that the final boss seemed too easy to me. It was a bit anticlimactic, and after beating it once it's far easier to beat again. The only suggestions I have for the potential Fifth Public Release are adding a time trial/live restriction mode, or additional use of gravity switching. Aside from that, the Labyrinth Zone is very buggy, and I often found myself not being able to make the camera move the direction required to advance. The ABC monitor especially seems to cause this issue, and you can move left/right while using the monitor (often ending up stuck in walls, or near the 1-up instead of check-post.) I plan to actually buy a repro cart with this rom on it when it is in its finished state.
  8. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Thanks to everyone for their input so far! You've really given me a lot of stuff to think about. Whether it's going to make me actually continue ERaZor is debatable, but I'm definitely going to release at least one more bug fix revision. I've seen a lot of YouTube videos lately and they helped me finding a lot of unintended behaviors (the problem of an average player is often that he doesn't know whether it's a bug or a feature, so he doesn't report it). The issues you've listed here are also very helpful.

    Revision 03 coming soon eventually!

    Wow, thank you! Never thought my game was good enough to be a reason for people to actually join this forum. :V

    Yeah, there are some issues I was never able to fully get rid off. But let me explain something: My major public releases are all supposed to have new content that directly affects normal gameplay. Special modes like Time Trial don't meet that requirement, so if I were to do it, it'd be a special version, not more. If I were to add any major content, I'm off course calling it release number five, but until then, no promises.

    Also, wow, repro cart. Never thought someone would actually do that. I would love you forever if I can see some pictures of this once you are doing it. :3
  9. Knucklez


    Selbi, with all due respect, ERaZor is a clusterfuck of random and insane awesomeness! I never thought I'd see content in a hack this unique, random, and chaotically scattered around in such an amazingly organized manner.

    After all the changes you've made over the Third Public Release, it's safe to say you hit the nail on the head. Hacks like these are why you're among the few hackers in this community that have my utmost respect due to the uniqueness and creativity of your works.

    Please continue doing what you do. I wish I could express the joy the hacks produced by this community have brought me. So just throw Revision 03 at us when it's completed. We'll be waiting to play it. :thumbsup:
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I played it, and it's certainly unique. All I can say is maybe just polish up some of the graphics a bit. Just a few things I can think of:

    - That font on the text cards that talk about the story or whatever are hard to read, maybe space out each line a bit so it's not words right on top of words
    - Sonic's palette seems a bit off, but that may be intentional
    - The crouching sprite uses Sonic 2 eyes for some reason
    - Sonic 3 sprites are kind of buggy looking and strange.

    Only other thing I can think of touching up off the top of my head is the hub world. I like the idea but it's too easy to accidentally fall into a level if you aren't paying attention. Maybe make each level so you have to jump into the ring, like the special stages, only have the level name sign under the ring so you know what you're doing. It's a good hack though, continue it for it's different yet fun. It dares to go beyond the typical Sonic formula and that's a good thing.
  11. BystanderLC


    Yes, this hack is really awesome. I find it rewarding to play it over and over again!

    I even found a way to not get hit by the falling spikes with the shield before and after it. I use a really weak spin dash.
  12. WheatThins


    Co-Admin at
    I have a little brother who's 4 that I'm raising on old video games, and he really likes Sonic hacks. He's beaten acts 1 and 2, and the end boss for ERaZor. He can't do the gravity puzzles/super monitor parts of later levels of course, but I'm still damn impressed by his run. Recording a LP by my brother would be a hilarious idea.

    Hell, he beat stage 1 faster than I did the first time :colbert:
  13. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Alright, the decision has been made and I'm now going to announce it:

    Sonic ERaZor is going to be officially discontinued with this post!

    There will be one more revision (Rev03) coming in the next time, but that'd be it. I'm glad that my game made so many people laugh/cry over the past three years and got all the input to continuously expand it throughout this time. Thanks to everyone!


    On that note, I'm obviously going to post the results of this year's hacking contest. I am more than proud with the Hidden Palace trophy being mine, even though at first the contest was a bit disappointing for me (but those issues have all been sorted out).

    So here we go (template partially provided by RedHotSonic without asking, because I couldn't be bothered to create my own one :v:):



    Hidden Palace Trophy – 1st Place
    Sonic ERaZor by Selbi

    Genocide City Trophy – Most Difficult Hack
    Sonic ERaZor by Selbi

    Emerald Trophy – Best Special Stage
    Sonic ERaZor by Selbi

    D.A. Garden Trophy – Best Music
    HONOURABLE MENTION: Sonic ERaZor by Selbi
  14. Mercury


    His Name Is Sonic Tech Member
    Location Location
    Congrats on your trophies, Selbi! :thumbsup:

    I actually voted for ERaZor in all four of those categories. It's really an outstanding game - and I use the word "game" intentionally; I think it graduated from being merely a hack.

    I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next.
  15. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Hey Selbi!

    My face when ERZ won 1st place?

    Well, I didn't exactly concentrate on trying to read the other trophies, just had to download and play through it :D

    I absolutely love the additions, all of them! The second Special Place and Scar Light Place make me think of VVVVVV, which is probably unintentional but I hope you can see where I'm coming from.

    Now, you know my only request already... a fully updated straight build ;) I do feel it's much more epic without the breaks.
  16. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    I've already explained why a straight version isn't going to happen, sorry. I would just feel incredibly bad to throw away months of work for nothing.

    Thanks for your (heavily belated) feedback though! :)
  17. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Oop, sorry, you did say that :I

    time to disassemble ERZ and do it myself then

    Not that I'm saying the story is bad or anything. The post-level messages are hilarious.

    ...Also, out of interest, how do you unlock ???????? in the options menu? Complete the game without taking a single hit? :D
  18. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Yeah, I've designed that a little badly, but I did the hidden room weeks before creating the actual unlock. Basically, go to the end of the overworld, where the ring to the ending sequence is. There is a tube somewhere around there. Don't expect the ultimate overkiller of unlocks though, I wasn't very creative. :v:
  19. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Oh my god, that totally makes up for lack of a straight version :D

    And then this happened:


    Game still works fine, just the graphics are messed up.
  20. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor

    I'm shortly rising from the dead to share this new video of mine. Because I got a bunch of requests to upload a full soundtrack of ERaZor in the past few years, and because I was incredibly bored and had nothing else to do, I decided to quickly throw such a video together. Further information can be found in the video description.

    Also, the promised final revision is most likely not to come. I reinstalled Windows and don't feel like installing SVN clients and what not for a single fix. Sorry.

    Well then, back to the dead.