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Sonic ERaZor 8 (2025) – Now In Widescreen!

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Selbi, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    Can't wait to play Starlight Place. That Bomb badnik boss looks pretty cool/difficult!
  2. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Looks epic, can't wait to play the new version! I assume you'll be releasing an updated "straight" version at the same time as well?
  3. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Sorry to disappoint you, but this time I've added so much non-level related content I don't want to just throw away. For example, the entire first 10-15 minutes of this update, which took me several month to complete, would need to be completely removed. No straight version this time.
  4. Knucklez


    Good. As much as I'd like a "straight" version, this hack is partly defined by the fact that it's not that way. I like having the option of playing any level I want, at any time.
  5. <anon>


    I'd like to make this the first Sonic Hack I do videos of on my YouTube account, but I'd like to know, is there any "copyrighted" music in there?
    As in, stuff that DIDN'T originate on a video game, stuff on albums, radio, tv, movies, etc.?
  6. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Every song originates from another game. Some are remixed, some are direct conversions. Original music doesn't really exist.

    May I ask why? In case you are worried about YouTube blocking your videos, don't worry, this is perfectly fine for hacks, as I don't make any profit of doing this.
  7. <anon>


    I'm worried because I'm a YT partner, so I profit off the videos due to ad revenue, so everything has to be cleared copyright-wise.
    As long as it's just from video games, it's no problem, it just couldn't be stuff from albums, etc.
  8. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Even if it was from originally copyrighted content, such as albums, it wouldn't have been a problem. That is because the limited abilities of the music chip would make the result count as a remix, and that is totally okay by YouTube, whether you are a partner or not.
  9. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor

    I would like to thank vladikcomper, whose great help made this feature possible!​
  10. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Okay, it's the last day of June, and I'm far away from even thinking about a release.

    Here's th deal: When I made the announcement, I didn't know about all the things that were going to happen in this month. For example, I was at least one week away because of a class trip and busy for at least another week due to this year's Schützenfest of my local town (I was main supervisor for the children). That and various other interruptions.

    So, I didn't get as much time as I hoped I would, not to mention that I have been showered with non-recreateable bugs in the last few weeks. The release date will be pushed out, for now until July 2012, and I really hope I really have time to get everything done in time.

    Sorry for the concern, people.
  11. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    And now I sit here, almost 8 months later, writing down this topic. It would've been even longer if something back in May didn't suddenly make me finish my work. It looked like I could be done by June, but problems made me delay it almost by yet another month.

    But now it's finally here!

    About this update:

    This version, originally titled 'The SLZ Update', turned out into something I had never expected. An overview of the most important changes:

    • Added 3 new levels, of which one is a special one.
    • Added 2 new bosses.
    • Remixed or added many new songs.
    • Rewrote all story texts - now featuring more terrible humor.
    • Added a system so people will no longer have an excuse for being bad.
    • Added too much unnecessary extras throughout the game.
    • Fixed more bugs, exploits, and graphical elements than you could imagine.
    • Secrets...

    I will leave you at this because I don't want to spoil anyone too much.


    These screenshots do NOT show the important parts of this update, because, once again, I want to keep spoilers to a minimum. Instead, I will provide you with the content you may look forward to or images I've already posted before:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    As well as DalekSam's teaser trailer video he created a few weeks after I started working on the update (specifically, in March). That means the content of this video is incredibly outdated, but it's still worth a watch:

    Special Thanks:

    Although they are already listed in the in-game credits, I would like to give special thanks to the following people, without whom I would've never been able to create this game:

    • MarkeyJester
    • vladikcomper
    • DalekSam
    • Spanner
    • EduardoKnuckles
    • SonicVaan

    As well as some fellows I would like to mention for their minor, yet important contributions or help:

    • MainMemory
    • Jorge
    • Tongara

    And with that I'm giving you the download link. I hope you will have as much fun as I had creating this game in the past three years. :)

  12. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    I can already tell that that Special Stage in the screenshots is going to be sadistic lol.

    Downloading and putting on my Vita now.
  13. Josh


    I've played every version of this hack. Just finished a run-through of it! Spoiler'd thoughts:

    Tutorial level was MUCH appreciated, and I'm sure new folks will love it. I was originally SO confused a few years ago in Ruined Place. The ABC Hard Part passers were also a nice idea.

    I always enjoyed the Special Place, but the second part of that was INSANE, haha. It took a long, long time and a lot of deaths to get it.

    Scar Light Place's main gimmick kinda reminded me of VVVVVV. The exploding boss was kind of unclear. I didn't know if I was supposed to lose to it on purpose?

    I ain't mad, bro. ^_^

    I noticed the ???s on the Option Menu, but didn't unlock 'em. Nor did I find the Scar Light easter egg.
  14. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Counter spoiler time:

    Haha, thanks!

    I've been told that that Special Stage's main problem the lack of a pause feature is. I will probably release a fix version in the next few days, where this should be included.

    Well, the score counter is increasing every time the bomb explodes once, so I thought that serves a good indicator.

    That option requires you to play through the game, yes, but not simply by jumping into the ending sequence ring. (Protip: It's not far away from that ring though!)
    SLZ's easter egg is a bitch, but that's also what it should be, because what you will find may or may not be to your likings. Let's just say, the level has some flaws at that point.)
  15. Mike Arcade

    Mike Arcade

    Free Scriber of Mobius Member
    Oh hell yeah, thank you Selbi, I'm gonna check it out.
  16. Josh


    COUNTER-counter spoiler:

    Heheh, atmospheric mode, pretty clever.

    OH DEAR GOD I JUST FOUND THE EASTER EGG. Wahahaha, nicely done, man! My god! XD
  17. Wow. That hack was amazing.

    Hard as Hell, but amazing!

    That new zone gimmick really pushed my patience buttons to the max.

    Excellent work on this hack Selbi, and can't wait to see something new!
  18. That One Jig

    That One Jig

    aka RichterSnipes Member
    Somewhere in America
    (Not) Working on My PokéHack
    I've been paying attention to this hack since the third release. It's excellent! The actual difficulty of the different areas of the game were difficult as advertised, but I never felt THAT tense just because there were always several sources of solace throughout the game (farming for lives in Ruined Place, having the ABC button combo to fall back on). But I guess that's the point: introduce extreme difficulty and bizarreness while allowing the player to see it all. For that, this hack feels perfect. Great job Selbi (and others involved)!

    I did run into an annoyance, though: you can't pause the game during the special places. Not only can you not use it to jump out of a stage, but you also can't stop yourself in general...which becomes a big issue for the latter place if played on actual hardware. This made that particular level even more annoying than it already was :argh:.

    Really enjoyed the choice of music, BTW. I couldn't name every track off the top of my head, but I recognized several of them.
  19. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    So I played through it myself, and I've got a few bugs and nitpicks (spoilers!)

    It appears the camera crew in Labyrinth Place were even bigger dicks than the game told me, as sometimes when I hit checkpoints, the camera doesn't reset to the style it's supposed to reset to, leaving me unable to continue on.

    Also, I got that in Scar Night Place, you're supposed to let the bomb explode itself to death, but after that, I was like "WTF do I do?!" seeing as touching the floor would send me back to the checkpoint with 5 less rings, but there was no sign of any footing anywhere to let me climb up the special-place-esque obstacle course.

    Amazing game, though, the + - Unreal Place   was a total bitch, but I refused to use savestates in it. I also love how the game dialog also bitches at you for potentially sucking at it.
  20. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Uhh... That was completely intentional. The checkpoints reverse the camera movement, so you can go downwards again. I don't see where the problem is.

    As for SNP, yeah, maybe I should put a sign there with a big A on it so people will be reminded that this is the section they have been taught in the tutorial.