This is gonna' be pretty rad. I'm a big fan of GG / SMS Sonic games to the point where I sometimes enjoy them more than the Mega Drive ones.
hey, seeng that this was upped again I though there was an update on the game, sadly its not. Oh well, at least I can ask... how is the project going? I really loved what I played at the hacking contest, and Sonic 8 bits games deserve so much love. This hack is absolutely amazing!
If you manage to put those mock-ups in an 8-Bit game then you will probably create an 8-Bit Mania, but even without those it looks amazing! Keep it up!!!
Oh sorry for taking so long to reply. Haven't been on the forums a bunch, but I figure I should at least give an update. Yup, don't expect this at SHC2019. I've been busy with quite a few things, including a few game projects as well as art and layouts for a new version of Hellfire Saga that is going to be at the contest, so be sure to check that out! With that said... I do want to get this done. SHC2020 perhaps? The thing is, even if I do one more zone, the hack is still intended to be only 4 zones long, and at that point there isn't a point at creating a 2 zone demo, you know? Besides, this project has turned into more than a hack, with art and level tools being developed for it... to never be finished due to being busy with other stuff. I recognize people are still waiting. Thanks for your support, it means a lot.