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Sonic Dream Team (New 3D Game from Hardlight, coming to Apple Arcade December 5)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Jul 28, 2022.

  1. There are? Can anybody upload them?
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  2. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    After 100% this jawn...This is heat!

    Quite possibly the most pleasant experience I've had in a 3D Sonic game in a long time. The only real negative I have is that it's over just as you get sucked in. Between this and Sonic Mania, I'm convinced in my belief that the problem with Sonic has been Sonic Team. The property needs new passionate blood and ST has clearly grown tired of messing with the blue rat. New blood and money. Loads of moneh.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
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  3. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    After getting my controller hooked up to my iPhone, the experience became much more functional, and it controls quite nicely! Level design is actually decent both from a visual and gameplay perspective. Music is preferable to superstars. These bosses have a lot of character to the way they’re brought to life.

    After a banging year with frontiers and superstars, I had no clue I’d get an extra experience like this (and without spending a penny). Fun game, I like it! And the way you can switch characters mid level is great!
  4. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    So hey, get me screenshots of Rouge in the third and fourth boss battles for the wiki (and also what you took it on if anyone does do this).
  5. Kyro


    Heres a whole bunch i grabbed real quick for ya on an Ipad Air, just took a big assortment of them for ya, if you need more i can take some
  6. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I actually do need more. So uh, Cream against the Factory Foremen. Forgot about that one.
  7. Kyro


    Heres another set for ya then, anything else you'd like?
  8. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    The only other things I can think of are a screenshot of the final form of the Nightmare Guardian (what it looks like when it needs to be hit one more time) and another of that story cutscene of Nightmare Eggman where he is floating and you can see his full body.

    Oh yeah, if you want you could take pictures of the bosses when their titles pop up before the fight starts.

    That's all I can think of for now.
  9. Kyro


    Edit: Whoops, heres the new one, forgot a photo
  10. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Oh man, I completely forgot about the statues. Ugh.

    This does remind me that I haven't seen anyone do those Tails mission things at all.

    Thanks for the pictures.
  11. Splashdown


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  12. Felik


    The real question is if it's "Égo Cíty" or "Egócity"
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  13. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Almost makes me wish the name of the zone was Egocity so that we could have those arguments :eng99:
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  14. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    So when are we getting a Hot Wheels playset of Scrambled Shores?
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  15. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    Wow, it has been that long since this was talked about? Died quite quickly, did it not? lol

    Finally decided to get apple arcade for it. Haven’t 100% the game yet, though I fully intend to. Just beat the story and did a few more missions. Thoughts?

    My thoughts on Dream Team is that it’s probably the most not-terrible Sonic game I have ever played.


    What I mean is there aren’t glaring problems with it. It’s a game that is quite refined. It is just what they refined wasn’t really all that amazing in the first place, in my opinion.

    I don’t know, man. To be completely honest, a lot of the positive things I have to say about this game are not like AMAZING, GROUND-BREAKING THINGS.

    It’s not like, “This is something I LOVE about this game and what elevates it above other Sonic games for me! I want a sequel NOW!”

    It’s like, “Yeah… this honestly is what they should have been doing all along. And the fact that they haven’t has not just been a missed opportunity but honestly just made for bad design.”

    For example, the game has multiple playable characters. Adds variety in the way you can approach a level’s platforming challenges. And it is good to have multiple options and routes to explore using different abilities from those different playable characters.

    And yeah, it totally makes sense to make playing as those other playable characters besides Sonic

    1) Not completely suck because they can’t go fast or do other stuff that makes the main gameplay fun


    2) Not completely break the game because of how broken and overpowered their abilities are, to the point you can just skip everything.

    These aren’t amazing things. They should just be the standard for multiple playable characters. But they haven’t been. And so the fact that they work this way here? Well, by default that makes this the best implementation of multiple playable characters we’ve seen in the official 3D Sonic games.

    Again, not because it’s amazing. But because the other attempts are frankly terrible.

    Also yeah, if you’re going to pad your game, it makes sense to do it in a way that doesn’t make you play a completely different genre of game that is not as good as the main gameplay.

    It should just maybe be missions that tell you to take different paths of the level, go through remixed level design, have you focus on speeding the level, and so on. That should just be the standard.

    Even the explore missions where you are looking for crystal shards. From what I have played so far, there isn’t NECESSARILY a whole lot of stopping, slowing down, breaking the flow of the game to find the stuff. (Which would be fine anyway in a thing about exploration) The icons tell you where the stuff generally is. So it usually is just a matter of taking the platforming challenges to them. And to figure that out just…

    Take the platforming challenges you see you haven’t taken yet?

    Yeah, it makes sense to not always have just linear tracks you can do nothing but run down but to also have somewhat open areas you can explore if you want, all while not being forced to in the main missions but still just being able to blast through. (Even those 3 key things are fine because, again, they tell you where they are. So it’s not like stopping to look for something. It’s like just playing more level)

    Yeah, it makes sense to always have the way forward as well as a number of the opportunities to get on alternate paths well telegraphed. This way, a player has enough time to react to them and keep moving through the level through them with flow.



    Yeah it makes sense to ditch stuff like the quickstep and make the turning controls more responsive so that the player can/has to actually use analog control to steer and swerve through things to keep going…

    …rather than playing subway surfers, except and easier and shallower version of it.

    Yeah, it makes sense to give characters the weight to their movement that was a core aspect of the original 2D Sonic games controls.

    Yeah, it makes sense to have the slope-jumping physics that is a defining aspect of Sonic that a lot of the good Sonic games have and make use of.

    It also makes sense to have clear advantages for jumping off inclines with speed like clearly outlined alternate paths and collectables. Paths and collectables that the only or at least most obvious way to get them, especially before getting flight characters, would be slope jumping. This is a good way to encourage people who don’t know about slope jumping to…

    …actually realize it is a thing.

    Yes, encouraging people to actually learn the core and most fun mechanics of the game…..

    …Good job?

    Yeah, it does make sense to have level design visuals that are not actually lifeless, bland, and devoid of any color appeal whatsoever. Thanks.

    Like, again. The good things about this game are just things that should just be what Sonic is. I don’t really feel like these are things we should be praising the game really hard for. This should just be the standard and what Sonic games regularly do.

    Even the controls are probably the best we’ve seen from 3D Sonic. Not because they’re amazing or whatever. But because they simply don’t have the problems other Sonic games do.

    They make for characters that are quite predictable to control. Natural. Responsive. Nothing breaks too much flow. Allowing you to do skips and other tricks every now and then while not being stupid overpowered and letting you fly past everything and skip every platforming challenge.

    This is not amazing stuff. This should just be Sonic.

    So far, overall, it’s the most not terrible Sonic game I’ve probably ever played. Not the most fun. But the most not-terrible. Has very little in the way of problems.

    Only thing is that sometimes the characters even while boosting feel a little slow. However, that might possibly be because the game is slow paced. That is, while you’re running and speeding through, there are some times where you’re just doing nothing but running forward on flat ground with nothing interesting going on, with it taking too long before you next have to actually do something.

    Similar story for grind rails.

    And maybe the game is just a little bit on the easier side in general. Not really a lean forward in your chair or get-really-focused/invested-in-what-you’re-doing type of game.

    Which is not the worst thing in the world. Maybe it is just one of those games you truly just play to relax and make some quick, easy, (but ultimately meaningless) progress on something.

    The story?



    Generally, I don’t really don’t play Sonic games for their story and probably will never look at this game’s cutscenes again now that I have seen them. But in this one? Um…

    It’s alright. There were a few very, VERY slight character movements I somewhat enjoyed.

    Like when Sonic calls Ariem Ari. And she’s like, “Ari?” And then Amy pops up and she’s like, “Yeah. He gave you a nickname. That means he trust you.”

    And yeah, that’s definitely a very Sonic thing now that I think about it. Like for example think of Chip from Sonic Unleashed. And I think that Tails is a similar situation, at least in American Sonic.

    And that’s just sort of nice that Sonic did that to show that. Offer the friendship there so easily and quickly after meeting Ariem, after seeing how she needed help. Just a very Sonic thing for Sonic to do, I think.

    Another thing is I did like was that slight smirk that Knuckles did when Ariem was explaining her resolve. You know, a guardian must be willing to make whatever sacrifices needed to continue guarding and watching over the things they’ve been assigned.

    It makes sense that was something Knuckles especially would respect and take note of. Because he is also a guardian, a guardian of the master emerald, and he takes his duty and responsibility very seriously. That’s the type of person that he is. (Or at least, that’s the type of person he is in games where the writers don’t forget or ignore that Knuckles is the guardian of the Master Emerald)

    Believe it or not, I also found it slightly amusing when Ariem was explaining that the device she was guarding has the power to turn dreams into reality, manifesting the things of people’s mind in the real world. And Rouge hears of this and she’s like, “Oh? It can turn dreams into reality, eh?” And of course, fans and followers of the series probably likely already know what is going through this greedy, jewel hunter’s mind when she says that. It’s kind of funny.

    And there is a little banter between her and Sonic where he’s like, “Yeah. But remember, Rouge. To use the device, you have to be pure of heart.” And yeah. That was funny.

    But outside like little, slight character moments like that, there really isn’t anything to the actual story at all. Quite boring. Quite forgettable. Just kind of whatever…

    …Which again, makes it better than a number of other Sonic stories. There aren’t glaring problems here. Plot holes. Terrible, horrible character assasination. Disgustingly groan-worthy jokes. Things that overly annoy me.

    Yeah it isn’t too many problems. It’s just…

    Not all that great.
  16. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Short game exclusive to a hardware line that is also behind a subscription service most people don't want. It was never going to have legs.
  17. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    I just thought of another thing Dream Team does that should just...

    Yeah, that should just be the thing that you do.

    It has male and female counterparts to all the character types.

    Like, I doubt girls into the series in general are going to not play a game because it's just something like Sonic playable. And I have no problem playing Amy or Cream. (I really don't care for Rouge in most of media she is in, which includes this game unfortunately. But I did decide to choose her in one of the boss battles where I felt it would be more interesting if she was the one who stepped up to deal with the situation.)

    But while I doubt that not having boys and girls to play hurts the appeal, I wouldn't exactly say that having them hurts it either.

    Like, come on. Especially for people who actually do care about that sort of thing, particularly the younger crowd. Like, I have a younger sister. She appreciates being able to play girls and stuff when you have the option in games. Nothing wrong with that. So this should just...

    I don't know, man. Is what I am saying making any sense?

    This game does a lot of things that's kind of like, "Yes. That's what you do." And the only reason it is noteworthy at all is because so many other games in the series...

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  18. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    What the hell are you talking about?
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  19. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    The game does a number of things better than a number of other 3D Sonic games, some things better than other Sonic games in general.

    But that is not a very high bar. And there's nothing AMAZING about the game.

    It's the bare minimum that should be expected for the things they attempt.

    Also, the game is kind of simple and easy.