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Sonic Dream Team (New 3D Game from Hardlight, coming to Apple Arcade December 5)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Jul 28, 2022.

  1. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Has there ever even been an official suggestion that the storybook games are non-canon? They take place entirely in pocket dimensions with no visible effect on the outside world, so it makes basically no difference whatsoever.
  2. Ura


    Since Generations even mentions one of them, I'd say there's pretty much no reason to assume that either Secret Rings or Black Knight aren't canon.

    Speaking of which... it will be pretty funny if Dream Team happens to be considered canon at the time of its release, and then gets delisted after 3 years, forcing everybody to pretend that it never existed... not that canon changes anything, and I wouldn't be happy seeing the game disappears, but it would be funny as fuck I'll tell you that
  3. I really like the design of this game, including the renders, except for one thing: the pupils are HUGE. Made a quick edit to show the comparison, apologies if you can't unsee it afterwards:

    Also wish the game wasn't locked to Apple Arcade, but that's capitalism for ya :V
  4. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It was all a dream...
  5. bombatheechidna


    Sega knows what they are doing. They are only doing this because Sonic appeals to more people on the western part of the globe. The majority of the people in the United States are IPhone users including myself. Apple Arcade has over 100K subscribers. We all know Sega are all about the money but it is a great marketing strategy. It is controversial but smart. As a person, that works for a big corporation, these companies do not care about what’s fair. It’s all about how much money they put in their pockets. You make money off of the Apple Arcade subscribers, then you resell the same on PC and gaming consoles after you made a good amount off of them. Apple also is not going to allow the competition (Samsung or Android) get profit off of this.
  6. Kiyana



    Definitely the puplis and there's something going on with Rouge too there's something about her smile. Tails definitely looks tired or something in those clips.

    There's still a lot of people with Androids including myself.
  7. bombatheechidna


    You have to understand Apple came up with the idea. Sega took the opportunity. They are the reason for this game in the first place. That would be like AT&T giving the recipe of fiber internet to Comcast (if they allowed Android users access to this game). It just doesn’t make sense from a business standpoint. Their whole purpose is to eliminate the competition in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. Even if it’s just a Sonic Apple Arcade game.
  8. The Becoming

    The Becoming

    Well, the fact that this is the expected behavior of a company doesn't make it any less shitty. In fact, it only shows how bad it is.
  9. bombatheechidna


    I agree and I never said it wasn’t crappy lol. I just said they don’t care about your feelings so it’s a waste of time getting worked up about it. They know what we want but they continue to do what they want. If we just so happen to like it, then that’s a bonus for them. It was not because they tried to do that but “how can I get you to spend more money?” That’s the mentality. This move was clearly because it wasn’t risky and it’s an easy way to make a profit. I’m going to buy it but I’m not emotional about the fairness of this decision because that’s the GAME.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
  10. Azookara


    yup Member
    A video game company striking an exclusivity deal isn't anything new, or really "evil" lol. Inconvenient yes, annoying sure. But the grass is green, the sky is blue. Bad that Android users can't play it, but many Sonic games started as platform exclusives. Sega systems in the 90s, Nintendo systems in the 00s. This is just another one of those ventures, like it or not.

    And before we say "iPhones are $1000!!!", it's playable on any iDevice that can run iOS 13. iOS 13 is an old version of iOS (we're currently at 15); most iPads in the past five years can run 13. If you're American, you can buy a 2018 model iPad for around $150 on eBay. Ooor you could buy a current-gen Apple TV box, which go for $129 new and roughly $60-80 refurbished. Not to say you should have to get one, nor support Apple (do as you wish), but it's just not as exaggerated or doomy as people are mongering for.

    The only real worry I have is how Sega has let past App Store / Apple Arcade games disappear without a trace after they've run their course (see: Sonic Runners on the App Store, ChuChu Rocket! Universe on Apple Arcade). But I also read ChuChu's .app file (for playing it on Mac) was archived. So the same could maybe be said of this. Hmm.

    Otherwise just hope for a multi-plat release sometime later. I wouldn't bet on it, but it's better to hope for the best than mire in the worst.
  11. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Archived by who? Everything I've read seems to indicate once the game has left Apple Arcade, it's just gone.

    EDIT: If the answer to this is "yarr, pirates!" then...I don't want to know frankly. Subscription-locked games is where I draw the line and I'm fine with never playing it.
  12. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
  13. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  14. TheCleanerDragon


    Squad Leader Member
    Game looks awesome to me.

    Graphics and gameplay look good, especially for what is essentially a mobile game, I don't even see a hint of the usual Sonic Team jank.

    Six playable characters is great, I believe that's the most since SA2. It even seems to have the same kind of three play styles and two characters to a style. Amy seemingly being Sonic's female counterpart is an odd choice in my eyes. I think Blaze would've been a better choice since she's more of a speedster than Amy.

    The Apple exclusivity is an annoyance for me, I don't own a single Apple device. I will say though that I'm not angry at Sega for doing it since it seems this game wouldn't exist without it. Thankfully, I have a friend who owns a MacBook, so that might be a way for me to play Dream Team.
  15. The Becoming

    The Becoming

    No emotions at all, I don't expect fairness or kindness from a corporation - but I think it's valid to point the finger to where it should be pointed :V
  16. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Honestly, I wonder if Apple exclusivity itself could end up killing chances for ports in a bizarre, recursive manner. Think about it this way: Since Colours Ultimate, Sonic games have had pretty rough launches for various reasons. At the same time, they’ve also leaned heavily on incentivising early adopters with fluff like skins. So what’s ended up happening is that a bunch of people buy those games at launch and are left with subpar products while SEGA takes the money and runs. The most egregious issues will get fixed at some point but I don’t think any of the last four games will ever be in a state we’d reasonably expect them to by official means.

    Now, it’s important to acknowledge that Dream Team looks to be a different beast here. It’s housed on a subscription service so there’s not really any need to incentivise early adopters so maybe it’s been given more time to cook, and since it’s a dedicated mobile dev team working on this, maybe it’ll be able to get better post-launch support, but if this has a rough launch, that first impression will stick.

    And at that point, there’ll be far less demand for console and PC ports. I’m sure plenty people still play it because Sonic’s mad popular and people like us are pretty much stuck on this ride for life, but I think the last game to get a port after its initial launch was Lost World, and it was entirely an afterthought and probably has relatively meagre numbers on Steam.

    All this is to say that this subscription nonsense could combine with SEGA’s usual greed and shortsightedness regarding Sonic in a way that basically kills the long term prospects of this game. Paradoxically, I think that it’s a mobile game being developed by Hardlight helps its chances some, but regardless, those are my musings.
  17. Souplike


    I just do stuff, I guess... Member
    Aquatic Ruin Zone
    Chaotix Re-Bound
    Agreed with everything you said, though I don't think you're right about the iOS 15 part. If you didn't know, it's actually on iOS 17.
    iOS 17 - Apple
  18. I play nearly every Sonic game with regularity. I'll very frequently turn a random Sonic game on before/after playing another game to time attack some zones or have a full playthrough if the game is short enough.

    If this game ends up being good and never gets ported, there's a chance I'm going to subscribed to this damn service for the rest of my life. At the very least, I will probably dump at least $500 into it by getting a single month twice a year until I die.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
  19. Kiyana


    Let's all hope it gets ported so you won't have to do this lol.
  20. penBorefield


    Badniks, attack! Member
    Conquering the world
    There's zero chance to be ported to multiple platforms. (including PC)