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Sonic Delta 40Mb

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Esrael, Mar 9, 2020.

  1. No, SRAM didn’t work there to my knowledge, but everything else did, up to this point that’s the emulator I’ve been using to play the game, since I don’t really have a PC that works at the moment, and it’s pretty much the only other emulator I can find that could run it.
  2. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    Are you running the latest version of RetroArch? Because I have downloaded RetroArch now for test and the game loaded using Genesis Plus GX core.
  3. Updating the emulator seems to have done the trick, thanks for the help, Esrael!

    I also found another bug:

    If Sonic enters the S1 Bonus Stage in Angel Island Act 1, upon leaving the bonus stage, the game gets confused and warps Sonic to the beginning of Act 2. (Hopefully that made sense. lol)
  4. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
  5. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    I tried to use the level select to start a Knuckles and Miles game in Angel Island 1, but it started with a heavily corrupted Tornado cutscene, and the characters were Sonic and Miles instead:[​IMG]

    What do I win?
  6. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    This is quite easy to reproduce. Just press the B button on the level select before selecting a level. It appears to try and boot the level in 2P mode. Most levels crash the game, but those with water sometimes load... although in the mess as seen above.
  7. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    I don't remember if I pressed B or not, but since I was trying to change the character (which is done with C), yeah, I probably did that. I'll try again later today, I want to test the 3&K levels as Knuckles and Miles in preparation for an eventual video.
  8. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    This is a left over from old Sonic 2 Delta where I tried to add other levels to 2P Mode and used the "B" key to test (Sand Shower ( Dust Hill in Old Sonic 2 Delta) was attempted to be a 2P Level ).

    And about the video. If you want to wait for a more stable version. I am currently working on fixing the collision issues in Wood Zone.
  9. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    I see, thanks for the heads-up :)

    I estimate that such a video will be at least 5 hours long, so yeah, I'd prefer to make it with the most definitive version possible :)
  10. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    New Build released ( Sonic Delta v0.45 ) / Hardware

    What's New?
    - Fixed an issue with buzzer bomber enemy ( missing boost flame );
    - Fixed a behaviour in Sound Test in the Title Screen in the real hardware, where sometimes the selected Sound is not Played without two tries;
    - Some changes to Wood Zone, including new areas and objects;
    - Perfect Bonus test ok, for both new Wood acts.

    Best regards:
  11. DDRKhat


    Keep on runnin' to the finish! Member
    People have previously mentioned getting this to work with BizHawk but I seem to be hitting the memory issue just like JBNaux said? I appreciate it's not on your head to manage all these separate emulators but do you happen to recall what was achieved last time? Reading back through this thread is not yielding me any results, unless I'm missing something really obvious.


    So, further reading over the thread, it is possible that it is still waiting the commit from Sappharad. Apologies in advance to have bothered you, I'm entirely not certain.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
  12. lordoftime


    Timelord Member
    Hi there I think you may have broken something on the recent version as it no longer works on my everdrive all the previous versions worked!
  13. Sappharad


    Yes, you're still waiting on me. I released a build of the macOS port in late June where the game works fine. But I never submitted a patch upstream so the Windows version could get it.

    I will do that this week.
  14. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    New Build released ( Sonic Delta v0.46 ) / Hardware

    What's New?
    - Fixed an issue where Knuckles can't complete Labyrinth 3 through lower path;
    - Now Miles can carry Knuckles in "Knuckles and Miles" mode.

    The game will only work if device has full SEGA Mapper support. For the new Everdrive Pro, Krikzz have added support.

    For X series, You can try a hacked version of 3.13 OS ( Tested on X3 and X5 ) which allow the game to run with save support. Without this, you will get an "unsupported game" message.

    Best regards:
  15. lordoftime


    Timelord Member
    i just tried my cart wont update - it works for everything else :(
  16. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    Are you using an official Everdrive? Some friends reported that Chinese Everdrive throw exception $41 (Missing SRAM). I only have official Everdrive MD and X3 to test.
  17. lordoftime


    Timelord Member
    its probably a knock off - i have had it for years!
  18. Hitaxas


    Retro 80's themed Twitch streamer ( on hiatus) Member
    Can confirm the latest version of the hack is running with that hacked 3.13 firmware on a genuine Everdrive X3.
  19. lordoftime


    Timelord Member
    must be a fake cart then - it works for everything else and I dont have the money spare to replace due to this COVID19 bullshit so I guess I have to make do with the older versions... gutted really as I really enjoy this hack!
  20. metanite


    This is truly an excellent game, it's fun to play all the way through, and the "lost" Sonic 2 levels have quite good level design. However, here's a few bugs (mostly graphical) and/or nitpicks I've noticed over the 3 playthroughs I've done (S&T, K&T, and T alone):
    • Knuckles's life icon's palette is a bit messed up in the Sonic 1 Special Stages. (photographed)
    • Tails's life icon also has a messed up palette there, although only on the 1-Up item and only in 1 stage. (photographed)
    • While playing through Knuckles & Tails, every Super Emerald I collected had the words "Ingt Bonus" instead of "Ring Bonus". (photographed)
    • One or two of Dust Hill's ivy-covered activators has some messed up collision, resulting in your character hanging on... nothing. (photographed)
    • Neo Green Hill Zone's capsule consistently has all of its tiles overwritten by explosion tiles. (photographed)
    • In Star Light Zone, you can see 2 signposts at once. (photographed)
    • Tails can fly over the invisible barrier in Final Zone quite easily. (requires video)
    • The conveyor belts at the end of Wood Zone Act 1 don't take you offscreen before your victory animation, but they do during said animation. (requires video)
    • In the Sonic 1 and 2 levels, there's a cue to go back to the zone music after defeating a boss, AND after hitting the capsule, so the music restarts suddenly. This is probably because the Sonic 3&K bosses remove your Super/Hyper status on defeat, while S1&2 bosses wait until the capsule is opened, so the game starts the zone music again during its regular routine turning off the Super status. (requires video)
    • Although I'm no level designer, I think Wood Zone is lacking in rings. (just a nitpick, otherwise the level is quite nice)
    Photos are included of the first 6 bugs, and I can't record the other 3 bugs right now, but I may soon. I just wanted to note these down, I have no clue how easy/hard these are to fix, or if they're even possible to fix. This was all I noticed (aside from a bug included in the base game that wasn't your fault), the game is otherwise bug-free! Again, great job on this hack, it was a very enjoyable experience.

    Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 12.08.16.png Screenshot 2020-08-06 at 21.02.08.png Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 16.25.32.png Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 13.37.08.png Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 12.09.27.png Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 11.19.56.png