It'll be nice to have other bosses besides Zazz, although it looks like this new boss will probably play fairly similarly.
Well that's a shame. Zazz was so lame because of his easiness. There was not a single time he've hit me with one of his stars. Also introduction and conclusion sequences were sooo long.
Probably. I doubt there'd be a big enough change between Dash and Dash S to warrant a "sequel app" so to speak.
Agreed, although there have been a few occasions when I encountered Zazz multiple times in one run, and sometimes the subsequent encounters were considerably more difficult. If all the encounters were like that he might be a legitimate threat, but I've only seen him go into hard mode a few times.
The further you've run, the more challenging Zazz become. Coming across him very late on proves to be manic and actually rather fun.
So the new update is out (Version 1.10.0). Rouge is the prize for completing the global challenge, Eggman's the new boss and there are some new achievements for Silver. There's no story mode or menu changes like in the "S" app. From what I've played so far, Eggman hasn't appeared yet and the Zazz boss is still present. The global challenge isn't available yet so I'm assuming both features will drop later. In other news, my achievements still aren't syncing with Game Center!
I just ran into Eggman. Exactly the same as Zazz The music used is the Egg Hornet boss theme from Sonic Adventure 1.
I can't even update it because LG Enact support isn't there. I had to intsall an older version on my own. I mean it runs fine but they could stand to increase the list of supported devices y'know?
To be honest, I'm absolutely sure they just work on iOS then lazily port to Android and let it go. The Android version has so many stupid bugs and chugs even on newer Android devices. Hardlight is just a dime-a-dozen garbage developer in my book since it almost feels like they don't test anything and just use the consumer as QA.
I never got it to work in my favor anyway. I think the swipe glitch still works though. Lemme try that real quick. EDIT: Oh no...they fixed that too. :.(
The exploit I found wasn't fixed (backup save.txt, spin the wheel, restore the backup if you're not happy with the outcome). It's a bit more tedious than the one that got fixed, but it still beats the grind. EDIT: Looks like the bug I found (and subsequently reported a few days before Christmas) isn't fixed either. If you swipe down to land after using the fish to cross a gap, the camera angles down further than it should and stays that way until you reach another island or cross another gap using the fish. (The good stuff starts about 15 seconds in, the first bit is just to show the app version and clear the weird compression issues caused by Android's built-in screen recorder. Also, I have no idea why the screen recorder speeds up the footage.)
I got that camera glitch, and I wondered why. Cool. Also, awesome to hear about that exploit. I'll use it next time a character goes up for grabs. Speaking of which, I actually could spend my red rings on something. Has any character NOT gone up on the wheel? Curious if there's characters I shouldn't bother buying.
I never saw Blaze on the wheel. She's the only character I paid for, the rest came through the wheel, except for Silver who came through the last global challenge.