The daily spin and best prizes on the Day 5+ challenges are blatantly rigged to with unfavourable odds. I've been playing the game for long enough to says this with absolute certainty.
If you check the save.txt file, it shows you the odds. The most common I've seen is 2% for the jackpot and 14% for the rest, but I have seen others as well.
I'm trying to do the 2 headstarts mission, but cannot figure out how to equip the item. I've won it from the wheel spin, and just now bought a 5 pack with my rings. I'm really stumped.
You don't use regular head starts for that one, you use the super head starts that cost 3 red rings each.
I'm currently stuck at getting 20 enemy chains in one run. Shit's impossible because after a while enemies just stop appearing because of the amount of obstacles.
That one took me a while, as did "get hit XXX times in one run". It'll happen quite a lot, actually. Have fun...
If you swipe down three times you can extend the length of your spin dash. Any enemies you hit before coming out of the spin count as a chain. Use that to make chains out of enemies that are father apart.
Don't make your chains long, instead keep them as short as possibly. After doing one chain of three enemies, jump and then spin dash down to take out the next three. That'll give you two chains instead of one. I think... Either way the mission is bull. Huh. What's goin on here I wonder?
New edition with Sonic dash with better menus and a cutscene with eggman. Edit: It's available internationally... What?
No official announcement or anything yet SEGA? hell this is a major change to Dash, you would think they would at least release a trailer. maybe we will hear something tommorow...
It's through the LINE IM service, maybe you need the LINE app to download/play it? I have an iPhone so I can't test it myself.
You need the Line app to register a Line account, but you can delete it afterwards....Dash S wouldn't work for me when I had the Line app installed) PS: if you can't install Dash S trough the play store, you can grab/pirate it from Zippyshare. ('s free anyway) Edit: Hmmmmmm Also cannot be played offline.
Looks like we'll be getting this in some form or another next week. The game displays this image on bootup: