Well since the topic's been dug up and I recently bought the game on a whim, I'll share my thoughts: I've beaten the game already, and am currently collecting all the red rings. The controls are....about the same as Unleashed, if I'm honest. The jump is really weird and takes a while to get used to. I never knew when I was going to overshoot my jump or undershoot it, and the double jump is not all that useful. Basically it feels like Sonic's jump has too much weight to it and makes platforming a chore at times. Speaking of platforming, this game's got a lot of it, and makes full use of all the wisps in the game. You'll be spending a lot of time in 2D mode and 3D sections are few and far between. Which is fine, I guess, though I wish that 3D sections weren't so linear and you had some places to explore. As far as level design goes it's pretty decent, you'll be finding that the red rings in each level are increasingly more difficult to find as you get into later levels. Some of them are downright nasty. But I think that the reward is well worth it. 40 more to go, won't be long now. Some Acts feel like padding, the yellow spring acts are pretty blatant in that regard. Luckily they're not Werehog 35 minute padding, and usually take less than five minutes. Afterwards you won't ever have to touch them again. I can't help but feel like some of the post Act 3 acts could have been combined, and made into one Act instead of having two 30 second long ones. But eh, we get at least three solid Acts and that's about what you'd expect from your typical Sonic game anyway. So no big. The boss fights aren't anything to write home about, pretty basic run of the mill stuff you'd come to expect from Sonic these days. Bit on the easy side though. Final boss is fucking awesome though, make no mistake. The story is quite possibly the most enjoyable Sonic plot we've had in almost a decade. I find myself not merely tolerating the cutscenes but actually enjoying them. It's like an updated version of The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog and it's great. Moar liek dis, Sonic Team. On the whole, the game is pretty enjoyable, and I can see myself coming back to replay some levels later. Some say the game's too short, and I think they're wrong. The game is about the length a Sonic game should be, maybe two more Zones and we're good. Anyone who wants more than that is simply asking too much from a Sonic game. That said, I do hope that Sonic Team will be able to add more playable characters again soon, Tails and Knuckles in this playstyle would be pretty nice, and I see no reason why they couldn't do it. But I digress. Sonic Colors is definitely worth your time, and deserves at least a rental, if not purchase. I got mine for forty bucks and I regret nothing. Here's hoping Generations continues the upward trend for Sonic. S'all uphill from here, folks.
Walmart is doing the same thing. So if you don't have it and don't want to wait for shipping, then you don't have to! EDIT: Walmart's sale is now over.
I saw in Tesco yesterday Colours Wii for £20 and DS for £15, guess everywhere's doing it. Still like 30 + in GAME from what I've seen
Okay, really random and unecessary, but I'd just like to say that after playing Unleashed recently then going back to Colors, it's astonishing how big an improvement the latter is over Unleashed. The controls are so much tighter and more reliable, the level design is better (For the 2D sections, at least) especially what with the multiple paths and shortcuts that Unleashed lacks, the physics are better and it's just more fun than Unleashed. It doesn't have quite as many "memorable moments" like grinding down the clock tower or anything plus its a little shorter, but it's overall a more complete and fun package that I'm probably going to be playing longer than I did Unleashed.
And yet from a recent topic over at SSMB, there saying unleashed is a superior and more fun game. Time for a sig banner change eh, Solid SOAP?
Just a personal anecdote for Colors' merits as a game, I clocked in 48+ hours and am holding the: * #16 spot in Sweet Mountain 2 * #15 spot in Sweet Mountain 3 * ~#23 in Planet Wisp 4 and 6 * and under #50 in several more. and Colors was the first video game I ever pulled or was even compelled to pull 100% completion on, even though I've been playing Sonic for 10 years! Although that may be more a testament to how easy it is vs. how good it is, I really think the Wii Sonic Team got it just right in the pick-up-and-play department for casual gamers like myself. The game is really addicting, and is just overall good
The only area I felt Colors improved apon was the 2D stage design, story and actual design of the levels. The 3D sections were worse than Unleashed. Unleashed wasn't that great either but Colors was a mess with trying to map everything to a quick flick design of the stick. Drifting and quick stepping suffered horrendously because of this and controlling Sonic in any 3D section in general felt completely off as he always tended to go at an angle rather than straight. Everything else was fantastic.
Whoa hey, Digiku! I didn't know you had an account here. I didn't know you were still alive, even. Still don't know what that mess was about, but you're alive, so that's cool. How's life?
Pretty much this. 3D sections in Colors were sloppy in my opinion, and didn't feel like they got enough attention. And the control scheme was retarded as hell. Seriously the quick step not being on some form of button just feels weird. And the drift felt really useless as well, I often could never make an arc with it and found myself just zigzagging around all over the place and even falling off a ledge at times. (Though granted, that last one was probably just me being terrible at video games.) Colors is really a 3D Rush game with some new gimmicks and actual 3D sections to run around in for about 5-10 seconds. Not that that's a bad thing though.
I liked the daytime stages in Unleashed more than Colours, it just was a lot more fun to go back to Unleashed and replay the daytime stages and try to get a better score/time. It felt like you went incredibly fast without losing control. I can see why others like Colours more though, the level design is a lot more like the classic games and it's better suited for people who thought the Unleashed daytime stages went too fast.
I didn't even think Unleashed's day levels went by too fast, it's just that I kinda realised that a lot of the time you don't really have too much control and there's not much in the way of alternate paths and the like. In Colors, the level design might not be up to par with the greats of the classics, but there are plenty of multiple segways, shortcuts, and detours to take within each level.
Some of those were okay, a couple were good (Laser Starlight Carnival and Hovering Planet Wisp), and others...were kind of messy (Ex - Drilling Sweet Mountain) if you ask me. Not bad though. I wonder has he tried different variations to see if they fit with others.
I was watching Pokecapn's Sonic Colors playthrough (If you haven't, why not?), and, well 17:00 in You can fuse Wisp powers in the co-op mode? I've never played it with anybody else but I don't remember ever seeing anyone mention that! I hope I'm not just incredibly late to the party here. Going to go on the record and agree with some of the comments; if we ever see a Colors 2, Wisp Fusions would be an awesome concept to see more of.
Wait you can combine powers? That's fucking awesome!! I want Rocket Spikes, and Hover Laser, and Drill Frenzy
Still wanting to buy this but I just don't have the money for it the cheapest I've seen it is in PC World which was around £15, don't suppose anyone has seen it for cheaper than that?
I've known about this, I just thought it was really, really, really old. If I recall correctly, most of them are pointless...I don't exactly remember though. Mostly, they're just a combination of the wisps power. Most of the time, they're just each wisp you've used. (IE: Hover + Rocket, you'll be rocket first but the person with Hover is able to switch to Hover at any time.) Nice feature but kinda pointless unless you use dual-power. EDIT: Forgot to say, dual powers give you an additional bonus. Laser + Laser = Larger Area...and I think you can change direction at any time...don't exactly remember. Drill + Drill = Magnet Barrier (P2 keeps stealing all my rings though. > ) Hover + Hover = That barrier thing... Rocket + Rocket = Faster Acceleration(?) Spikes + Spikes = Same thing as Hover. Cube + Cube = Extra Rings
I knew you could combine wisp powers, but I only thought you could combine two of the same. This is pretty cool, admittedly.