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Sonic Colours out for Wii/DS

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, May 26, 2010.

  1. Ashram


    I still say the quote at 2:18 fits Sega and Sonic Team's business styles perfectly.

    + - "Please feel free to fill out a brief survey after your visit. Your opinions matter to us! ...Unless you didn't have fun; then we don't care."   :v:
  2. Greg the Cat

    Greg the Cat

    I'm gonna draw it! Banned
    A Zone Unknown of Title
    Comics from the Mind of Yours Truly, A little workshop of animation, Sonic FreeRunner
    Oh my, the delicious agreement. It's almost as if they hidden that message in there just to troll us some more.
  3. Abiondarg


    Clearly! That's why this game is obviously shit, right? :specialed:
  4. Greg the Cat

    Greg the Cat

    I'm gonna draw it! Banned
    A Zone Unknown of Title
    Comics from the Mind of Yours Truly, A little workshop of animation, Sonic FreeRunner
    One good game does not excuse a decade of mediocrity or a pretty poor sequel to the Megadrive classics.
  5. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Yeah, but it's enough to distract us until the next game.
  6. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    So, I finally, finally got all 180 red rings and all 7 Chaos Emeralds. I was lazy. I've basically been putting the game off for so long since I've been busy with Minecraft and Garry's Mod, but I won't get into that, since this isn't the topic for that. However, in Gmod, me and my friends do use Sonic player models and props, so that's always interesting.

    Anyways, I've really gotta say, Super Sonic would have been a better reward if it WASN'T an option-menu thing. It should have been enabled in the same fashion as the Classics (excluding Sonic 1 and iirc CD of course). Also, Super Sonic should have been allowed in boss fights and challenge mode. He also should have been allowed to use wisps. Or at least allow normal Sonic to use wisps before getting the 50 rings .He also should have still had a double jump. Also, Super Sonic would have been able to take advantage of the stages more if they started you off with 50 rings in Super Sonic mode (since they felt the need to make it an option menu thing, I'm not sure why they didn't do this).

    However, all I'm doing is repeating what you guys have already said many times. Regardless, Super Sonic IS still quite broken, and a whole lot of fun. But he seriously should have been an "Easy S Rank" reward for collecting so many damn rings. They make you work so much harder to get something that was much easier to get in Sonic 2 and Sonic 3, and even Sonic 4. And it feels like a better reward in those games, especially since Sonic 4 actually had some trophies for Super Sonic to get. =/

    I've hated the A and S ranks ever since they were introduced in SA2 (We need to go back to the SA1 method of just beating a harder challenge in the same stage, without ranking added onto it- SA2 was seriously annoying in having ranking added onto the mission-style concept from SA1), so I'm probably not going to get them all unless I'm really bored. The only game I've gotten them all in so far was Sonic Heroes. Also, I'm not even going to spoiler tag this shit, If somebody hasn't found out about Super Sonic being in this game by now, they live under a rock or something.
  7. Shade


    Just cleared this game out, Super Sonic and all. Overall, it was fantastic, and easily the strongest 3D offering yet. After the one-two punch of Sonic 4 and Sonic Colors, the franchise got back on its feet. Hopefully Sega can keep the momentum going for Sonic's 20th.

    Yeah. Game is great. That's all I can say, really. I didn't think they had it in them.
  8. I like that it was an option so you don't accidentally activate it when you don't want to. It's not really inconvenient to go through a menu for a few seconds. Agreed on the other points though, especially challenge mode.

    Speaking of challenge mode, is it possible to clear in less than 60 minutes. I remember someone, I think 1stkirbyever, mentioned that they were trying to do that.

    Then just ignore them, they don't unlock anything. I really like the rankings especially here, since there's more to it than going fast, collecting rings, and killing enemies. There's often multiple ways to get S ranks so it's fun to replay stages even after you've 'mastered' them.

    One more nitpick: I really wish they included leaderboards for time as well as score, and had separate records for Super Sonic.
  9. snow toilet

    snow toilet

    I huff kitty litter Member
    Anytime, USA
    Sonic Grand Prix??
    I, personally, like the whole ranking system in this game as well as others because it adds a lot of good replay value (it's also an excuse to listen to the amazing soundtrack over and over again). Sometimes it's tough to get some, especially on Terminal Velocity, but I see that as you practice each stage you'll get better at them leading into a better rank. I have about 12-15 S ranks.

    The red rings however are a bit more of a pain to obtain, in my opinion. Some are kept rather well hidden. If I'm not mistaken I have 91 red rings all together but still some were quite difficult. I plan on working on obtaining red rings after I complete S ranks all across the board.
  10. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Had a friend over on Saturday and we played the multiplayer mode together. We had a lot of fun, though our only universal complaint was that we shouldn't be able to hurt each other.

    Also, for some reason, his hedgehog was black instead of red. Dunno why, but we were using Miis instead of the plain ol' hedgebots.
  11. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    You can change the colors by pushing different buttons on the character select screen.
  12. Vinchenz


    Yo! Hustle! Hustle! Member
    I finally got all 180 Red Rings in this game... 44 S-Ranks too, but that's not important.

    Man oh man, I'd never thought I'd be so happy to see Super Sonic in a 3D Sonic game again... boy does it feel sooo good.
  13. You're probably better off getting red rings first because they each give a huge bonus for collecting them, even if you've already gotten them in a previous run. Getting four or five red rings before the bonus timer runs out is a good way to get S ranks.
  14. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Finally having Super Sonic playable in 3D is a bloody milestone, and I'm glad they went through with it after all this time. That being said, the way it was implemented made playing as Sonic with wisps a much more practical and preferable choice. Because of how scripted and rigid each of the levels are designed, Super Sonic is still just about as bounded as regular Sonic is, only now he has unlimited white-wisp power in lieu of any other wisp power. It's only mildly like what it was to use Super Sonic in the Genesis games.

    If Super Sonic could have opened up the game in ways that regular Sonic couldn't in 3D and 2D, even in small ways, or given a much stronger impression of speed and increased power or agility, then it would've been that much more satisfying to play as. Even if he could just use wisps in some super-powered way, then it would've been a little better than just having Super Sonic have unlimited boost and whatnot. As it stands, it's a nice novelty I might play with occasionally, but alternatively I think I'm better off just playing as regular Sonic, especially if I want to get S-ranks or something.

    Also, I wonder when Hyper Sonic and the Super Emeralds will make a return.
  15. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    Mine too.

    Well? Don't leave us hanging here, not all of us own the game.
  16. Abiondarg


    I booted up the game yesterday and went to the pots, and they looked like...

    Well, pots.
  17. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    In my opinion Super Sonic should atleast be able to use a Hover-like power...since, y'know, he can actually fly. And surely he should be able to dive through the ground with all his Super powery goodness. Ah well, what we got is still fun.
  18. MarkoMan


    In memory of Dreds... Member
    Queens, NY
    Sonic 2 Turbo
    I enjoyed super sonic.
    It would have been nice to have, like, a way to choose which wisp power you wanted to use for unlimited use... that would be awesome.

    but I guess I'll have to wait until someone hacks that into the game. Still, I found holding B forever as Super Sonic to be very, very entertaining.
  19. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    I am sort of a completionist, so I kind of sorta would like to 100% Colors. That's why I even bothered complaining about the ranking system. I've gotten a few more S ranks in Colors, and they're actually not too hard to get. Some stages can be quite frustrating to S-rank. I'm most likely gonna stop caring anyways.

    Anyways, I've really gotta say, this game's OST truly is my favorite out of any 3D Sonic game. It matches up with S3&K and CD in my eyes.

    As for how good of a game it is? Well, I find it fun/worth going back to, which is more than I can say for many Sonic games as of recently. If I try to go back and play Heroes, Shadow, 06, Black Knight or Secret Rings, they just feel like chores. Funnily enough, Sonic 4 and Sonic Colors are the only modern Sonic games I can see myself replaying somewhat frequently. I would add Rush Adventure to that list, but I need a new DSi charger. I would also add Unleashed, but having to relearn the game's sharp difficulty curve is a chore.

    So basically, if I were to score Colors, it would get an 8 or an 8.5. No, seriously. It's my favorite modern Sonic game. It has great mustic, production values, voice acting, script, a good story with great dialogue (although it's filled with too many lame jokes, it was otherwise great- especially Eggman), good level design, great powerups, great graphics, and even tolerable controls most of the time (with problems of course, though- like button mapping, floaty jump and such).

    I would like a story with more beef next time, though. It seemed there were too few cutscenes (due to a very simple and short story), filled with too many jokes in my eyes.
  20. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    I agree. Good story, too short/not enough details.

    I still have to finish getting all those S ranks, but it just doesn't feel right not using Super Sonic when I have the option...