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Sonic Colours out for Wii/DS

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, May 26, 2010.

  1. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Yo retro, Nick DiMola from has got a few words for you:

    tl;dr - he basically said were incompetent and cant tell between good and bad games even if we have been in a bad sonic game rut.;reviewId=234
  2. Azookara


    yup Member
    Some people have also been starved of a good Sonic game for so long that they'll never admit Sonic can be good ever again.

    Just saying. :v:
  3. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member
    Yeah you don't need to be a hardened Sonic fan to tell the difference between a good game and a bad game, and id like to think to some degree the retro community wouldnt praise a polished turd, which is basically what is said there. at very worst you could say Sonic Colours is average, but its by no means a bad game.

    In some ways Sonic Colours has put us 10 years back in time, this is probably the kinda thing we should have started with on the Dreamcast, all sega have to do is keep building up from this, Unleahed day acts were stage one, now sega are on stage 2 with colours and improving.
  4. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    Oh, wait a minute.

    We have been oh-so-hungry for a good Sonic game that we even ate all the Sonic 4 shit, like every review praising it and their mothers. Right? Right? I shit you not. We basically boycotted the whole game instead. As for Sonic Colors, the ones who liked the game genuinelly liked it because it's indeed good. And dare I say I can count in one hand the number of people here who actually didn't like the game. (Hayate comes to mind... :v:)

    Gawd, Screw Attack actually agrees with me? Oh man if I ever... They say that "woo SEGA did it this time!" and "it's worth buying not only for Sonic fans, but for platformer fans in general."
  5. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    I dunno. I think the few sparse seams in this wonderful game are showing themselves and getting tugged at. I think it's safe to say that GameTrailers, Destructoid, and most who gave the game around a 7 are generally right about spotty controls and less than exemplary stage design. Not saying this game is going to be terrible, but maybe not as great as I could have imagined it. We'll see. It still looks like one of the greatest Sonic games to come out since Adventure. I still need to finish this artificial LinkedList Java program before I can even think about getting the game already. And then an advanced Bash script after that.

    But yeah, it's laughably ironic to see that the same people who gave Sonic 4 Episode 1 high marks are dumping on Colors, but like I said: Colors is probably really great, but maybe not quite that great. Certainly better than Unleashed I'll venture to say.
  6. Vinchenz


    Yo! Hustle! Hustle! Member
    Just played the first 2 Zones.

    This is the best 3D Sonic game ever made. It outright stomps onto Adventure and Adventure 2 and reaches for the stars.

    This game is downright near-perfect and is almost as good as S3&K for me (so far).

    Good job, SEGA. I knew you'd bring back the Sonic we all loved one day.
  7. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    That was my reaction when I played it for the first time.

    Also, my brother brought it for his son, and his reaction was that this is as good as S3K minus the novelty of the lock-on effect.:v:
  8. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    After playing the game for a while, I can see why people would complain about the jump feeling weird—but I can't see why anyone would miss jumps because of it. It's not inaccurate, it's just a bit too floaty not as precise as it should be.

    The gameplay in general does feel "off" for 2D Sonic, but in the opposite direction from Sonic 4—it feels slightly too loose, whereas Sonic 4 felt a fair bit on the stiffer side.

    I can tell getting S-ranks is going to be a pain, and I'm not fond of the control mapping for some of Sonic's abilities—even with a GameCube controller, it feels like the game was designed for sideways Wii Remote. Why can't I boost during a drift section? Because there aren't enough buttons to give Drift its own button, so it hijacks the boost button. And of course, the ability to manually strafe during sidestep sections is gone because the lack of shoulder buttons in standard Wii control mapping results in quick-step hijacking the analog stick or d-pad. Incidently, why did they bother making this game compatible with a horizontal Wii Remote? Horizontal Wii Remote is a terrible control option for any game that was made more recently than 1990, for fuck sake.

    Also, I didn't think Sonic's "uncurl after jumping" issue would bug me as much as it does, but I've taken a few knocks because of that.

    Still, the game is fun as hell so far.

    EDIT: However, I really, really wish the Wii could output in HD...
  9. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    Oooh, Planet Wisp is plain fucking awesome. I love it so far.

    I totally need a component cable for my Wii, this game has made me realize it even more.

    Solaris, if you're pissed off about the blurry/unfocused image the Wii outputs, stop using a SCART/RGB cable and use component. =P
  10. Azookara


    yup Member
    I have a feeling I'm gonna enjoy this game, but I also have a feeling I'm gonna be let down by how the majority of the game is sidescrolling and the rest of the game is a mix between automation and reflex-testing.

    The realistic movement physics for Sonic (such as the turning, acceleration, and drifting) feel just right for a 3D Sonic game (and I'm sure they feel better in Colors than they did in Unleashed) but I have yet to see a game that features those type of things and at the same time manages to have decent level design. As petty as this sounds; the dash panels, rainbow hoops, automated segments, linear race tracks, constant homing chains, and the instant gratification of the boost is still keeping me incredibly skeptical.. and it's making it hard for me to believe this could really meet the fun factor and replayability level of, say, Sonic 3 and Knuckles or Sonic CD.

    I'm pretty sure this will be my favorite 3D Sonic, because the graphics, voice acting, music, scriptwriting and charm is bursting from the seams. Sonic Adventure will always be right behind though, because even with every category (graphics, charm, music, script, VAs) failing in comparison to Colors; SA1 still manages to have level design and gameplay that is the closer to the classics than any other attempts made by Sega. And since gameplay makes up such a wide margin of the game's focus, SA1 and Colors are nearly tied with Colors slightly in the lead; if not only because it did everything but the gameplay right.
  11. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    On the 480p setting please.

    I don't understand how/why people would play it in any other way. It's obnoxious. I remember buying my Wii with a gold wiring, component cable, for optimal display.
  12. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Got to agree with Azukara about this. Colours gets everything right except gameplay style. The 2D gameplay looks great, but there's too much of it. The 3D gameplay looks good but it's very basic, safe and non-3D.
  13. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    How do you guys know what I'm using? I could be using a massive 1080p bigscreen plasma screen for all you know.

    For the record, I have a reasonably-sized bedroom 720p screen and I have my Wii permanently hooked up via Component cable. 480p still isn't HD, and it's easy to tell that it isn't when you've been playing Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 games for the last couple of months.

    @ Azukara

    For what it's worth, the boost is severely nerfed in this game compared to Unleashed. You can still get a lot of distance from a full gauge, but you only get boost energy from White Wisp capsules and certain enemies, mainly badniks and the occasional "themed" Eggpawn. Having to actually think about when and how to use the boost makes it feel more like a legitimate power, in my humblest opinion.
  14. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Colors gets everything right but the gameplay and design.

    Your words, not mine. I still say it gets it done better than previous attempts, but still. What?
  15. Azookara


    yup Member
    It's not really fault in the gameplay itself, but just not of my preference. I like that it makes timing for the boost more strategic, but I'm still not fond of holding a button and getting instant and constant top speed. It's one of the same reasons I don't care for the dash panels setting your pace every time you encounter a shuttle loop, and why I don't care for the automated sections. They take away your input and they rocket you to top speed with little to no effort.

    That's cool for all the Unleashed fans / Rush fans / adrenaline junkies out there (and I admit it was cool the first time around with SU360), but I've never cared for Sonic games being fast with some platforming whenever they were always platformers with some speed.
  16. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    If they're like me, it's cause their TV doesn't support that kind of thing.
  17. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Honestly, Colors is made up of a lot more slow-paced platforming than speed sections. Most of it is that kind of "it's only as slow as you are at it" sort of platforming, barring the occasional "stand on a button to move an object" stage, and that makes the semi-automatic speed bits feels more legitimate as well, but make no mistake. The game has momentum in its physics, but it is not a momentum-based game. Which is fine by me; unlike the hype for Sonic 4, this game never sold itself on momentum. Still, the platforming doesn't feel like Sonic-style platforming most of the time.
  18. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    I see what is happening here.

    Azukara wanted the 3D sections to be like his idealized concept of "Sonic Freerunner," of what a good 3D-roaming Sonic could be. Which is a good thing. Instead, he got a shallow, vacuous, insane-indulcing mayhem, of the "can't get enough of this" variety, style of 3D sections, and he's completly deseived by it.

    While I understand his position, I have to agree with Solaris Paradox; momentum physics ARE there, but they are not the core gameplay feature of the game. More than that, the 3D sections were never advertised to be anything but filler, shallow, speed-blasting sections, just so to allow the game to be called "a 3D Sonic game" from the get-go. If you were expecting anything but this, you were clearly in an one-way path for disapointment.
  19. Azookara


    yup Member
    I noticed this lately too. Lots of the platforming in this game consists of walking across floating and/or moving cubes, making it feel much more "Mario" and flatground than a Sonic game should. Honestly when I hear that a 2D section of a Sonic game has platforming, I think of lots of slopes and hills meshed together with floating platforms, minor puzzles and area-specific gimmicks. The introduction to powerups is good and all, but I really don't care for the other decisions made with it. It looks as if besides the alternate routes you can take with the Wisps, the routes are nothing more than "jump from this platform to this one, run across flat land, stand on switch".

    And I'm sorry, people that are enjoying Colors at the moment. I don't mean to be interrupting your awesome experiences with my petty, pedantic opinions ruining it all. :<

    You basically hit the nail on the head, bro.

    And I know it was meant to be that. Doesn't mean I can't be disappointed about it and keep hoping for Sega to answer my plea or get the FreeRunner team to do it ourselves :v:
  20. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Just FYI - even with dashpads, this game is hardly automated. There are several places in the game where, even with dashpads, if you're not going fast enough, you flat out don't make a jump and wind up on a lower level. You regulate your speed with the boost. It's not 1:1 analogous, but it's similar to rolling in that regard. Take for example, the beginning of Planet Wisp act 1. After the quarter pipes in the beginning, you're pushed forward via dash pads towards a ramp. The dash pads are right before the ramp. However, if you simply run into the dash pads, you don't have enough speed to get flung up into the air high enough to hit a trick ring to reach the upper part of the level. You need to be boosting when you hit that dash pad, or else you'll only be able to reach the lower portion of the level.

    There are a bunch of situations like this.