This post has just made me think of something; wasn't this guy seen in early screenshots of the Wii version: But now I have the game, I've just realised I haven't seen this Badnik anywhere... There definitely were pictures of him in the game though, right? (EDIT: ninja'd...)
Apparently so, considering both you and Cooljerk brough it up. It would be good if we could get said pre-release pictures. Oh, unrelated, but in pre-release screenshots, Planet Wisp was at night instead of daylight. Also, the DS version had different names in the stages, like, Aqua Park instead of Tropical Resort. Interesting. Polygon Jim to the rescue, to see if there are leftover 3D models of said unused badniks. :v: EDIT:Actually, I went ahead and looked it myself and... EnemyBatabata EnemyBeeton EnemyGanigani EnemyJaws EnemyLander EnemyLarva EnemyMetalSpanner EnemyMetalSpinner EnemyMole EnemyMotora EnemyNal EnemySpanner EnemySparva EnemySpinner EnemySprinkler wat?
That's right. No copyright law in the universe. I'm probably just going to buy this game anyway, even if I don't have the equipment to play it on. :v:
The Bee badnik is clearly Buzzer in the DS version, and looks like him in old Wii stuff (I don't have the game yet so I can't actually check) Found the Butterfly: EDIT: Ninja'd by the post below me, damn. The pic comes from this video, which also shows different object layouts underground, no music for the laser and the announcer says "spin" instead of "drill". And does he still shout "colour up" each time you grab a wisp in the final?
Nope. Also, apparently, the Wisps were called "phatoms" internally before being actually called "Wisps." Hmm.
That's interesting. Wisp is definitely the friendlier and more fitting name, though Phatom would have been better than Nega-Wisp. And while the Badnik discussion is still here, I love the redesigns for them in this game. They still have all their personality and have been rather interestingly, more than can be said for the Badniks in S4. Especially Chopper and Jawz in Aquarium Park on the DS. Not sure about the Wii version but the art gallery on the DS ones shows how the new Chopper is a mix of the S1 Masher and S2 Chopper with the colour scheme of Jaws.
I keep forgetting about it, to be honest. The only other game I can recall playing in any depth with it was Secret Rings and I've tried to mentally block that out. =P Really need to go back to Unleashed at some point. Fucking Werehog stages keep discouraging me...
I honestly don't see how anyone could forget a move which you are required to use in order to progress. That stomping often saves a bit of time when going downward is also pretty good incentive to remember it.
Ok, so while playing this game (not finished it yet though) I simply have one thing to say. Oh my fucking God. What have they done? They got it right! It has flaws, obviously, but so does every game. I really hope they continue in this direction in future. AA / RubyEclipse - I am sure Sonic Team already know by now, but please reiterate - you guys did a fantastic job on this, keep going, Sonic isn't dead anymore. A couple more stellar installments like this and Sonic will be on top once again.
If it's not that on then it's the Sweet Mountain video from E3 that's also on there. I remember back then having to watch several times to spot it. It's definitely those E3 videos that it came from though.
No, but + - in the final boss, when using all Wisps at once, he does say something like "Unlimited Colour Power!"
So decided to have my go to see if I could determine all the enemies in this game... Here's my conclusions: + - Egg Pawn Spinner Electric Spinner Burrobot (Large) Grounder (Small) Buzzer (design like a Buzzer but color scheme closer to Buzz Bomber) Crabmeat Spiny New Motora (Large... It has their color scheme almost) Motobug (Small) Jaws (Big) Chopper (Small) Spikes (I firmly believe that giant Lobster thing is based on Spikes from Sonic 1) Jawz (Big) Drisame (Small) Crawlton (might be Catterkiller with the Blue color scheme, which might make it a Sand Worm?) What I got.
I only really thought of it as a destruction move, rather than a instant-slam-to-a-stop move. That help you out at all?
According to the DS gallery, it's neither of those. It simply has the name + - "mole" . Granted only the larger variant appears, it doesn't look like what you suggested at all in the art.
Well, maybe spending as much time playing as Luigi as I have just changes one's perspective on Stomp attacks.
So not + - Burrobot and Grounder and simply + - moles , got it though to be fair both + - Burrobot and Grounder are Mole Badniks. Anyone have a rip of the DS concept art? I have not played the DS version and don't know much about the differences in it besides characters appearing and the final boss.