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Sonic Colours out for Wii/DS

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, May 26, 2010.

  1. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Topic: tl;dr

    I love one of the conversations on the DS version with + - Silver and Blaze: Silver (to Blaze): It almost felt like we've paired up before. Tails (to Silver and Blaze): Wow, maybe you guys were partners somewhere, some time.  

    + - They both go out of their way at other points to talk about where they come from. Blaze saying she's from another dimension and was led to the park by the Sol Emeralds (she mentions Marine too), while Silver says he comes from a bright future where everyone has a smile (a direct reference to ).  
  2. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    It's easier than Rush, and about on par with Rush Adventure, but more fun and longer than either.
  3. Penguin


    Hey, would it be possible for someone to convert the Planet WIsp Act 1 song to MIDI?

    Easier than Rush?

    Dear. God.

    That's almost criminally easy.
  4. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    Fuck it, after playing Starlight Carnival again I totally want a component cable for my Wii. This shit is FABULOUS.
  5. Columind


    Geistbox Member
    Music and Comics
    Hey guys guess what time it is?!

    It's Sterling Time!!!

    Fucking hell.

    Also I'm very much enjoying this game.
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I'm quite shocked that he didn't like it. Really I am. But fuck it like I said in my post there, that review is the outlier this time and not part of the majority rule. So really who gives a fuck.
  7. Thousand Pancake

    Thousand Pancake

    Being a food you put milk on and then eat in the m Member
    Just got back from playing the DS version through emulation at the library.

    It was fast. And pretty nice.
  8. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Some of Destructoid's community apparently. If you look at the comments, some won't buy the game because of Jim Sterling's review.
    The amount of people bitching about how Jim's opinion is different than theirs will probably be bigger though.
  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oh I'm trying to put some logic into one of these idiots in particular (My name in those posts is PJMan) but it isn't working that well. I understand not looking into a game when every review is bad, but so far it's just one really. A 6.4 isn't that atrocious. Most of the reviews though have been positive, and the game has a 79 metacritic score. Seems good to me.
  10. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member
    yeah this is like the only bad review, Gametrailers was kinda "so-so" about it.

    But laggy controls? what?
    Cheap pitfalls, hell, the game WARNS your before bottomless pits and I think in my entire first play through I only fell in less than 5 times, and that was only because I was trying to be cocky

    I can agree about the controls though, do NOT use anything accept the gamecube controler, the classic controler has the buttons in all the wrong places, the wiimote alone is stupid, the only passable option is wiimote and nunchuck. but yeah, gamecube controlers ONLY game.

    But yeah like, at the end of the day, this guy is in the minority lol but again im sad, reading from the comments below that review, that its convicing people not to try it >_>

    effing sheep
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well most of those posters seem to be idiots, and I bet half of them will blindly buy the game and the other half never intended to buy it, just wanted to chime in to say lol shit game is shit, only because their fat lord Jim agreed with their baseless opinions.

    Congrats people, some fat guy gave the game a 4.5. Must mean serious business. Oh wait.
  12. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    I might be horribly mistaken

    But seriously, we've just been trolled. :argh:
  13. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member
    Mabye their just bitter about that troll picture they got sent with the review copy of Colours lol
  14. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    In my leak preview earlier this week, I tried to play using my Gamecube controller, but for some odd reason, the controller registers that the control stick is always pushed to the right, even when it's not. Then again, it's a GameStop controller, so...
  15. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Are you saying it's not serious business? Remember what happened the last time a fat guy gave a popular game a surprisingly low score?
  16. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member
    Wait am I missing something, I mean I don't really care about scoring, but how is 8.8 a bad score?


    oh wait sorry, zelda fanbase lol
  17. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    Didn't like Twilight Princess, I think the score is fitting. The bullshit and drama that ensued from it was hilarious though. However, a bad Zelda game isn't a terrible game by any means.
  18. Columind


    Geistbox Member
    Music and Comics
    Nah, that was an in-joke I believe. Sega even posted it on their FB page or something among those lines, Jim's pretty cool with the guys over there.

    Either way Sterling considers the DS version brilliant so make of it what you will.

    Probably your controller cause I've had numerous stints when it comes to 3rd party controllers, especially GC ones. They're never reliable, ever.

    My Wavebird works pretty damn fine with the game though. I have to admit, I started with my Classic Controller and for a few seconds I couldn't get into the game. Like, at all. It might be better with Classic Controller Pro due to the handles but I still prefer the GC Control Stick as well. So yeah the control switch literally saved the game for me.
  19. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness

    Oh god I'm going to get so much use out of this image. XD

    So! I just beat Colours about an hour ago after starting it last night - total of 7 and a half hours gameplay. My thoughts (spoilered as I'm not doing shit individually):

    + - * Sonic running across the screen back and forth, S2 style, before the main title screen (which in itself is pretty neat, actually. Very warp speed). Nice homage =) * Sonic being a cocky bastard. Tails being sarcastic (the conversation about talking to dead robots and refusing to forget it & the conversation about the translator "Oh, wait, that was ME!" spring to mind). Robotnik in general. Orbot & Cubot, and their interactions with the Doctor (the scene halfway through with the voice chip change is possibly the highlight of this). The writing, story and characterisation in this game have been done very well, and the fact there's only 6 real characters in the entire game means the ones that ARE there are focused on decently. * Classic badniks! I spotted Crabmeat, Chopper, Spiny, and Crawlton in stages - and this doesn't even include the entire Motobug racing level (which made a brief reprise in the escape section after the final boss). * No werehogs. No angsty emo with guns. No TEAMWORK~ switching. Just Sonic, running through levels, defeating badniks, and if you put in enough effort, playable Super Sonic in levels (though I haven't got this yet, I know of it, so eh. =P) THIS is how 3D Sonic should be done. * A small point, but loading screens are next to non-existant - after Sonic 06 ESPECIALLY this is very nice to see. * Underwater, and the drowning music! The terror is back =P * The Sonic simulator - specifically, the S1 level recreactions. GHZ1, MZ1, SYZ1, SLZ1, LZ1 - all of these are in, and there may well be more I haven't got the red rings to unlock. * In fact, my only real complaints about the game are that precision platforming is still tricky in the 2D sections (the 2 stages with the yellow bouncing spring come to mind) and there are still one or two cheap sections, though this is somewhat of a minor complaint (the main two I'm thinking of are 1) in the water world where you're running along a 3D path into the screen and the ! symbol comes up - a few seconds later you have to jump across a pit past a waterfall and the jump required is SO precise my success rate was like 1 jump in 4 - annoyingly, I died a couple of times after this jump but before the next checkpoint so got 2 Game Overs thanks to this bloody thing - and 2) the precision platform section of the Cube level on Planet Wisp at the end. Fell off a couple of times by either over-reaching or under-reaching on a platform)).  

    So yeah, I enjoyed it a lot =P This is the first 3D Sonic I have actually bothered to reach the end credits on since Sonic Adventure 2, despite owning (and playing) Heroes, Shadow, 06 and Unleashed. Well done Sega, you FINALLY got it right. Iron out those last few flaws and you have a PERFECT base for the 20th anniversary game.

    EDIT: People posted while I was posting, so I'll mention this now I've remembered it from those posts - I started playing with the Wii Remote & Nunchuk, but switched over to my Wavebird as of Sweet Mountain. SO much better. This game really doesn't work with the remote - it's mainly the waggle shit for activating the wisps, I think.
  20. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    I have no doubt that jumping isn't quite right, but... why does it seem like everyone keeps forgetting that Sonic has a Stomp now?