Yeah I can see your point there. Wish there was some way for me to rent the DS version but I'll probably just watch it on youtube. Btw, the "monster of the week" version is getting a higher metacritic then the "good" version. What?!...
We've had this conversation with regards to Unwiished. Fortunately, in this case, most of the actual buyers know where the real money's at.
Because someone made a booboo. Someone send a message to Metacritic or the reviewers in question and let them know so whoever fixes shit like that can fix it. Here. while someone is at it, please tell them to submit the more positive reviews of colors wii they are lacking.
The hat is a retail product as far as I'm aware and should be available seperately, if not now then shortly. I have a Euro version here which has a tag, barcode etc and is made by GREAT EASTERN ENTERTAINMENT CO. INC. Who I guess do the US ones as well as they are based in California.
Man, I can't get over how this game just pulls out the stops on the cool things. Fantastic worlds, phenomenal music, classic badniks, water levels, a focus on platforming, a plot that doesn't involve the Chaos Emeralds though they're still available on the side, SUPER SONIC BEING PLAYABLE IN THE STAGES, etc. It's practically unprecedented, given the 3D installments in the past. I want this game so much. Has anyone stateside managed to grab a copy?
I have but I seem to be lucky as I don't know many that have. There are a few other people here and there, though it released in Europe and Australia now so the wait isn't too much longer. I'm surprised SEGA shipped early, though I guess that isn't new. The city I live in often gets shipments from Asia a lot earlier than other places (one of the biggest cities on the West Coast and parallel across the Pacific Ocean to Japan) however this doesn't always happen, like we got Sonic Heroes a few days late because we were experiencing a terrible snow storm at the time of release and sometimes things get shipped to Cali first and doesn't reach here as quickly, or New York or something. Though companies these days ship earlier to make sure it's in shops on release day, so I find more often games arrive early so there isn't a day or few delay for those waiting. I like it a lot as I don't have to wait longer for a game I'm excited for BUT I can see the downside since then we get these cases where some places break street date. EDIT: Also Launch Trailer released.
No I don't think it should be, it should be celebrated, not hidden away because people think they will be "waaa waaa spoiled" by it, FYI this isnt a fricking spolier. Story related spoliers are the only thing worth hiding if you ask me, knowing this information will NOT spoil the game for you, it will give you extra drive to play it more!
WAIT. Sonic Colors spoilers but something just hit me about the ending of Colors: + - So Eggman finishes saying for Orbot and Cubot to hurry up, he already has a revenge scheme planned to finally stop Sonic. HOWEVER, I just realized something. In the games, with the exception of Sonic 4, Eggman has NEVER had a 'revenge scheme'. Sure he says "I WILL CRUSH SONIC!" but his schemes always are involved around completing something and not destroying Sonic until towards the end when his plans are falling apart (seriously it's by like this for years), making destroying Sonic a secondary goal. Also I found it a bit strange Eggman said this since he never suggests he has another scheme planned by the end of the game. This reminded me of how Sonic Team said they wanted a stronger continued story in the Sonic Universe, like how Colors takes place after Unleashed and how Eggman is already preparing something for whatever his next scheme is. This made me think though, I could be wrong but what if Sonic's 20th anniversary game has something to do with some revenge scheme? We are told that Sonic Anniversary stars old locations with Sonic Unleashed/Colors style gameplay, what if this is somehow linked to Eggman's scheme or some scheme to get rid of Sonic? I doubt the game doesn't have story if the game is true, in fact I could see it having a story similar to Colors style, but now it's nitpicking me that maybe SEGA was actually hinting something with Eggman already having his next scheme planned and particularly his word choice of wanting revenge on Sonic. Eggman has said a lot of things through the years but he never has said 'revenge scheme" particularly aimed AT Sonic.
Any UK people got their Argos preorders yet? Mine hasn't arrived, but I live in the middle of nowhere and things take a while to get here. Was wondering if anyone got the figures delivered with their preorder?
Been waiting all morning for mine...aaagh I wanna play it!! And I'll have to go to work soon...just hope someone's in to answer the door while I'm out...and that the figures come with it!
I've been playing this since about 10am and oh my gosh This is the best Sonic game in like 15 years, and this is coming from someone who's loved adventure since the christmas it was released! In fact, the only reason I'm not playing it right now is the room with the tv in it doesn't have blinds/curtains that work so I can't see where I'm going in dark levels because it's day time. I hope they keep making games like this. And now I see where Sonic 4's budget went. Although little niggles: I'd like to spindash in the 2D sections and the announcer is so much louder than the rest of the sound, I'd like to be able to listen to those sweet tunes without "DRILL" This game looks beautiful in 1080p :D Also because of this game I now have new favorite level themes. Planet Wisp, Tropical Resort, Terminal Velocity, Aquarium Park, and Starlight Carnival are now my favorite level themes, along with Hydrocity Zone, Marble Garden Zone, and Launch Base Zone from Sonic 3 and Knuckles and Palmtree Panic from Sonic CD. That's not to say that these are necessarily my favorite levels but I love the art style for each of these levels.
Going back for a bit... What do you mean "no exploration"? I saw plenty of it, obviously not S3&K's level of it. Unless you're talking about the 3-d segments, in which case, I'd agree. Really? From what I saw(from the promotional videos) it looked incredibly shallow. Almost to the point where I would have called it outdated platforming with a straight face. I don't know. Maybe that's another one of SEGA's clever marketing techniques at work. Having standards for Game Land really low and they shattering them completely because they know most will play it anyway since it unlocks you-know-who.
There's a reason for that you know... + - they're all based on Sonic 1 stages. But I guess you were talking more in line about the gameplay and not the actual level design. In which case, I'll agree. It does leave a little to be desired, I'd say. But who am I to judge, haven't gotten a chance to take it for a spin yet. :v: didn't even arrive! What's the point of pre-ordering if they can't even deliver it on the day of release for you?