"THE MIGHTY OCEAN. CRADLE OF ALL LIFE... Trivialized for your amusement! Only at Eggman's fantastic interstellar amusement park!" "This attraction features many exotic and endangered species. Enjoy them with a delicious soy glaze or spicy BBQ sauce!"
...In which manuals does it refer to the planet as Mobius? Aside from Spinball and DRMBM, which don't really fit in with the rest of the games.
Perhaps he was using it sarcastically. Eggman always wanted to have his own world(s), and he kinda gets that in Colors. Meanwhile, everybody on Earth loves Sonic, so Eggman just calls it HIS WOOO—no, no.
Well I don't remember how canon any of this is, but isnt Eggman from an alternate world to Sonic anyway, so mobium/earth, whatever isnt his native world, ergo this planet is "sonic's world"? or am I way off the mark confusing different continuities?
A menacing voice telling you "I'm going to destroy your entire world." is much more threatening than "Sup bros, I'm gonna go blow up the world, brb." It has nothing to do with the continuity it's just better writing.
Even in the Archie continuity, there was a Robotnik that existed in Sonic's world before Robo-Robotnik replaced him. It was more of an alternate-universe kind of deal, basically the Archie equivalent of Eggman-Nega... or at least it was until Archie introduced Eggman-Nega into the continuity... (I have no idea what sequence of events transformed Robo-Robotnik back into a human Robotnik, or why it allowed him to keep the new design he only had because he uploaded his mind into a new body, BUT FUCK LOGIC LET'S JUST GET TO THE NEXT ROMANCE SUBPLOT.)
Well im from the UK so that must be Fleetway STC, not Archie lol but yeah it dosent apply, I thought there was something about that in an old megardrive game manual, but I must have been imagening it XD
Triple Trouble and the aformentioned Sonic CD (I think) too. Lets see if I can remember: SONIC X: Eggman's from Chris' Earth(?); crossed over to Sonic's world somehow, then crosses back in Ep1. ARCHIE / SATAM: First "Robotnik" was from same world as Sonic, a far-future Earth. Current "Eggman" is a parallel universe copy. OVA: Never really says, presumably Eggman and Sonic were both born on Planet Freedom. FLEETWAY: Ovi Kintobor came to Mobius in a spaceship from our present-day Earth. (One storyline had Amy go there) Game canon has no explicit statements as to either Sonic or Eggman's origin
If I were an evil genius hell-bent on destroying my arch-nemesis, I'd probably feel a lot better about destroying a planet if my arch-nemesis was from/on said planet. Maybe by calling it "Sonic's world", he's giving himself more justification for his actions. EDIT: Or maybe it's just a game made for kids about a blue hedgehog.
So, finished completely spoiling the game for myself for no reason, and DAMN it is short... obviously, there will be way more time spent getting all the rings and doing the 2 player stages... but it kind of caught me off guard. The Credits were like 1/3 of the game :P Other than that though, and some other tiny issues, it looks amazing... if only it were longer... but I'll enjoy doing the extra stuff.
Wasn't it explicitly stated in Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic Unleashed that the current game canon takes place on Earth?
An alien race, called the Bem, arrived on Mobius (a far future Earth), beamed Sonic & Tails up to their ship, along with Robotnik & Snively, and pulled a switcheroo, roboticizing Sonic & Tails, while deroboticizing the villains, and pit them against one another in a holographic recreation of Robotropolis. Naturally, Sonic & Tails won easily, and from there the Bem High Command judged Robians to be superior to Mobians and ordered the ship to roboticize all residents of Mobius. But, in an act of insubordination, the Bem in charge of the ship disobeyed and instead deroboticized everyone, and then ensured that no one on Mobius could ever be roboticized again... therby severing another one of the few remaining ties Archie had to SatAM. Thank Heaven Ken & Karl, with their absurd "BUT FUCK LOGIC LET'S JUST GET TO THE NEXT ROMANCE SUBPLOT"-antics and arbitrary plot turns (like the one above), are gone. As far as Eggman keeping his design, they simply left it at "He prefers it", with him constantly rebuilding new bodies with that design... too bad; I kind of wanted to see a version of Eggman sporting that "Hulk Hogan" shell from #75.