Hm..... Tails' voice is great, but Sonic's... Thing is he sounds much better than Drummond and Griffith, but far from a Jaleel White. First off, as Tweaker said, he sounds older than a teen, and secondly he seems to be missing some inflections and emotion here and there. He doesn't strike me as that blue dude with the Sonic attitude. Maybe this an effect due to them being in a casual conversation. Thanks AAUK for the footage. However, I think I might be starting to see that cringe-wirthy writing I keep reading about in reviews. The music is also much too juvenile and doesn't sound funky, groovy Sonic-y enough. Add some more rhythm please. Even if you must play it at minimal volume so as to hear the characters talking. Because the music as it is now sounds like something you'd rip from an average cartoon nowadays. But it's pretty alright. Besides, the thing that has me interested is the gameplay and it seems to be fun.
Thank you, AAUK... for making the waiting unbearable. I'm not very fond of Sonic's voice, though. But I definitely like him sounding more mature. Makes it feel like time has passed. The voice-acting on itself is perfect. Also, Tails's voice fits amazingly with the character. He, too, sounds a little older, but it's good that this time he sounds like an actual boy, rather than a girl. I like what I've seem so far. Then again, I must say that Corey Bringas will always be Tails's voice to me. And Martin Burke will always be Sonic to me! <3 ...ahem.
Hmm... First thing that comes to mind with sonic is "he sounds older." We have been used to the whole Drummond/Griffith style voice acting its hard picturing another voice. but then again sonic isnt a kid anymore, shouldn't he sound older? I kind of see the point of going in this direction instead of copy/paste. Not saying I hate it at all! first impression did good. but its just going to take some getting used to. that and this is Smith's FIRST game people If I remember correctly Griffith didn't sound too hot either when he voiced SHTH (first appearence) and riders (second appearence) but by unleashed (sixth appearence) he had the voice down. Hoping it wont take soo long to have smith get used to his new role. Tails sounds great. A bit quiet but otherwise no other problems.
Sonic's voice will definitely take some getting used to since every voice prior had a certain associated high-pitched tone to it. Tails sounds accurate enough that I completely forgot that he was being voiced by woman. The gestures are slightly off or not fluid enough, but overall I am liking what I am seeing.
Hmm. I really like the voices. I haven't decided if I like Sonic's more than Drummond or not, but it's definitely a huge step up from Griffith. Also, anyone else notice Sonic's moonwalk at the beginning of that cut scene?
That really wasn't very funny. I was really expecting Sonic to end his last line with "if you know what I mean", but there was no punchline at all, just "time to introduce the world map, hell yeaaaah!".
The voice at first glance didn't feel like Sonic. Probably cause I'm so used to him having the higher pitch in his voice. But after watching it again, it also shows progression. Sonic should be somewhat older, and the lower tone could work with his new voice. Tails was awesome. I am loving the new voice.
Dude, that was definitely a nice surprise. I usually don't get too worked up over voice actors, but this made me excited. I love that Tails sounds so much more natural than before. Sonic sounds really different but it's in a very positive way. And I love the interaction between the two. Tails knowing binary and Sonic takin a small shot at him. And it was light hearted and fun. Thanks for this and pass it on to the people making the calls on this game. It's turning out to be a real gem.
And so nobody's talking about the demo? EU Nintendo channel. It's fun. Definitely a lot less like Rush that I expected, but really good fun. The Red Wisp is insanely awesome. - They changed the slide. Back at E3 you had to swipe the touch screen to use it, and now it's simply done by pressing R (or swiping if you want to). Much better. - Music rocks - Burst is a very fun move - Homing attack belongs in this game, not S4 (no seriously, it's the type of gameplay) - Visuals ultimately are okay. It's strange how the DS games are such a step down visually form the Advance ones. The background is static- no animation or parallex. - I'm not sure, but is Sonic's running animation different to the Rush games? It looks horrible. - They added voice clips! - If you don't take the hang glider at the end of the stage and opt for the upper route, prepare for that typical Dimps end of stage death trap.
Well I'm not talking about the demo because I don't have a way to get it. Anyone notice that Tails' tails aren't connected to him? EDIT: And something else too....are the cutscene models the same as the gameplay models from Unleashed? They look exceptionally high-poly.
Nice cutscene, all three characters have decent acting, eg. Sonic's snarkiness, Tails' fumbling professor demeanor. Both voices, while acted out pretty well, sound a bit too deep pitched for the characters though, almost as if the cutscene has been slowed down. I'm just used to Sonic sounding kinda high pitched and hyper.
Tails is sitting on his toolbox at the start of that scene, which has a handle so he's sitting on the left-handside (his left) of the toolbox to avoid doing himself a mischief on said handle, which is why it looks that way because the handle is blue and is between the camera and his tails.
Oh, sorry. I'm used to [ flash ] or [ video ] on other forums. And since I changed the link since you quoted me because I used the wrong one: