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Sonic Colours out for Wii/DS

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, May 26, 2010.

  1. Jetstreamx


    Linework for Knux Redux (fancomic)
    I really hope this does well. The Sonic Unleashed daytime stages, in terms of the gameplay really made me feel like a kid again. I'm glad what reviews it's getting are good ones. I mean, sure, I'd probably love it anyway. (I suffer from easy to please syndrome. I'll use my enjoyment of 75 percent of ShTH for reference. Yeah, it's that bad.) I'm trying to avoid any more of the images and footage from this game. Everything I saw early has me uber excited, and knowing it's using Sonic Unleashed gameplay doesn't help. As easy as I am to please, I really hope this does well enough so that I'll have something to talk about after I beat it!

    BTW, forgive my rambling, I'm running on little sleep, but am I the only one who finds it humorously appropriate that Sonic Colors DS is Sonic Rush 3? Sonic Unleashed seriously felt like Rush on steroids.
  2. E-122-Psi


    Biggest complaint seems to be multiplayer, which a few 3D games don't have anyway so perhaps can be forgiven.

    Review states Roger's voice to be for better it seems. Now I have to hear a cutscene for this game.
  3. NomadTW


    I ain't gotta impress you fucks. Member
    >'Sonic isn't about slow moving platforms'

    Every classic Sonic game had these types of situations. Sonic isn't just about speed, etc, etc... I doubt it'll be an issue for me, at any rate.

    Also, not as good as Sonic Adventure? Someone's got their rose tinted glasses on. :P

    But eh, it's nice to hear them speak so highly of it, and if multiplayer is the most negative thing he can think of, I think we'll be just fine.
  4. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    Wow, can hardly wait to see the reactions to "Why we should raise a glass to Dimps, the developer that saved Sonic".
  5. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member
    Comparsion to old games shouldent be a factor anyway. if its good, its good, it dosent matter how much so relitive to something else
  6. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    >Implying Sonic 4 is good and Sonic Colors is bad.
  7. I'm really curious to see what they revealed about Ocarina 3DS
  8. Dusk Golem

    Dusk Golem

    Where Fear and Cryptic Puzzles lie... Member
    It wasn't much, the Zelda articles were severely lacking with nothing new. Resident Evil articles had a few small tidbits though.
  9. It's ONM, stupid statements come with the territory.
  10. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Hang on, hang on, look at the situation being brought up—and remember that "drag on" bit, that's kind of important.

    It's, well, sort of the difference between a Marble Zone and an *insert non-draggy platforming stage here* Zone.

    Keeping in mind that Dimps has been providing the better selection of Sonic games in recent years...
  11. Felik


    Since when people are admitting that 2D Sonic side-scrolling platform games are actually good in their own way?
  12. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Dude, I've always said that Rush is a good game in its own way. It just doesn't really do it for me.

    Granted, I can't blame people for totally bashing Sonic Advance 2. I mean, it's only fair, Sky Canyon bashed them first! :v:
  13. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, I just think that sentence alone is "PLEASE FLAME US ETC."
  14. Dissent


    @SailsSez on Twitter Member
    I just...don't get it. Are we retro Sonic fans so minuscule in that we're outpopulated by new Sonic fans that want nothing but speed? Why can't these reviewers use their fucking brain. Sonic was built on speed, yes, but there was plenty of moments when gameplay was slow and this is what made the games feel complete; having more than just speed. I'm going to disregard this guys reasoning for taking points off and say he gave it a 95%. So yeah, congratulations guys, Sonic Colors is amazing!
  15. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    ...only because people are stupid and don't know how orient themselves on Sky Canyon.

    I never had any problems on that stage, and we I played it for the first time I was a stubborn teenager, was way more stupidier than I currently am, and still managed that stage pretty well.

    In fact, Sky Canyon 'nd Boss are my favorite zones. Period.

    Can you help me? I cannot find a "non-draggy" platforming stage on the classic Genesis Sonic titles.
  16. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Flying Battery Zone is one that comes to mind as being fucking awesome, while having quite a few platforming parts in it too. Also, non-draggy, as per requirements.
  17. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    It's not just reviewers who think that way - people who played Sonic as a kid but didn't exactly "grow up" on Sonic think he's all about speed. Egoraptor and Brian Lee O'Maley made some comments about how "Sonic's all about speed, but they always emphasized the opposite".
  18. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Something that doesn't involve you waiting for shit to get out of your way or making memorization-based leaps of faith on subsequent playthroughs to avoid the parts that you would otherwise be forced to wait for.

    Let's say, something like Mystic Cave Zone. Platformy, but for the most part you're allowed to keep your flow up, provided you're good enough. Marble Zone just gets in your way a lot.

    Labyrinth Zone does, too, but I always got the sense that Labyrinth was at least providing more interesting gameplay than Marble Zone.

    For the most part, I've always viewed Green Hill, Spring Yard, Star Light, and Scrap Brain as good examples of what Sonic games should aspire for, and viewed Marble and Labyrinth as examples of the types of stages that should be used sparingly. There's a difference between injecting skill into the speed element, and actually designing a stage to work against the speed element.
  19. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    The second I saw this line I cringed simply from thinking of the reaction it'd get here =P

    Also, can we keep the discussion on topic, please? If you want to talk about Overrated Of Time 3DS, there's the General Gaming forum for that. k thx =P
  20. Shakidna


    Rehash Rampage Member
    So... they went as far as to ask "Will this game live up to the masterpiece that is Sonic Adventure 2: Battle?" then didn't even bother to include it in their 'wall of quality'. Nice.