Perhaps the setting on various alien planets will allow for more imaginative, surreal levels, rather than the realistic Earth-like settings of late. The "sci-fi themed amusement park" statement sounds promising, as does the "2D/3D gaming perspective". Of course we'll have to wait and see the gameplay before properly judging it! Also, my favourite comment on NeoGAF: I echo the sentiment for the UK release!
A WINNER IS YOU Holiday 2010 is this Christmas, right? It certainly looks trippy does this, but for some reason the logo makes me think of Columns or Puyo Puyo. Oh, yes this. This shall be to Colours what Green Eyes is to S4.
Can we do that anyway? If it did nothing else right, Unleashed demonstrated his time's come and gone. As for the game itself, it sounds like Rush repackaged slightly on Chaotix's premise. I'll wait until I know who is behind the development before making serious judgments about the potential quality of this project.
I'm not one for being hyped too easily over a trailer, but I'll be damned if I'll let this opportunity pass. I've been waiting for a mainstream Sonic game on the DS since September 2007. (I completed Sonic Rush Adventure on the week it came out back then and have been waiting since) and it's coming to the Wii as well? Sounds good. I also happily welcome the fun, child-like look the trailer has put forward for this. With Sonic being portrayed as so damn serious all the time lately, it's about time he loosened up.
The use of colour and the lines made me instantly think of this little gem. Would be interesting to see Sonic rolling around like that. But, regardless, this is just whimsical musing.
Eggman Amusment Park being the games setting? This reminds me of something... :v: Anyway, seeing Sonic and Tails together already makes me happy. The aliens are also cute; I love the visuals in the trailer :3
So if you guys noticed in the press release, it mentions a boost gauge. Banking on Sonic Rush/Unleashed gameplay to be present.
The next generation of Chao? :v: This game looks to be quite interesting. I'm waiting to see more, so we'll see what happens.
You know what this game reminds me of for some reason? No reason other than the birds and the aliens, but still... Also I wonder is this is part of the storybook series...
Sorry I was too busy staring at your freaky sig If it plays like Unleashed did in the Daytime Stages, I wouldn't be surprised. We've been asking for that for a long time; could this be SEGAs creative answer? From what I hear too, the Aliens seem to give the player unique abilities. Possibly a homage to the Element Shields?
That was my first thought as well. Hopefully, it's not part of the storybook series, especially after Black Knight.
I'll bet they function like star bits in Mario Galaxy except with power ups. While Sonic is moving, the player uses the Wiimote/Stylus to grab them and mix combinations of them giving him different moves and shit.
Oh good, nobody needs to make a petition. But those eyes, man. If this did play anything like Unleashed daytime, with the trippy, colourful, cheery art style seen in the trailer, I am going to be all over this. Hopefully, the boost bar may be limited to one of them Wisp types, seeing as they apparently give different powers. Who knows. Wisp sounds familiar, somehow.
I'm trying hard to not get excited over 20 seconds of trailer CGI but...damned if I don't think this has potential. I've actually recently thought up a gameplay mechanic similar to this a few months back...this could get interesting. Keeping my eye on this one. (Plus the music sounds like what you'd expect from a Sonic game, so it's awwwright.)