You're welcome. It's true that I don't do any hack game like others, but I'm doing a game with TGF which got some Sonic references even if Sonic is not present in it. But that's a secret. Also, I've done Metal Sonic and Eggrobo for trackmania if you're interested. But that's not the subject at all.
Remember when Iizuka said that this game will be as good as the classic Sonic games? I'm beginning to get convinced that it actually will.;c=1&pos=0# Another preview from a couple days ago. Another language but Shadzter from Stadium posted a good (*cough*) translation of an interesting part on story.
Another Eggman quote! "Next stop, the Sweet Mountain. Enjoying our candy paradise is the perfect way to celebrate your next birthday. Or to avoid reaching it." Also Dreadknux says Orbot's voice actor sounded the same to him as it did in Unleashed.
Hey, have you guys seen this one? I seem to be one of the few who actually follows threads, and I haven't seen anyone post this yet. This game looks better every day. This person can actually drift too, which makes me feel better about it looking sluggish and cumbersome in past videos. Also, it's nice to see Sonic underwater again. It's not incredibly imperative, but it's nice to see him not instantly die the second he touches it. After all, whether or not he can swim, he should still be able to hold his breath for a bit, right?
I'm almost willing to bet, however, that in this shot: Water is still instant death. It looks so much different than, say, this shot:
Yeah, the current probably pulls you into a bottomless lake or something. That first screen shot reminds me of something.... One nostalgic gaming memory begots another, I suppose.
Light years? Those are a measure of distance, not time. This must mean they are traveling somewhere at high speeds. I still have no idea how an "anti-gravity toilet" would function. Man, with every update I'm just happier I preordered this.
It obviously means you can take a shit on the ceiling. After today's updates, Sonic Colo(u)rs = GOTY, all years.
Why do all these updates happen while I'm asleep? I'm loving everything about this game, and the presence of a water zone just makes it all the better. Best Sonic game in a decade, I'm calling it now. About bloody time we get a truly great one, I still have a bad taste in my mouth from 06.
Well fuck me, I was completely wrong. They totally did make an underwater zone and I am shocked and amazed. GREAT work sonic team. Still, I haven't seen it in 3D, and I'm willing to bet only CERTAIN areas will let you go underwater... but for now, fucking amazing. Best 3D sonic game, definitely.
Looks like the interceptor from unleashed is back, just with a new look: (Sorry for using pics from you, TSSZ)
Each new level I see looks less technically impressive. Not like it's a big deal, but check out those rocks. Look familiar?
The Res is too small to compare to these huge-res Colors screens, having played Sonic Adventure very recently on Xbox Live I can tell you the rocks here look better than they look in Adventure. They're not the pinnacle of the game, but they look fine. If I know anything about the Wii is that everything looks better in motion than they do in still shots. Also I have to say the art direction for this level wins me over. That and I have seen some interesting level design in some of the shots, underwater sections, returning badniks, and I am slightly biased since I love underwater sea labs and this is close to that.
If there's only 5 zones in the game, then this is the final zone...? Or one of the levels we already saw is.
Might actually be the same guy. Not that it matters. Anyone could to Ergo's voice, it's plain old stereotypical synthesized robot.