That's one giant moray. I never liked these. Looks somewhat cute though. The level is beautiful. And water? Instant win.
To note, Dreadknux (Svend) the creator of Sonic Stadium has had a near-final build to play for a few weeks now and he has been a tease since later today he gets to post his lengthy preview and possibly some new videos. What he has teased us though is something about over 20 hours of gameplay (story?) and he loved every second of it. Also the Blue wisp is one of his favorites because it creates some ingenious platforming sections. Guess we got more to see. Also he revealed the 4th wall breaker Sonic makes in Colors. + - Tails uses a translator to understand a Wisp character that follows them around [shall not mention his name yet] Tails: He's from a race called Wisps. Sonic: Lisps? Tails: No, Wisps. With a 'W'. Sonic: (Looks to screen) Yeah, I'll just stick with 'aliens,' if that's okay with everybody.
Awesome if even half true EDIT: Wonder why he doesn't reveal the name. We know it already, it's Yacker.
Also to add 2 things, he says the following: This screenshot is of a new move Sonic can do where he can kick crates to slide them into enemies and other objects. Crabmeat enemies in the background. Apparently the Z's by the Wisp icons signify the Wisps are sleeping and you can't use them. You can't use Drill Wisp in 3D at all, for an example. He also says the underwater sections in Aquarium Park are HUGE. Like amazingly huge, full of stuff to explore underwater if you can survive. And he says every act has them in the stage... An above City area and underwater area. He also says some stages are so huge it's surprising. One example he gives. Also 2 new screens: Also as Dread wrote on the Blue Cube Power:
I love Crabmeat. I really think he's probably the most iconic Sonic Badnik in the series. It makes me happy to see him back.
I love the watery distortion effect. Also, I wonder if the Eel chases you? That would be epic. Wait, so there no "I'm outta here"? Oh well. Does Sonic impatiently tap his foot and look back at the screen if you don't do anything though? That would be a cool touch. Seriously though, I love 4th Wall Breakage in video games, and I can't wait for this game to come out. (I might even preorder it, which I rarely do!)
alright, so counting chopper and crabmeat, these are the following classic badniks in Sonic Colors: Crabmeat (Sonic 1) Chopper (Sonic 1) Orbinaut (Sonic 1) Buzz-Bomber (Sonic 2) Pata-bata (Sonic CD) E-06 (Sonic Adventure) am I missing any?
I am LOVING this game. Water stage? in 3D? New crate-smashing move? Power-up like the switches in Mario Bros 3 to find new paths?! Graphics that push the Wii to its limit?! BADNIKS IN 3D?! ...I can safely say now I am PROUD to be a Sonic fan right now. Thank you Sega.
Likely we just haven't seen any stages with it, remember each stage has something like 6 acts each and we've only seen 2-3 acts for Tropical Resort, Sweet Mountain, and Planet Wisp. ANOTHER SEVEN SONIC COLORS FACTS WE DIDN'T KNOW. Also they tease a quote Sonic says on their sonicGames twitter account.
So much win in this sentence. I absolutely love the direction they're going with this game. They're finally figuring out what they tried to do with Unleashed, except this time around it seems to be much better written. For the first time in quite a while, I can't wait to start seeing glimpses into the cutscenes/ story.
From the Sonic the Hedgehog twitter account: I approve of this game's sense of humor.
Looks like we won't be getting the beefy preview until tomorrow according to Dread due to editorial issues. Dammit. Oh well. Won't hurt to wait another day. Blue Wisp sounds fucking awesome.
%50 of the Wii library can take a shit all over this game in terms of visuals. It is not even close to what pushing the Wii.. That said, the game looks to be fun, I love that the Badniks are in the game, and also underwater stages fuck yes. As long as the game actually controls well it seems like it will be the best Sonic game we've gotten in a long time.
It was spotted earlier that there was also what appeared at least to be a Crabmeat. Speaking of Motobug, you remember that Sonic Short with the Motobug kid wth stabilisers? Colours has what could be termed a Daddy Motobug............. Retro exclusive factoid~! And now its late and I want to go home, lol. I'm all Colours'd out for today. Keep an eye on the SonicGames Twitter tomorrow for another Colours quote, will try and do one every day this week..
So like... A Big Motobug? Cause what I remember of that short was a talking Motobug who was a bit bigger than a normal Motobug but since I'm guessing it doesn't talk I am just guessing bigger Motobug. EDIT: Back-and-forth I go! AAUK has posted higher-res screens of the two Screens on SoA site of Blue Wisp.