Watching that footage of both acts of Planet Wisp, I was simply blown away when I saw Sonic standing in the meadow preparing for Act 1. The visuals of the game are really starting to stand out to me now, and I was at a loss for words when I actually starting paying attention to the areas themselves rather than Sonic. @_@ So beautiful... Also, am I the only one that misses Sonic's little "Hu-hu-ho!!" sound from Unleashed when he flies through a trick ring?
The only voice clip I really liked from Unleashed was "Feelin' Good!" I just loved it when he said that. Performing a trick, landing it, whatever, I'd always grin when he said "Feelin' Good!"
I wish the Wii version had more than 1 boost sound. It gets really annoying hearing him say the same "HUUUAGH" every time you boost. Hoping there isn't a similar situation in Colours.
360/PS3 versions had more than one boost sound? Are you talking about the actual sound, or just Sonic's voice clips?
Well, given the comment I assume you're replying to had this to say: I'm absolutely certain he was talking about Sonic's voice clips.
Question: During those Quick Step sections, does Sonic run automatically or do you have to let go of the analog stick to flick it left/right while running?
One thing I'm concerned about is the drifting. When the player drifts it looks......slow, and cumbersome, like Sonic was skiing or something. The way it looked, it seemed like it totally defeated the purpose of a "drift". I personally hope it turns out to play closer like the drift in Unleashed Wii, which felt less loose and more controlled and tight in a good way, yet maintaining the speed.
When I played this at Gamescom, I did think the drifting felt a bit off. I didn't think that it was as good as the drifting in Sonic Unleashed X360/PS3. (can't speak for the Wii version because I haven't played it for a while)
I'm hoping more buttons are added to the QTEs when doing tricks. Pressing A over and over seems boring.
We have stumbled upon a horrible truth boys. What the purple Wisp does... Translated from the ripped stage assets, the Purple Wisp turns Sonic into, "Frenzy" Sonic. The definition of Frenzy: Now look at our purple Wisp: His refining detail is his mouth, opening and closing. Now look at what Frenzy Sonic has: TEETH. Oh my god I think Sonic's going to EAT ROBOTS.
But robots are an important part of any hedgehog's complete breakfast! + - I love the breakfast joke and have made it 50+ times in my lifetime. That's actually pretty awesome if you ask me. I wonder how frenzy/Pacman Sonic controls.
Among some new Free Riders and 4 footage, new possibly full version of "Reach For The Stars" included with clips of CG footage from Colors. ALSO, new vocal theme in Sonic colors revealed.
He is such a shitty singer. That sounds terrible and he doesn't even know the lyrics to the song properly.
I agree 100%. But it's the best we have and I'm kinda' just... >_> About it BUT it's... Interesting. I think both songs will sound much better with their actual vocalist.