Press release translated with Google: source: Wii version sounds like Sonic Unleashed daytime levels, which would be awesome.
Is this is what Sonic Team have been working on instead of Sonic 4? Also being on the DS and Wii, what's this all about? Maybe "Sonic 2011" is solely for the 360 and PS3...
Why does this sound like yet another gimmick game? But the trailer looks sweet. I love the cutesy approach, and I pray to God this will be good. Two Sonic games on the horizon now! Looking forward to hearing more, if it looks good, the DS version is mine. EDIT - Love that snippet of music as well.
It's screaming Mario Galaxy to me, mostly because of the alien planet involvment and I actually don't mind that. Here's hoping...
It looks nice! Interesting concept, too. Chances are, the actual game won't look as good as the trailer, but still.
Wow. This looks pretty good for a teaser!! Tails and Sonic?! Colored beams give you powers? New crazy worlds? Sounds better than the Werehog! Sign me up!
I send this as a tip to Destructoid. One of the editors, Dale North, send me an email back saying: So it sounds like we could get some hands-on previews soon.
At first I thought it was going to be WiiSiWare, but now I'm not so sure. Definitely loving the colourful aliens, though I reckon they're going to get a bit of hate. If it turns out it IS just like Unleashed, I'd hope that there are/is: a) more 2D than 3D because the 3D wasn't great, b) better physics and slightly better level design for the 2D sections. And wow, that was certainly out of the blue (no pun). Not like the Project Needlemouse trailer.
>Sonic and Tails running together This game is already off to a good start. Note the sarcasm. So what the fuck is it, a gimmick game or it is an actual platformer?
Because every game has "gimmicks" and new concepts to keep things fresh? So now we have Pokémon. Well, it sounds like they'll be able to come up with some cool new concepts for split paths. I do hope uses the Sonic Unleashed gameplay style and takes it to the next level (pun not intended). I was kind of hoping for another multiplatform title, but I guess with Dimps busy with Sonic 4 we could only get Wii and DS.
Jesus Christ, fire Senoue and get whoever did this music to do Sonic 4. Those fifteen seconds sound better than the entire S4 soundtrack.
I think I'm beginning to support this more than Sonic 4. This just looks awesome. Anyone else think they will use the Hedgehog Engine based on the trailer?
Seeing as the Hedgehog engine wasn't used in Unleashed Wii, I'm thinking no. Trailers don't give a good idea of what the graphics will be like on the system because they aren't using limitations. See: that one Sonic 2 ad that was partly 3D, most FPS trailers.
Quoted from somewhere else: "Doesnt seem like its aimed for us. Thats cool, the wii is partly a kids/family game console anyways. Ill keep an eye on it but I'm not expecting BESTESTSAWNIKGAMEEVAR!1!one!"
>Wii/ds game >Judging the game on a prerendered trailer >Badly optimized rendering engine on the Wii >