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Sonic Colo(u)rs Ultimate released for Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Epic Games Store

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MH MD, Apr 9, 2021.

  1. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I do dislike the perfect homing attack sound though. It's going to get really annoying really quickly.
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  2. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    Obviously they need to layer in the spring sound effect.
  3. Frostav


    This would be true, but the boost games give you a truly insane amount of rings so you get a million lives quickly anyway. I remember Unleashed being the first Sonic game where I actually hit 999 rings in a level, and Forces practically jet hoses you with them with the right wispons.

    Also Forces and Colors are extremely easy anyway so you really should never have issue completing the stages unlike Unleashed where the later ones were legitimately hard...or maybe unfairly, some of Jungle Joyride and Eggmanland's sections are BS as hell lol
  4. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    In most cases I would agree, but, in the case of colours, the difference in time between starting over or returning to a checkpoint is usually less than the time it takes to deal with the game over screen itself; the real punishment is being annoyed with it.
  5. Which is what I said a ways back :p
  6. ChaddyFantome


    Unleashed is a challenging enough game that you actually both lose your rings and lives quite often. Not so much with Colors, which didn't give you lives for 100 rings as is.
    Forces didn't even have a life system.
    Maybe its just me, but I found myself looking at the game over screen quite a bit when i was playing Gens back in the day since i always got greedy going for the more tricky alternate routes. :P
    Ultimately, i think my point still stands though. That would be more an issue on balancing how easy it is to get lives vs the games' overall difficulty as opposed to a problem with the life system itself. Especially in Colors since its already pretty easy.

    But after a game over, you go back to the start of the level as opposed to your checkpoint. So unless you lost all your lives at the start of the level without hitting any actual checkpoints, you are taking more time after losing all your lives than if there were none and you just start indefinitely from your last checkpoint.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  7. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    My point was that restarting the whole level every time with neither checkpoints nor game over screen would have been quicker than a life system that gives you checkpoints every half minute (for a two minute level) and then leads you into a long lasting game over screen if you die a number of times at the same place (remember, it also offers you to turn on the hints if you get two time overs in a row, which is an additional delay). Tails might be now the replacement for that screen if he takes enough time to bring Sonic back to the course, and that can happen even if it's the first "life" you lose, so I think it may have gotten worse for a different reason.

    Either way, removing lives won't make levels easier, and you'll still get the score penalties for taking too much time going through, so it may be even easier for casual players, but it will play the very same way for the seasoned ones who aim for S ranks. Searching for red rings will still lead to full level restarts, so the collectathlon will also remain largely untouched.
  8. ChaddyFantome


    Its not even necessarily about it being easier or not. its about it being less engaging because without lives, other mechanics such as the importance of maintaining and collecting rings suffer. As for Rankings, you don't get S ranks in colors by beating the level quickly. You get S ranks by using the wisps abilities over and over for Color bonus. Playing quickly actually gets you lower rankings.
    The problem is making the game more shallow and by extension less engaging.
  9. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I'm hoping this game reviews poorly. Pretty petty I know, but it might be the final message to tell Sonic Team that they need to abandon Boost for good. I think it's had good moments and some of the levels in Gens were great, but it's had more lows than highs and it's time to move on.
  10. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I don't want it to review poorly, because I don't think that it's a bad game or really deserving of much ire. But I hope that the reviews are a bit tamer than the original. Colours Wii has a metacritic score of 78, and a bunch of reviews in the 80s all the way to 90. That's just way too much for this game. I want reviewers and the general audience to play this and be like "Yeah the gameplay is alright. Nothing as amazing as we have it credit for in 2010, but it's nothing awful either". Colours Wii is like a 7/10 game and no higher if you ask me; great music and graphics, but tepid gameplay and a huge chunk of filler levels (the Sonic Simulator) that should be avoided at all costs.

    I hope that the general reception of this game mirrors my own, basically. And that's kind of what we all want when it comes to subjective matters like this.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
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  11. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    What you mean "more lows than highs"? The only real low so far was Forces. And I bet Rangers will have boost stages in some way.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  12. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I just hope that the game is criticised for the right reasons, rather than some mook docking the game simply for being a remaster. Dock it for being a remaster which should be better, at least.

    Ultimately I'm less concerned about numbers and more the discussion around the game if things aren't improved for launch.
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  13. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    The game will 200% review poorer than the original, in a post-Mania world the standards are way higher for a 2D Sonic game (well, a mostly 2D one).
    Especially combined with how underwhelming the remaster look (Even tho I still like what I've been shown but I'm the minority I think :p), I don't expect it to break past 70 on metacritic. It certainly won't get the 78 the og Colours got at the very least.
  14. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I feel like the fact that Colours is mostly played in two dimensions will always elude people outside of the dedicated fanbase, even amongst those who think that Sonic doesn't and can't ever work in 3D. It's presented as a 3D game and treated as one. People at best seem to call it a 50:50 hybrid. It'll get scrutinised as a 3D Sonic game because it starts in 3D and has a lot of areas that are technically 3D, not as 2D game with Mania as its contemporary.

    It legit bugs me how we went from Unleashed, which was an almost entirely 3D game outside of mostly brief 2D sections for flavour in half of its levels... to all* subsequent 3D Sonic games being mostly 2D in practice. Generations' Modern levels have more 2D than in Unleashed, and all of the Classic levels are 100% 2D. And then Forces similarly has Classic Sonic alongside the Modern Sonic and Avatar stages that are most similar to Colours.

    Colours is a good game to remake/remaster for a new generation because of how approachable from all angles it is without prior knowledge of the series and how it was only available on Wii until now despite its positive reception. I'm just thirsty for a 3D Sonic game and Unleashed would have quenched that thirst so much more. At least there's Rangers, hopefully?

    *Except Lost World. But that still has tons of 2D and urgh... Fuck Lost World.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  15. Stranger


    The relative success of Boost hasn't really stopped Sonic Team from trying other things and experimenting, to be fair. We can see this through the introduction of 2D Sonic in Generations, Parkour in Lost World, the continuation of the Storybook gameplay with Black Knight, and the Avatar/Partner part of Forces. All of these since Unleashed launched, and even that had the Werehog in it.

    Tossing aside Boost wholesale could end up frustrating more fans than it'd please when considering that it's been the foundation of most recent well received modern titles. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some fans might even argue that they'd prefer to have a new game that focuses exclusively on Boost instead of supplementing it with a secondary method of play. Colors Ultimate might be that opportunity to an extent for the folks who didn't own a Wii and it doesn't look to be interfering with the 2022 game's team either, so that's some added reassurance for those who feel Sonic Team should let their games cook more.

    On a speculative bright side, if Sonic 2022 isn't Boost-focused or Boost inclusive, the way the schedule is lined up might be a win-win opportunity for both the people looking for more of that gameplay and those looking to get away from it.
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  16. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    I don't want it to review worse, because that'll help send the message to Sega that re-releases are bad, given that there are plenty of Sonic games that haven't been re-released anywhere but PC.
  17. I like to think of Sonic Colors as the perfect Sonic game if you don't like (3D) Sonic games. It's pretty much stripped of all of the things that people don't like about the 3D games. That alone kind of gives it a leg up over other entries. The fanbase can complain all they want about it, but that's the reality. If Ultimate mostly functions the same as the original, there's no reason a bunch of minor cosmetic changes that only the most dedicated fans will care about will have a significant impact on its general reception.

    At worst, it will review worse for the simple fact that it's not coming off the heels of a decade of games that have been perceived as bad and tarnishing the franchise....outside of the fanbase anyway. Everyone will just realize the game is actually pretty average and boring and move on with their lives until Rangers is out in 2022.
  18. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    If Sega's goal is to release a Boost Sonic game and a non-Boost Sonic game to satisfy each of those camps, I think that going for a more ambitious remaster that actually provided new additional Boost content would had been a more viable option than what they're doing now. And that's assuming they didn't want to just bring in another team altogether to produce a new Boost game, while Sonic Team busied themselves with the supposedly non-Boost approach they're taking with 2022/Rangers.

    A conservative remaster of Colors (out of the available Boost games they could had picked) is not the route I would had chosen for filling out the former category, if that was indeed their plan.

    I agree up to a point, but if they're going to be sloppy with their re-releases and make the original games seem worse; I don't really mind them being pilloried. Even discounting Colors' qualities on its own terms, the additions made with Ultimate are minimal and the changes they've made are actually damaging the game's strongest points. That's to say nothing of the bastardizations they've already done with some of their older releases as it is. *glances at the Adventure ports*
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  19. BadBehavior


    2008: Last game in the style reviews poorly (06), rereleases of popular game in old style are botched (SA:DX), Sonic Team moves on to greener pastures (Unleashed)

    So in an ideal, logical world, come 2022: Last game in the style reviews poorly (Forces), rereleases of popular game in old style are botched (Colours Ultimate), Sonic Team moves on to greener pastures (Rangers)
  20. The keychain doesn't bother me, it's the huge eyesore of the image of the keychain that's pictured on the package that does. How they have a displayed, I don't think it's a sticker on top of cello either. :/

    Either way though, I am looking forward to this game. I loved it on the Wii, but the ONE little thing that would do it for me, is if they would add Hyper Sonic to the game somehow. (I know that they won't, but a guy can dream) Thematically, that fits with the whole colors theme, it would be a great addition.