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Sonic Colo(u)rs Ultimate released for Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Epic Games Store

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MH MD, Apr 9, 2021.

  1. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    That just reminds me of how interesting it would be to see them return in a new game. But instead of being warped to the Special Stage, Sonic uses Chaos Control to skip all the 3D sections, grabs the Emerald and boom result screen.
  2. Frostav


    Oh god no, I do not want this to happen and then have to endure the wider gaming community endlessly talk about how this was the "one good 3D game" and all that. Shit the /r/games thread on this leak alone was insufferable.

    But it's going to happen, thanksihateit.jpg

    Every time a shooting star appears I wish that everything non-2D (so Mania stays) past SA2 (with the exception of Silver, keep that cute boyo) just actively quantum tunneled out of existence even though it will never happen
  3. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    Colours bosses were the worst part of the game, dull and boring.

    Only Nega Wisp Armor was fun, and the DS Version is the superior fight. I wish whoever is remastering the game, would add Mega Wisp Mother to it, so Super Sonic makes more sense in-game.
  4. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Sonic 2 didn't need a final boss to "make sense" of Super Sonic, why does Colors? What's wrong with him just being a bonus?
  5. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    There is nothing wrong with Super Sonic being just a bonus, but his presence in Colors felt tacked on, what with it being one of the very few core Sonic games where the Chaos Emeralds aren't part of the story. The only other examples I can think of are Sonic CD and Forces. The former didn't have Super Sonic, and the latter had him as DLC only. Edit: Oh, and there was Lost World, which aped Colors in many things, including having Super Sonic without explanation. He felt just as out of place there.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
  6. BadBehavior


    As someone said on SSMB, it's funny how Super Sonic made his grand debut in 3D to the game where he fits the least in: a gotta go fast reward in a slow, platform heavy game. And using him locks you out from using the main gimmick anyway so it's like what's even the point? Unless you hate the wisps so much that you effectively 100% the game to earn the ability to not use them?
  7. I have to say, if this leak is true and colors ultimate is part of the 30th anniversary lineup....perhaps many of us were very wrong about the direction of the series. A lot of people took some of the cues from SEGA over the last year and thought that there was a totally new direction coming. Now, the last few times I've looked into this, the more I've realized that people were jumping the gun. Colors and the boost era may not be done after all.

    And....that's fine? Tbh, I enjoyed the boost games and generations was a real treat, but I wasn't really looking to return to that style. But it's not as if I want I return to the SA2 shonen era either. If I'm being honest, I merely accepted it as a place holder until I get what I really want, which for the longest time has been a fully 3D sonic game not unlike SA1. I reached the point probably a year or so ago that, I can appreciate Sonic doing the boost stuff and trying other things but not feeling obligated to buy them. And I would probably say the same at this point. If I'm still not getting what I want, my patience has already run out to keep trying other stuff I'm not really looking for. I bought generations and other games because I wanted to support sonic through his rougher times (the 2000s) and hope for amazing games in the future. But there's a limit I suppose.

    Anyway, if it is colors I'm sure it'll do well. It just seems like the series really isn't for me anymore. Just trying to verify with this next round of games. Mania got me excited for a future of games that would infuse some of that style in the main formula. Would be disappointed to see that not happen.
  8. Vanishing Vision

    Vanishing Vision

    I sincerely believe that a fantastic game that expands on Generations' base is possible. It's just not sure if it's at all likely that it will get made. I think that the control and level design improvements in Generations over Unleashed could really lead to something even better with the right focus, and thinking of it now, it's really weird that Lost World was what we got instead. A bit like intentionally steering into the wall after a first-place finish.
  9. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    having a rerelease of a certain style of games means nothing, Assassins creed did remasters for 3 and Ezio Trilogy, yet they are still continuing the new style of RPG games, Zelda remasterd a lot of old games in Wii U yet they made BotW, end even now on switch they are remastering Skyward Sword, while we know for a fact that they developing BotW2.

    rereleasing old games only means they are filling some void in releases until the brand new game get ready to release, nothing more nothing less
  10. RDNexus


    What do you deem as a fully 3D Sonic game?
    You got me curious there...
  11. Hikki Komori

    Hikki Komori

    As much as I love colors, I do agree with you that that kind of rhetoric online would be insufferable XD

    But jeez, I had no idea just how much disdain you have for modern Sonic games. Like, most games post-SA2 were better than SA2 was imho.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2021
  12. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I think you're right and don't think it's likely. I sincerely doubt that SEGA would want to bother adding anything at all to require new give clips. But if that were to happen, they would need to redub the English version, right? That's all I'm really getting at.
  13. Zephyr


    Gotcha, thanks for clarifying!

    My issues with the game being what they are, the way Sega themselves are framing Colors in the franchise's larger history definitely feels dishonest at worst, and myopic at best. Colors is inarguably historically notable as the first in a two-game-streak of polygonal console Sonic games that weren't raked over the coals by the gaming press. I understand why that's important to them, but it's been ten years and I'm not impressed by that anymore, not that I should have been in the first place. Do something more than "don't get laughed at". Do something fun. Do something cool. Do a backflip.

    Like, the game is fine, honestly, but it's no hallmark in game design. It's not even a "competent return to form" or "refinement of the original 2D gameplay", like the New Super Mario Bros. games were for Mario. I'm perfectly fine not getting something like that for Sonic (ignoring, of course, I did, first with Sonic Advance and then with Sonic Mania), but after all the fuss about fixing what ain't broke by going from 2D to 3D, running home back to 2D ought to involve actually running home. In other words, they invite the comparison to the original 2D Sonic games, by being a new 2D Sonic game, and if you're not going to try to be at least as fun, why even bother? If they only want to use the Sonic character for mediocre games, then what dimension it's in, what genre it is, doesn't matter much after a while; they're still not interested in following the fun, despite being in the funcrafting business.

    But given that Colors did well in the press, I think it's a smart game to remaster, for sure. Also sounds like it'll probably be easy for them to do, if I'm reading posts here correctly. I'll likely pick it up if it hits the Switch, since as said it's a fine enough game (though any Sonic games that end up on it I'm likely to grab at some point, Sumo racing games aside). I doubt this is the only thing Sonic Team has in the works. It might be another year before we hear anything. It might even be half a decade, who knows. They're probably working on something, though. I just hope they're taking good notes on the fangaming scene right now. There are a lot of good ideas out there now, a lot of concepts that have been proofed. Given the people that Sega seems to give authority over designing games, I can't say I'm particularly optimistic that they're taking the right notes. But I'm at least morbidly curious to see if they've actually got a new idea after over a decade. Or if they've got their own way to spin the kinds of play structures that the fangaming scene has been immersing Sonic in for the last ten years.
  14. RDNexus


    Not enough of an answer to me.
    I'd like to know more, understand it better ^^"
  15. Well, hikki is right. SA1 is the first and only serious attempt in my mind at a Sonic formula which takes full advantage of the 3D space (although even it arguably didn't). SA2 isn't drastically different than SA1, it's just notable in my book for moving in the 'wrong' direction (i.e., the direction I don't really want)

    SA2, unleashed, colors, etc all were designed to be more narrow, hallway-like to focus on more consistent forward movement. There's nothing wrong with that approach tbh, but my dream has always been to take the essence of what made the classics fun to play and create a new gameplay with them in a 3D context, rather than just literally paste the 2D gameplay into a 3D space which sonic team has done for the past 20+ years. SA1 is about the only game to approach that, even though even it kinda didn't. But I wouldn't mind if that particular formula was given another try by someone with a vision.

    Anyway, not trying to start yet another rant, just sharing that this is my very very longtime opposed to the gameplay focus of it's successors. Personal taste, not arguing one to be better.
  16. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    The video Mana is talking about and linked before that claims 22 minutes does exactly the same thing. It removes all bosses, and shows relatively skilled gameplay. It's a 100% fair comparison.

    It's not my gameplay. It's from Amy Rose Longplays. It's billed as a longplay and was basically the first video I found when I searched "Sonic 3 & Knuckles Longplay".

    I'm sure using Super knocked a full 15 minutes off the time, and certainly didn't mean that more time was spent looking for big rings. I'm sorry for not manually doing a playthrough to appease your ego.

    What the fuck are you even talking about? My argument was that S3K has less primary gameplay-to-dollar ratio as Colours (turns out it's actually about the same), and you were claiming that "standards have slipped". (EDIT: and also about replay value but that's not relevant to the video)

    And then when I pointed this out you moved goalposts. Like you're doing again now.

    Seriously guys, the thread is RIGHT HERE. In fact, have my original quote response to this claim:

    It's all there.

    EDIT for the convenience of everyone else: THE FULL STORY without needing to hunt for posts page for page:

    Please stop lying.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
  17. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Can you please stop trying to derail the thread? And I mean that seriously. Let's not get another 30th anniversary thread locked by devolving the conversation into pointless mudslinging, hurling petty insults that have literally nothing to do with the subject, and making a conversation about a children's video game into a 10,000% personal argument with a person(s) who is just another avatar on a computer screen. You will never know them and you can't decipher their tone or their intent from just text on a screen, so there is really no use in freaking out over it.

    I am not trying to play mod here, it is just genuinely so annoying and sucks the enjoyment out of everyone's time here. We are all just grown adults sharing our excitement over a children's video game (well, most of us, not to exclude the kids/teens here).

    Not to be rude, but you can't expect us to go back to that thread and read all the context of some prior argument just to understand that your original premise (that Sonic 3K combined has 30 minutes of 2D gameplay) was never correct to begin with, and you need to let it go. You INITIATED this discussion by responding to Mana and deliberately bringing up a whole argument megathread that nobody asked for the context of. It's one thing to argue, but it becomes drama when we start logging the entire argument and posting it in a thread so everyone can see "who is right and who is wrong". Literally doesn't matter, not important here.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
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  18. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    So let me get this straight:

    Mana makes a post that's already been shown to be a stupid argument.

    I point out that it's already been shown to be a stupid argument.

    Mana libels me with completely fictitious claims.

    I show that these claims are fictitious.

    But I'm initiating everything, and I'm the bad guy?

    This isn't worth wasting my energy on. I'm out. You guys have fun making up more stuff about me, apparently it's drama to point out when it's not true.
  19. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    I think the core point is that it's ridiculous to compare 'the amount of 3D' in Colours to 'the amount of 2D' in Sonic 3 & Knuckles and expect people to take that argument lying down. Again, there is no dominant alternative to be had in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It's just a shorter game. Peoples feelings stem from the fact they feel one gameplay style is dominant over the other. I'm sure you know this, too.
  20. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Nova beat me to it, but I'm gonna say it anyway:


    The ratio of 2D to 3D has LITERALLY NOTHING to do with how good the game is. It's not like the game is a flawless masterpiece when in 3D and suddenly becomes horrifically bad when in 2D. The game is either fun, or it's not.