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Sonic Classic Heroes

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by flamewing, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. FlashingYoshi


    idk, maybe if Pending Approval allowed wiki edits Member

    That's epic.

    What's MTZ? Mystic Cave or Hill Top?
    EDIT: I see that MTZ means Metropolis Zone. This is why I always hated using stuff like GHZ, MZ, SBZ, and DBZ. (Okay, I made the last one up, but it could well be something real.) It's kinda hard to tell what you mean by the abbreviations. Though this could be in part to me not being completely devoted to Sonic. But, HOLY CRAP, that post was fast!

    Best idea ever. Period. ;?)
  2. redhotsonic


    Also known as RHS Tech Member
    United Kingdom
    Metropolis Zone
  3. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    RHS ninja'd me; but in any case: the T in MTZ is to differentiate it from Marble Zone (the original MZ).
  4. Kamek


    Magikoopa Member
    This is an amazing hack; it got me to actually play all the way through Sonic 1 (which I have never done to this date, though I will have to try again with Sonic alone, as it's easy to breeze through with Tails/Knuckles) The team AI is fairly smart too, I like being able to carry other teammates as Tails and either switch mid-flight or drop 'em off and keep going. The transition between S1 and S2 is great as well, though a keen ear can detect where the boss music was cut to make the shorter mix.

    Bug report time! Gotta love 'em. For what it's worth, I played a complete S1+S2 game with all emeralds and didn't run into any showstoppers (just a few Knuckles climbing oddities), so you've done a good job on bug-squashing.

    Somehow I broke the lower boundary in GHZ3. I have not been able to reproduce this glitch and I'm not even sure how it occurred. I was hopping in and out of Sol special stages, so that might have had something to do with it, but I don't remember the exact route I took and I haven't been able to reproduce the error. I'll let you know if I figure out what went wrong.

    Save state

    And here's a showstopper I found while trying to track down the above glitch. Play as Tails alone or Tails with a partner, then enter any Sol special stage. Upon exiting the stage, start flying away from the starpost, and an invisible partner will grab onto you or your actual partner, crashing the game. Scrolling off-screen won't get rid of this "shadow partner"; even going halfway across the Zone and returning will allow you to freeze the game this way.


    Using Kega Fusion 3.51, BTW. Also, THANK YOU BOTH for such an incredible hack, and I can't wait to try out Team Super/Hyper :D
  5. FlashingYoshi


    idk, maybe if Pending Approval allowed wiki edits Member
    Unable to reproduce these or load the state. What build are you using?

    04 01 02 06.
  6. Marcus101RR


    Provisional Member
    USA, Florida
    I like the new updates since I last downloaded this. Now you can actually play Sonic 1 and 2 all the way through. The only elements that I personally dislike in this game is the import of Super Sonic and Hyper Sonic as they appear to be useless to one another. I think, that Sonic and his team should not be able to surpass Super form since the logical cause was they need Super Emeralds rather than the Chaos Emeralds from the first game and the Second game.

    Another thing is, how did the additional Chaos Emerald end up in Sonic 1? There are only 6 officially in that game. Another thing I disliked about this hack was its original intentions should have been just to add the 3 characters using Sonic Heroes elements, but keep the basics to themselves. The whole Sol/Chaos combination threw me of whack and I stopped collecting the emeralds after I got the first one. I know you are trying to make a reason for collecting the emeralds give some kind of reward, but we all felt like crap too when we collected all 6 in Sonic 1. I see save-states now in this version, so there is always time to go back and play the game again in Super Form...

    Everything else is absolutely fine for the taste and aspects of the hack/mod. I just do not like those two specific factors regarding the transformation and the Chaos Emeralds. Hyper Mode is useless since Sonic can double-jump without it in Super Form.

    Did I miss anything else?

    Other than that overall good mod.
  7. FlashingYoshi


    idk, maybe if Pending Approval allowed wiki edits Member
    Hyper Sonic is more powerful in stats and can destroy enemies with SONIC BOOM! Also, Super Tails (The Chaos Emeralds give a smaller transformation I call Turbo Tails. He doesn't have this in Sonic 3.) has 4 Flickies following him. The reason why Hyper was implemented was probably to incorporate both sets of Chaos Emeralds. Why? I got no clue.

    Purposes of continuity or something. Again, I have no clue.

    That's because the Chaos Emeralds didn't mean jack in Sonic 1 (other than the good ending). But you already knew that. Also, if you collect just one set of emeralds, you can still turn Super. What, you'd rather turn Super when all 13/14 emeralds are collected? (I tried that in Sonic 1+2, and it wasn't fun.)

    I use save-states, too, but be careful not to overwrite the old version of the game when updating! It glitches your states. I could PM you a save state with all emeralds, if you want.

    Much agreed. Nice job, Flamewing and ColinC10! I'd love to see ColinC10 get back into mods.
  8. Epsilonsama


    So I had play Sonic 2 Heroes a while back and then I heard that it was mixed with a Sonic 1 & 2 hack. I had to play this one out after all. And I have to say, this one is much much better than Sonic 2 Heroes alone. I had so much fun abusing the fuck out of Team Sonic in Sonic 1. Loved the little details in Marble Zone, the use fullness of the water shield in Labyrinth and using Tails to go to places I never even knew existed on Scrap Brain. It was loads of fun.
  9. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    And here I thought this was updated...
    Seeing this post DOES make me want to go back and play this again though. *Boots up Regen*
    BTW on the topic of updates... Is the possibility of more teams playable still in the cards? Or no...?
  10. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    The new teams sounds pretty ambitious if they really are gonna put them in. Just having the original characters is fun enough so having new chars would be a great bonus. I imagine new sprites have to be drawn for every single new character.
  11. dsrb


    I don't think he's stopped; it's just that he tends only to release things for the Hacking Contest and then disappear back into mystery for the rest of the year. :v:
  12. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I really don't feel like digging through 88 pages of posts to find it, but I'll bet a lot of money that the sprites have at least already been started for Team Rose... IIRC They replaced Big with Tikal on the image that I saw. There was also a small "debate", shall we call it, over whether to use Classic or Modern Amy...

    I don't know if anything else got started outside of that, I would hope not, just not until all the main stuff is done, but I'm positive that the sprite work has already been started.
  13. Deef


    Too lazy to get a screen but I think it's easy to describe.

    Starlight Zone, Act 3, where the homing shield sits to the left of the giant flat-topped swinging ball and chain.

    Simply head to the right, flying so that you stay at the top of the map. In about 2 screens' distance you'll be restricted by a wall, forcing you to land on top of a loop, where you will be stuck in a little hole forever.

    Edit: Same problem on the very last loop in the level. Maybe more I guess.
  14. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Regarding the teams: I actually have virtually all the graphics for an additional team, but I am simply not having any time to import these graphics or code the team -- this is real life interfering with hacking.
  15. Deef


    Scrap Brain, act 3, you can guaranteed freeze the game near the start.

    0. You need Tails or Knuckles in your team.
    1. Run left from the start until you reach the 10 rings monitor.
    2. Don't collect the rings, just switch to Tails or Knuckles if you haven't already.
    3. Faff about that area for maybe 10 seconds.
    4. Game will freeze.

    At first I got this with a STK team. I couldn't get it to happen with Sonic after a few attempts and a solid minute of herping around. But Tails and Knuckles, always within a few seconds.

    I closed Fusion and opened it again. New game, Knuckles only, still happens.

    For what it's worth, it happens without using any of Tails' or Knuckles' exclusive moves. Just jumping around.

    Fusion 3.64
    SCH 0.07f6
  16. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Hi there:

    MegaGwolf featured your Hack/Mod in the Sonic Hack Showcase! :D
  17. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Oh look this thread got bumped.

    Can we pretty pretty please have an option to turnp off Super music, ala Sonic 3 Complete? That would be muy excellente. I usually get all the emeralds pretty early on so the music gets a bit grating.
  18. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    The super music in S3 can get annoying, yeah. I don't find it as annoying in S2 though. As long as turning off the music is optional only and the default for the music is ON, then it wouldn't be a big change. I wouldn't mind the change, as long as it's optional. Being able to save the option to SRAM would be ideal too.
  19. BSonirachi


    Wiki Sysop
    Gave the game a whirl on my Mega Drive (EU Model 1) with the Everdrive MD to see what it was like on there, and got quite a few graphical issues in which garbled pixels invaded the screen. This was on the menu screen, and they also strike during the S1-to-S2 cutscene if I hit Eggman just as he's escaping in Final Zone, and what's more is that they prevent the explosion graphics from displaying. These problems happen even if the hard reset setting was turned on and occur on both 50Hz and 60Hz.


    And another bug which isn't just on real hardware, but on emulators as well: Beat Final Zone with all three characters and have Tails as the leader, and one of the characters will go into a continuous "braking" state after jumping onto the Tornado.

    None of these problems are game-breaking in any way; they're just pretty jarring.
  20. redhotsonic


    Also known as RHS Tech Member
    United Kingdom
    Holy shit man, I was just about to post this bug too as I'm playing it on real hardware as we speak lol


    Also flamewing, the DEZ boss glitch still exists in your game =P
