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Sonic Classic Heroes

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by flamewing, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    I actually already have this one; I am just trying to make Super/Hyper Sonic more unique when in Team Super/Hyper.
  2. Knucklez


    Oh, alright then. I'll try to find whatever I can and keep you posted. [​IMG]
  3. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly

    Something like the lying down sprites in these sheets, while levitating would work. Obviously they need tidying up a bit to fit the style of sprites you have, but this should give you an idea of the pose I mean.
  4. Knucklez


    I don't think you can go wrong with these.
  5. FlashingYoshi


    idk, maybe if Pending Approval allowed wiki edits Member
    For me, it's a 403 Forbidden error.
    Also, I got another anti-gravity glitch with Knuckles, this time in Scrap Brain Zone. Although I'm using an older build, which may explain it.

    EDIT: I found out how to pull it off, with an 33.3% success rate. Go next to the first fire shield monitor in SBZ1, the one next to the disappearing platforms, BUT DON'T BREAK IT YET!!! Save a state when the adjacent platform appears. Now have Knuckles bounce off of the monitor and have him glide on a platform while it's disappearing. Kinda hard to time right, but try again and again, and you'll get it. It works on the latest build as well.

    EDIT 2: This method wears off after a while. However, there are so many disappearing platforms in Scrap Brain that it wouldn't be too hard to get to the top. I've done it before. There are other ways to trigger this bug that I'm unable to reproduce, however.
  6. redhotsonic


    Also known as RHS Tech Member
    United Kingdom

    Whenever you get a "Forbidden error" on websites, on the address bar on the site you tried visiting, at the end of the address, add a space, then press enter. You should then see the website. If it's still forbidden, then it really is forbidden for you.
  7. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Well, at least Knuckles is heavily nerfed with anti-gravity glitch in my hack due to the slide-on-objects-too fix :v:
  8. FlashingYoshi


    idk, maybe if Pending Approval allowed wiki edits Member
    Some of them are really good, but the bottom row just creeps me out.

    Thanks! That helped a lot.

    LOL. Well, I'm inclined to think towards the contrary - that Knuckles is granted an ability neither Sonic nor Tails have. It's so fun playing with Knuckles now. =D

    EDIT: I dunno if this has been reported before, but if you glide over the entire ARZ2 area and land on the far right, the boss doesn't appear until you move left.
  9. Metal Knuckles

    Metal Knuckles

    New Hampshire, USA
    Shadow Alpha, an awesome hack of Sonic 1
    How about to solve the problem, just have him revert back to his non-super form and do the regular end pose? Then no one can argue how stupid or not stupid the Super Sonic end poses do or do not look.
  10. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Having him revert for the end-of-act defeats the purpose of having a custom signpost art for Super Sonic (which I already have), as well as looking odd with the revert = die stance that Team Super/Hyper mode will have.

    Edit: Also, regarding those vanishing platforms... WTF was I thinking when I added Knuckles-support to it? It basically skips the code that removes the standing flag from Knuckles if Tails is not standing on the platform when it vanishes. So all you have to do is stand on a vanishing platform as Knuckles, move Tails away from it, then you have the anti-gravity glitch.

    Well, this means it is fixed.
  11. Still, I think Super Sonic's pose needs to be pretty badass. Have him barely floating off the ground, arms crosses and eyes closed while Tails and Knuckles do their thing.
  12. Having them revert at the end of the stage sort of gives reasoning to why he isn't Super/Hyper at the end of the next zone, unless your making them always Super/Hyper once the emeralds are acquired. That might have been something you mentioned, but I've been staying away from the topic recently because most of the talk is just about the pose and I don't feel like going back to see if I can find it anywhere
  13. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Team Super and Team Hyper = start as Super/Hyper, dies when runs out of rings. The Super Sonic end pose is for these teams. You could have seen it in the previous page, if you had bothered.
  14. Sorry, I was being a dumbass and wasn't thinking right. Not only was it talked about already, I talked about it already. Anyways, regarding the pose, I wouldn't go for levitating since Sonic only does that while moving in the classics
  15. I have to say, for a simple concept based on the Sonic heroes style, it sure makes Sonic 1/2 a lot of fun to play through again, dispite how overpowering having three characters at a time is (but I suppose that's part of the fun).

    Also, would something like this be a good end of act pose?: [​IMG]
  16. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I know that you have already started on a Sonic 3K Heroes... BUT Any chance to see S3K zones implemented into this? It would be a massive stretch... but given MainMemory's recent upload of his Lockon project, perhaps something similar COULD be done here? Added to the fact that you already implemented much of Sonic 3K's code into this hack it may not be too difficult, outside of squeezing the zones and objects in... that is.
  17. This is a rarther suitable animation.. a playfull "I'm awesome... Deal with it" Vibe.

    Course I can see Tails being rarther annoyed at him for wasting rings to relax like that! XD
  18. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    That's perfect, proportions aside. He's a little tall.
  19. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Whelp, I am making another bugfix release because I introduced a bad bug in previous version. So here is the latest version:

    Bugs fixed from previous revision:
    • Knuckles could gain anti-gravity glitch on Scrap Brain Zone by standing on a vanishing platform as it vanishes if Tails was not standing on that same platform.
    • Fixed some wrapping bugs.
    Bugs fixed from the original games:
    • Jumping from rolling into the MTZ yellow spring walls left you without control, forcing you to use a double-jump action.
  20. Deef


    I'm still amazed by how fun this hack is. It surprises me that I enjoy Labyrinth more than Starlight in this hack. Speaking of Labyrinth, the water shield suits Labyrinth Zone more than anything from Sonic 3. In Labyrinth it's just perfect with all the jumping, ascending, and using its motion break to target jumps more efficiently. It's the shield that came 2 games too late, now corrected heh.

    I was wondering if that 2-step Sonic fall-roll-insta is still on the cards... just curious really.

    Speaking of Sonic, he's definitely the main character in terms of power. Before the buff, peel out and shields I remember Knuckles was the one to go. Now Knuckles is the clumsy guy, with climbing and gliding being redundant 99% of the time thanks to Tails, while his glide-drop really screws up his flow. I'm not suggesting anything be done about Knuckles or Sonic, just registering how much Sonic is on top when it comes to munching through the levels.

    Yeah, no contributing remarks from me, sorry. Oh I will say the options screen layout and controls are pretty... cumbersome.

    Any other plans to mix things up, apart from the Super/ Hyper teams? I can't remember what your other ideas were.

    One thing I would enjoy in this game that might not be hard for you to consider: a level order randomiser. So you enable the randomiser, select a zone to start on, and upon completing 1 act the next act loads from anywhere in the 2 games. If you land on Death Egg and beat it, roll the credits, you win. People would be having marathons... seeing who can get the most, or least, complete set of acts before completing the game. It would be good too for helping players learn act differences, for example I still can't tell most of the S1 & S2 acts apart within a zone just by viewing their map.

    Just an idea that could suit the hack I think. At least, for those who like to blast through some stages for fun but wish for more variety without having to consciously keep returning to the menus. You could make it a reward... get 7 emeralds = zone randomiser, get 14 emeralds = act randomiser.

    Now I'll stop telling you what to do with your hack. :v:

    Oh, I liked the standing Super Sonic sprites you posted earlier. Looked good to me.