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Sonic Classic Heroes

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by flamewing, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Couldn't you use the green from Knuckles' socks?

    Interesting idea, that could work.

    Also what about a sort of heroes combo, so if you get Sonic Knuckles and Tails on the roulette you win rings (That's more just a random things I always wanted to see XP)
  2. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Picked up the newest release of Sonic 2 Heroes... Playing through for bugs.
    I had a list from the last version, but I will opt to play through and check them again before posting... in the meantime, two things are standing out to me...

    1. At the score tally screen, foregrounds take precedent over continue icons... AKA if there is ground behind the score tally, it'll cover a continue icon... just an aesthetic fix...

    2. In Chemical Plant Zone, when Tails takes the pipes, his twin tails drag behind his ball form. I've seen this same bug in other hacks featuring the fox... and I'm sure it isn't in the original games.

    3. If you fly into the Aquatic Ruins Zone boss fight from high above, (I flew in from the hidden extra life high in the sky near the end), there is an error with the limit of camera scrolling, and you can move far and high above where you are supposed to be able to. The camera is supposed to be vertically locked here... It should be that if you fly in from above, it locks itself in place after you descend to the area.

    4. In Casino Night Zone, Tails seems to have a delayed effect when colliding with the bumper badnik. He overlaps the robot's sprite for a few moments before finally getting hurt.

    5. The noted graphic bug involving Tails and his tails reappears in Oil Ocean Zone with the transfer spheres,
    ALSO: The transfer spheres bug involving the abnormal speed has NOT been fixed, as was reported with the changelog. I suspect it has to do with all three characters in one at once?

    I'll either post more as I find them, or if this got no replies before then, I will EDIT this post instead with more. Loving the hack Flamewing... keep it up!
  3. Knucklez



    - While fighting the Oil Ocean boss, after bouncing with Sonic on Robotnik, I swayed leftward into the oil and died (naturally). But the moment I died, the entire game reset to the SEGA screen. Annoyed, I continued to the title screen, pressed play game and when the game started the characters were missing and appeared to have been moved to the bottom of the screen behind everything and the screen moved by itself rightward at a constant speed all the way through to the end of GHZ1 (as if you were using debug in S3&K except no character visible).


    - At the score tally screen, shouldn't Knuckles' name be red and green like in S3&K as opposed to being blue and orange like Sonic's? Also, would implementing Tails' name to have orange letters with blue outlining them (reverse Sonic) like Tiddles recently has in Sonic 3 Complete be in your interest? It would make sense for each character to have their own colors to their name.

    - Also since the text at the score tally screen "GOT THROUGH ACT" is S3&K-style, then you might as well use the S3&K-style act number instead of the Sonic 2-style yellow since it doesn't look right or like it belongs there IMO.
  4. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Thanks for spotting it; it was a flag I had forgot to set on the mappings.

    These were caused by the fix to Tails' tails layering. It is likely to affect a lot more objects than just these two; given that, and given other bugs it causes, I am reverting that fix.

    As it turns out, the camera locking was being done before the boss loaded, and even then only if the camera was within the correct vertical range. I fixed it, and also the bug in CPZ where flying above the boss arena could force you to wait for a timeout.

    I made Crawl much more formidable now by having him check for collisions without the delay. This will fix bugs that allowed Tails to spindash past him, and this one also (although there is also the fact that their rather small hitboxes may be causing what you are describing...).

    I think we may be talking about different speed-up bugs; I specifically refer to this, which is most definitely fixed since you can no longer get into the round balls when hurt; if you mean something else, please explain how to it can be reproduced. Edit: It involves Tails dragging someone into the balls, doesn't it? If so, I have fixed it.

    Edit: Just noticed this:
    I am unable to reproduce it. Was the boss doing something special when it happened? Did you get shields, invincibility, super state or the super cheat? Also, what emulator?

    Palette limitations. Moreover, I prefer to keep all the names with the same colors; why should Knuckles be special?
  5. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    I'm not an SCD expert, but I just tested this (via sound test + channel muting), the peel-out sound seems to be on FM1.
  6. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Thanks, but I had already been corrected on this matter (by PM) by Aquaslash and CarrascoZX0 (in that order), both of which have sent me the SCD peel-out sounds. I have edited the charging sound to be more consistent with the button-mashing peel-out I have (as well as making the sound driver treat it like the spindash sound), and both peelout charging and release will be in on next revision.
  7. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Hello, does anybody know how to do the cheats for Supers? Or level select????

    I'll bet it has been mentioned on this topic, but I'm too lazy to look through 600+ posts to find it. Someone could just tell me here, I would greatly appreciate it.
  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    It's the same as the vanilla Sonic 2 code. Speaking of which, it still chimes when you put the debug mode in.
  9. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    That's cool, Now I ask this... is there any reason why Knuckles cannot kill him by gliding into him? Instead of killing the badnik, it hurts Knuckles. Perhaps a result of the delayed collision reaction.

    That we are... indeed two different bugs. If you fixed Tails dragging others into it, which I did do at one point, then it should be fine... Allow me to go back to this zone and do some more testing on it, I wonder if anything else causes it to happen...

    ALSO, maybe this was already posted... but invincibility music no longer plays when getting the otherwise wonderful powerup.
  10. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    It is more trouble than it is worth to remove the chime; the same code is used for checking cheats for level select and options screens, and I would have to add a code to differentiate whether this is the level select or the debug code being put in. In any event, I will fix it when I merge the two screens together and add save game management to it (and, well, save games), so I won't bother all that much with fixing it.

    Because his code is very different from that of normal badniks, and I never realized it until now. Basically, Crawl is invulnerable unless you are in ball form and on the ground. I have changed it now to reflect Knuckles if he is gliding or sliding as well, but I also allow Knuckles to kill Crawl with a slide from behind (as if he were rolling).

    It works fine for me. What level were you in? Was anything special going on? Maybe you got a 1-up right when the music should have started playing or something?
  11. Mercury


    His Name Is Sonic Tech Member
    Location Location
    No hugely useful bug reports from me, but I did want to drop by to say "excellent job" on the hack. My eight year old self would have worshiped you as a god for fulfilling one of his most fervent wishes. (Now if only you could get me a pony...)
  12. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Some bugs:

    Two things to ask about the demo play that plays when you wait at the title screen... any chance you'll fix the demo gameplay?? It's kinda crappy to look at. Also in the demo mode, when it plays in Super Mode, Sonic gets the standard shield and the stars following you become messed up... NOTE, This doesn't happen in normal gameplay.

    The Metropolis bug from the original games that allows you to go through the lava with the block... Any plans to nix this bug? Perhaps solid tiles that only the block can pass through, if you are able to do that.

    In Metropolis Zone, occasionally when riding the transport tubes, you fall through the ground after arriving at the end of the tube... I did it with Team Super, so I'm not sure if it happens with the standard team.

    Sky Chase Zone: Sonic fell off and his respawn graphic was flashing rapidly across the screen and he never reappeared.

    Any chance of fixing the collision bugs with the second Death egg boss?

    Occasionally, checkpoint graphics are flawed upon activation. You will see the tip rotating, however, it will appear that there are two tips, as another tip will stay stationary behind it.
  13. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I didnt do anything special that I know of... Just normal gameplay... I only noticed this in the latest release. Perhaps something you fixed since releasing the newest release fixed this too???
  14. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Zero chance, for the near future. Not because I can't -- but rather, because every change I make to the code (fixing bugs, changing the way badniks work, etc) can cause the demos to desynch, and I would have to keep doing them again and again and again. Once the code has stabilized, then I will do it -- but not before.

    For starters, objects don't collide with tiles unless their code specifically tell them to -- for example, badniks do, platforms don't. Second, the behavior is intended in most cases -- it allows (if desired) to have a platform that takes the player to a different place by going through the ground. Third, there are enough problems managing lag in MTZ without adding this.

    I tried with the standard team, and couldn't reproduce it. I have yet to try the super team (was distracted by a bug with fire shield).

    Fixed; thanks.

    What collision bugs?
  15. He must be referring to that glitch/bug when you hit the final Death Egg boss, you have a chance of going straight through him and dieing on his arm instead of rebounding, which is what should happen.

    It has been around since Sonic 2's release.
  16. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    I've had this happen many times in vanilla Sonic 2 as Super Sonic, always when holding forward for the duration of the trip.
  17. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    You mean the fact that the Egg Mecha has two objects with independent collision hitboxes, either of which can be used to cause damage to the mecha (but not both at the same time) and, after rebounding from hitting on the head [torso], you can hit the torso [head] and rebound again, falling into the arms? If so, I guess I can look and see if it is fixable.

    Thanks, I can now begin looking into what causes it.

    Edit: it is fixed now.
  18. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    BOTH bugs??? or just the Metropolis bug?
    Either way, that sure was quick.
  19. BSonirachi


    Wiki Sysop
    Two more bugs to report:

    • Invincibility music doesn't play when you break open an invincibility monitor if you are playing the game with only one or two characters.
    • Tails' tails still get separated from his body whenever he's in the high-speed tubes in CPZ as shown below. This also happens with the OOZ launchers.

  20. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Just the Metropolis bug; the Egg Mecha code is hard.

    Thanks for the report; this has been duly fixed now.

    This one has been reported already, and I have already fixed it.

    Anyway: new revision is out!
    Revision v0.06f: download it here.

    Enhancements over previous revision:
    • New Super Sonic slot icon by ICEknight.
    • Slot machine is a lot more random now.
    • SCD peelout release sound, and SCD-based spindash-like charging peelout sound (both courtesy of Aquaslash, the latter heavily modified by myself).
    Bugs fixed from previous revision:
    • The old layering order code for Tails' tails caused too many bugs and has been reverted; a new side-effect-free version has been put in place instead.
    • Only game leader was shown in 1-up monitors.
    • Slot machine was treating Knuckles as jackpots and rings as bars. Also, it is possible to get bars again.
    • Fixed game/time over text colors.
    • Fixed glitched counter on time over.
    • Continue icons did not appear on the foreground.
    • ARZ boss screen would not lock if you came flying from above.
    • Could be screen-locked on CPZ if trying to get to the boss arena by flying from on high.
    • Delayed collision effects made Crawl much less formidable.
    • Fixed OOZ speed-up bug if Tails carried Sonic or Knuckles into the launcher balls or block launcher.
    • Fixed continue screen for real now, including code to wrap continues into multiple lines if needed.
    • Fire shield was exceeding its allotted VRAM in a couple of frames of normal animation for Sonic.
    • Sonic's CPU forcibly despawns Sonic when he is not on-screen, moving down and below the top edge of the screen. This fixes screen wrapping problems in Sky Chase zone, and possibly others.
    • Fixed invincibility song not playing with less than 3 characters.
    Bugs fixed from the original games:
    • Standing in ARZ boss' pillars while some other character kills the boss no longer makes character walk on air.
    • Some MTZ spintubes would let you fall through the destination floor if you were on super state, had enough speed when entering the tube and kept holding forward as you reappear on the other end.