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Sonic Classic Heroes

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by flamewing, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Yeah, you can't jump off when playing as Tails or Knuckles. Tails can't jump off the vines in normal Sonic 2 when playing as Sonic and Tails either, and I think it's related.
  2. Hanoch


    Also known as TheKnock, Birashot Member
    I found a lot of trouble in casino night zone. Sometimes the pinball launchers (both the red and the white ones) don't work. I think its gotta do with the controller, the genesis cant handle 3 controllers at the same time.
  3. I know this seems pointless and its probably just me, but I feel that when playing the newest build...

    The CPUs feel like robots. Even more so then the first build.

    They follow my every move to a tee, and stay RIGHT next to me. No breathing room. When I stop...they OVERLAP me perfectly. They move so quick to my movements that it doesn't seem like they are themselves.

    Maybe keep Tails at half his normal distance, and make Knuckles have Tails normal distance from Sonic. That would at least give them less of a robot-feel, and not have them be right next to me.
  4. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    I played up to Wing Fortress Zone. I love the addition in Sky Chase Zone ;)

    Anywho, bugs. I didn't have any game breaking bugs until the end - in Wing Fortress Zone, Sonic seems to have problems interacting with the silver blocks that blow off the wall. Eventually this threw me into a wall and Sonic was stuck walking.

    Overall though, I absolutely love it, and can't wait to see future revisions.
  5. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    New revision is up. changes and link in the first post. Old savestates will not work.

    It is indeed a but inherited from the Sonic 2 code. Basically, they checked the real controller input for Sonic and 1p Tails, and the logical controller input for 2p Tails. The problem was that the vine sets object control flag, hence the logical controller never gets set to the real input. I fixed it by reading the real input for human players and the logical input for CPU players.

    Edit: Funny, two bugs reported while I was typing the post saying that they were fixed :-)

    Nope, it was because I was forgetting to clear a register before reading a byte into it (I needed the register to be used as a word, but reading from a byte).

    The new revision fixes this.
  6. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    I did, actually. I remember because I'd fallen into the water in the area before the checkpoint and used Tails to swim out. I also died as Tails too. Then when I respawned at the checkpoint I switched to Knuckles and tried to run the loop, but the bug occurred.

    I switched to Tails, and tried to fly over the loop, but there was a wall, so I tried to fly through the chemical tube right above it, but that was a wall. Then when I tried to run the loop, I was able to.

    Otherwise, this hack is incredible - I actually had fun playing it. Switching between Sonic and Tails just feels natural.

    Also, this is unrelated to bugs, but have you considered adding in some of the scrapped levels like Dust Hill and Hidden Palace? And are there going to be special stages?
  7. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Aye, I thought it might be that. There was a slight coding bug which the new revision fixes; you probably won't see that particular bug again.

    I don't know about the scrapped levels, but I will definitely get the special stages working in future revisions. They may or may not work in the current revision -- I haven't tested -- but if they do work, it is likely that only Sonic will appear in them.
  8. pyrotix


    Brooklyn, NY
    This is a dope hack. Love it.
  9. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Indeed, it can handle 6. Ever heard of Multitaps?

    I wonder if you can add a Sonic + Sonic + Sonic mode or Knuckles + Knuckles + Blue Knuckles and so on...
  10. Streak


    After viewing the ending, going into Options presents you with garbled graphics.
    I haven't spotted anything else, but I'll edit this post if I find anything.

    Man, the final boss is easy with insta-shield. Favorite move ever. :thumbsup:
  11. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    It is doable, but will require some reworking; I am using the lower nibble as a bitfield flagging presence of characters (except the high bit of the niggle, which flags blue Knuckles instead, and only has an effect if Knuckles is in), while the high nibble is composed of a 2-bit controller field, which determines who is leader, and a swap sidekicks flag. I could use the high byte for character IDs; but in any event, I would need to edit the code for the 3 characters so that their art tiles can be relocated or they would share the same locations. In fact, for a good while I had a pair of Tails hanging behind Sonic as I found and fixed interaction bugs -- until I imported Knuckles graphics.
  12. ZeroShift


    I'm sure you are aware of this, but in CNZ, I would suggest using whoever you have 2P set as (Tails is default)

    He seems to have no trouble activating bumpers/launchers with the others gone.
  13. Liliam


    This is exactly the same process I followed a few years ago when I compressed all the characters into a single palette line, only to later realise I've been beaten to the point -- Sonic 3 did just this in its Data Select, and that was in 1994!

    While the grays do lose some detail, since most of the characters only really use white as a base color (for gloves, eyes, and in case of Tails, half his body) and the grays are essentially just used for shading, dropping one shade isn't really that noticeable (Tails gets the most noticeable drop in detail, again due to his high use of the color). The biggest problem is really the medium red, which is a bit darker than the pure red used for shoes, making everything that was red seem too dark. There is really no other way to fix this other than simply make new sprites to adjust to the new palette, using both the medium and bright reds to even it out a bit.

  14. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Actually you're wrong. The Sonic 3 & Knuckles data select uses more palette lines for the characters (unsurprisingly, since there isn't much level art to be loaded there).

    Here is how the palette looks like when you play as Sonic + Tails:
    Their colors are on the first line. Lines 2-4 depend on the level.

    Here is how the palette looks like when you play as Knuckles:
    His colors are on the first line. Tails' colors are still there (in fact you can play as Knuckles + Tails even without hacking in MGZ2). Lines 2-4 depend on the level.

    Here is how the palette looks like in the level select:
    The palette line used by Sonic + Tails is now the second line. Knuckles' colors are now in the fourth line, in different indexes, even.
  15. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Great work, I can't believe such a thing was actually possible to do on a Mega Drive.

    Or just making them have their usual 1-player stats (lower jumping, etc) would spice things a little. I don't get why Knuckles had to lose his trademark lame lower jump...
  16. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    This is exactly what I wanna to hear. I've never enjoyed having a second player messing everything up. Dear god, could you imagine if you managed to put a third?

    Though, what would be neat is if you play in the special stage as whoever jumps into the stars at the starpost.
  17. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Just tried it in Genesis Plus for Wii and it locks up at the Emerald Hill title card, with the music still playing. Does this happen when played on real hardware too?

    Also, suggestion: An option to use the different stats from Sonic 3's multiplayer mode. Or even just the mini-characters from there? They should take even less VRAM space.
  18. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Awaiting collaboration with ColinC10, and "Sonic 1 and 2 Heroes".
  19. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I've merged in the posts from the General Projects thread.

    Also - excellent work on this, flamewing. Badass hack is badass =P
  20. Liliam


    Uh, no, bro. Knuckles's colors are in line 1 - the first two reds are now Knuckles's medium and dark reds, and the brightest gray has been dropped for the bright red. I know this, it's blatantly obvious when you look at the character sprites up close.

    So I've noticed. I've split the post I was making when you started playing around. :argh: