Brainulator: when you are about to post a question here, please ask yourself these two questions: Does it contribute at all to the discussion at hand? and would it be better to ask it on another thread, such as the Basic Questions & Answers thread? If the answer to either is "no", then please do not post it here; use the better thread instead. Your last question fails both of them, incidentally. Edit: by the way, the topic before the derail:
Are you talking about just editing the sprites like Sonic + Co. and the enemies, or editing the full level artwork?
Making all of the games assets match up would be awesome. I feel like a project of such a huge undertaking could use some kind of repository though, where anyone could contribute and the best sprite would be used. Would be easier to keep track of everything that way.
Sounds like a cool idea to me. If this is sort of what you had in mind and people like it, maybe I'll work on more.
@Kharen: Enemies, other sprites and level art (Sonic & co are already consistent throughout the game, at least in SCH). @True Dude: Most definitely yes. In principle it could even be done in a copy of the S1 Git reepository to avoid having to deal with all palette shenanigans SCH currently uses.
I've been wanting to update Sonic 1 and 2's Graphics to S3K style since forever, but I don't know much about doing backgrounds or what really defines the different styles between the games outside of s3k generally looking a bit more realistic. Still willing to help in any way I can though. This doesn't necessarily apply to this project, but I've started upscaling the S3K competition stages to proper scale and I plan on doing the same to a couple of Sonic spinball stages as well eventually.
One of the questions I have is if do we really need 2 buzzbombers for example. In both Green Hill and Emerald Hill we have bees shooting at you, can we replace for example S1's buzzbomber with S2's bomber? This way also you don't have to recreate it. Same with the driller mole/thing of Laberynt Zone, S2 has a similar one but much cooler. Crabmeat is a different thing since S1's shoot and S2's punch, but I'm sure that 'redundancy' can be avoided. Orbinauts, also.
My suggestion to that would be to give the badnicks slight variations in Behavior. For example, since the fish in Green Hill Zone jump straight up and down maybe you could have the fish in Emerald Hill Zone jump forward in an arc. GHZ buzz bombers can operate the same, but EHZ can shoot rapid fire bullets instead of just one and be generally more aggressive.
I did also thought something like that, but then SCH would stop being a sort of 'replacement' for both S1 and S2. Maybe it has already moved out from that and I'm living in the past, so it could work. But also getting rid of 'repeated' badniks would save a bit of ROM space. + - Damn, I'm starting to sound like brainmulator...
A tiny, tiny bit. Better reason for doing it is for consistency. Merge them so there's one less badnik to learn.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but when going from Sonic 1 levels to Sonic 2 levels, there's always a drop in difficulty, with the relatively easy Emerald Hill and Chemical Plant Zones coming after Scrap Brain. Maybe either fix it so that the difficulty grows organically like it does in the base games, where EHZ is harder than SBZ but easier than CPZ.
Right now SCH lets you choose between S1, S2 or S1+2 levels. Doing what you say would require basically redo all S2 levels and that would not only completly destroy this option, but also it would stop being S2.
I agree for the most part, the snail bots I only suggested since they're sort of canon and wouldn't seem extremely out of place. It would depend on if flamewing and others would agree though.
Could add a S1+S2 alternate mode, where it goes GHZ -> EHZ -> MZ -> SLZ -> etc Doesn't make much sense canonically but I think it would be a nice feature.
Let's see here: Motobug does have a more scary appearance in, say, Sonic Colors. EHZ Buzzer could burn bridges like in the prototypes. GHZ Chopper could move in an arc pattern like in SA2. GHZ Crabmeat and M(T)Z Shellcracker are different enough. There are already two Newtrons: green (shoots projectiles) and blue (moves around). Perhaps they could shoot projectiles and then move? MCZ Crawltron is different enough from MZ/SBZ Caterkiller. Batbrain is different enough from BBat. LZ Burrobot could be compared to ARZ Grounder. Could we make Grounder green? Orbinaut has three relevant forms: Unidasu (LZ, throws spike balls), Uni Uni (SLZ, keeps spike balls), and Gohla (HTZ firey Unidasu). Gohla does fit the environment, but Flame Shield already destroys projectiles, so perhaps we could make Unidasu the only variant for balancing purposes? @rata, hehe :3
I don't think anybody is going to feel thrown off just because the badniks were updated, though. That would be like assuming that anyone is going to lose sleep over there not being a S1/S2 Sonic as an option or the such.
While I like the ambition, I worry this project is losing focus. So many ideas being thrown left and right, different characters, graphics, etc. Keep a focus, or at least release a fixed vanilla version before going about the super ambition. And as far as graphics go, many Sonic 1 enemies could be replaced by Sonic 2 enemies (fish badniks and buzzbombers come to mind). It's a start at least.