well, I just finished a Knuckles intro animation for the title screen, and also as a petition I made another mock up, but this time with Sonic in the middle: you were right and it fits better now
Identical in concept, but completely different in art style. The Advance sprites have aliased outlines, while the Genesis games have more volume, evidenced by the heavy use of light and shadow, they are completely different. Personally I think that the Advance sprites in general look bad because of the "cartoony" look, that because of the low resolution looks horribly pixelated. The life icons in particular make a very poor job at accurately representing the shapes of the characters' heads. The artists who did those did't know how to work in low resolution.
The difference I noticed between Sonic and Tails' sprites and Knuckles' sprites is how Sonic and Tails have an outline around them of sorts, made up of one of the darkest shades of what it's surrounding. Maybe if you gave Knuckles such outlines then it'll look right. Other than the shading issue, this is amazing. :D
yes, you're right. I'll try to fix it in later revisions then (which means that I'm tired right now and I'll do it later or tomorrow XD)
I tried something, though it may be a little late. EDIT: credit to Felicia for the 'Heroes' tag. Almost forgot. :P
This was the idea that I was trying to say would look good (though the Knuckles art clashes a bit) with Tails and Knuckles backs facing Sonic. Though Sonic could be with being more forward looking, like he is in the Sonic 3 and Sonic 4 Tile screen.
Am I the only one who thinks it'd almost be easier to redesign the entire thing instead of trying to get Knuckles to match the style?
Agreed, Sonic would indeed look better facing more towards the screen. Also, there Knuckles' fist looks odd; it needs some shading at the base of his knuckles, as well as some shading between the fingers. As is, it looks like he is wearing a sock puppet.
I've already asked FeliciaVal if she's up for it. She said that she thinks that she could do it. But has other stuff to do first.
There's a bug that I noticed since the first build, but I forgot to mention, and that was not fixed yet: If you grab a invincibility powerup, it will show the stars around each character and everything, as it should. But, after the invincibility powerup effect ends, if you get another one in the same zone, the characters will attain the invincible state, but there will be no stars surrounding them.
Ah, thanks; I was forgetting to set their parent objects. This same bug was also affecting super stars, but I doubt anyone noticed it...
LARGE IMAGE: http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4546/sonic2heroes.png Here is my drawing for the logo. The Sonic is based off of the Sonic Colors render, the Tails is based off his Japanese Sonic & Tails boxart design (So if you don't like it just pixelate the original copy), and the Knuckles is based off of the Sonic Mega Collection logo drawing. The emblem is the same as the one in Sonic 1, so I didn't bother drawing it. the Sonic 2 is meant to look like the one on the Sonic 3 logo only with Sonic 4 colors, and the Heroes is from the Sonic Heroes logo only modified to get rid of the Sonic head Oh and sorry about the pen job lookin kinda shitty. The pen line was too thick, but the pencil line isn't dark enough to show up on the scanner very well. Also if there are any changes you want to make go right ahead
I like it, but for some reason it looks a little like Sonic's head is collapsing.. (I think it's the shading there?)
awww...a lot of awesome contributions already, now I wonder which one flamewing will pick XD well at least I tried XD ^^;;
That and I still don't care for that Knuckles too much... he looks a little too cutesy. Like his pupils are huge for him and his head isn't as much of a knot as it used to be. Either way, it almost feels like S2HeroesHD in here. :specialed: Not that that's a bad thing, but I honestly liked the title screen whenever it was what FeliciaVal made it and if she would have added that shading to Knuckles (and maybe turned Tails that way like that) it would've been perfect.
mmm you think so? I don't think Tails should be rotated to the other side...but oh well, if flamewings wants it that way, then I'll do it. Also... I tried xD Now im gonna try and make another mock up with Tails facing the other side and draw outline to knux's sprites
Nice start. What are you thinking of doing for the overall animations? An idea that I've thought of was to have Sonic pop up like in Sonic 1 and Sonic 4. But then, Tails and Knuckles come up at the same time, bang their backs against Sonic, then turn their heads towards the screen followed by recycled animations like Knuckles twisting his hand and Tails blinking.