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Sonic Classic Collection

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Sep 22, 2009.

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  1. Jaseman


    The programmer has a nap! Hold out! Programmer! Member
    Didn't I say that earlier?
  2. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    If you say so. There's no proper documentation on this game that a lot of people have seen, so certain points (especially the music oddities) are being repeated over and over.
  3. Jaseman


    The programmer has a nap! Hold out! Programmer! Member
    Would I be able to compile a buglist in scc's page on the Wiki?
  4. I just got the chance to play this game on my DSi, and I am experiencing the pop sound in Sonic1,2,3,K anytime Sonic an co. jumps I hear that atrocious pop sound.

    At first I thouht that my speakers were bad, but I tired mario and sonic rush with no problems. But thanks to you Jaseman, I was able to see someone else is also having this problem. Do you or anyone on Retro also have this issue? Also could this pop sound be found in early print copies and be removed in later prints. If so I would like to know, because in all honesty that sound is really a pain.

  5. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Never noticed it, but then I was playing good Sonic games. I didn't care to listen. :P

    The ring loss sound effect is different, though.
  6. Jaseman


    The programmer has a nap! Hold out! Programmer! Member

    they probably just did a bad job recording the .wav file. Can't imagine they had the budget to do a reprint.
  7. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    I had a chance to play my cousin and brothers copies on a fat DS and the DSi, I know it's been said already but the framerate performance is so much better on the DSi, near constant full frame rate compared to the old DS which was playable but dropped in areas, but not that much.

    I only paid a low price for both copies but I've played and enjoyed them despite the squished screen visuals, but I would not pay more then £12 for it, the image gallery is shitty too.
  8. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    Yeah, I was kinda wondering if it'd have been worth picking up alongside my 3DS, assuming I could find it for cheap. (IIRC the price is about $20 now, which is just about £12.50...)
  9. Jaseman


    The programmer has a nap! Hold out! Programmer! Member
    Well, there are a few things to consider ...

    1.) Do you have any sort of flashcart? If so, then you may wanna go with jEnesis unless ...

    2.) Is S3K a main reason for purchase? If not, then jEnesis plays Sonic 2 & Sonic 1 lagless, as well as uncombined Sonic 3 and S&K

    3.) You are ONLY getting the games plus thirty pictures. Nothing more.

    4.) The framerate is not so good on the DS Phat and Lite. jEnesis plays it at 60FPS.

    TL;DR, get a flashcart unless you want to play Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Classic Collection is basically jEnesis with moar frameskip & S3K support.
  10. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    I'd like to elaborate on this, for the curious; since I have a DS Phat and will only ever have a DS Phat until they release a new one which doesn't have a d-pad which almost cripples my thumb to use, being practically on the edge of the console like it is, forcing me to bend it like a crooked eagle talon or something. But I digress.

    Sonic 3 and/or Knuckles are pretty stable in terms of framerate, with only occasional drops. Sonic 2 experiences the same sort of drops you'd find when playing Sonic CD on a PAL Mega-CD; that is to say, fairly frequent but not detrimental to the gameplay. Sonic 1 is almost always at the dropped frame-rate, only playing at the correct speed when there is fuck all happening. It's possible to play, but not pretty.

    DS Phat users should only bother with this if they're pretty desperate for S3K on the move.
  11. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    Eh, I still think I'll hold off on it. They're likely going to just make yet another compilation for the 3DS, anyway, and this one would presumably have less slowdown and not have to squish the screen anyway. (What? You know it's going to happen. Sure it'd be a waste of the 3D ability, but...)

    I do kind of wish that PicoDrive ran faster on my OFW 6.20 PSP-2000, without this "fast rendering" stuff that often looks like crap. It's not TOO bad, but I can notice the framerate dropping, which it sounds like this official compilation wouldn't alleviate in the slightest (even on a DSi/3DS).
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