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Sonic Classic 2

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Hez, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    EDIT: In case this isn't entirely obvious, this post is directed at Vulpine.

    I am not this community. Neither is any one person who gets upset over palm trees not looking a certain way or over the chronology of the series or what hue Sonic's eyes are at any given moment. Individual people have individual thoughts and you can't just say "Someone at Retro is anal retentive over stupid shit, Someone else is at Sonic Retro, therefor that someone else must also be anal retentive." It's not syllogistically sound.

    And again, your insistence that simply because there is some property of this that is similar to something from Dragon Ball Z that it must absolutely be a fanboy-inclined direct one to one relationship to that thing is just silly. It seems far more fanbo- *glances at left* fangirlish to me to get all bent out of shape over that perceived relationship and to act like you are somehow above it... especially while talking about the series where they took the silly little Dragon Ball Z homage and turned it into the finale point of nearly every game after the one it was introduced in and played it straight dead-pan serious.

    Also, don't get me wrong, I can appreciate more than just gameplay related concepts, such as visual style, sound, etc... but this is the kind of thing that doesn't really have any significant impact on any of those and just flies totally below my radar.
  2. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Fairly certain you mean me there.

    And I wasn't calling you lazy, I said it looked lazy. And it does. But if you're considering changing it, then well, that's not lazy.
  3. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Wow, thanks for confusing some of Volpino's posts for mine and then calling me retarded. While I made it very clear I disliked the idea and went as far as to say that I think Sonic looks stupid in orange form with two tails, I never, ever referred to you as lazy and I'm fully aware Tails and Knuckles are playable in Classic 1. My main intent was to give you suggestions on how you could improve the game. I tried to come up with some alternative ideas that would be more logical for Sonic's universe without effecting the gameplay much. While I now understand you barely care about any form of logic in Sonic fangames, I feel criticism is important in trying to create the best overall product and I tried to do it in a somewhat nice manner. Next time you feel like insulting someone for giving critical feedback, how about you take the time to read who wrote what?
  4. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    Here you are pretending to talk about logic when in reality you are just talking about personal choices of aesthetic.
  5. dsrb


    Good Saint Christof! This got even sillier.

    I look forward to seeing your updates to your current concept, Hez—and any alternatives that you try out, though I think the idea of gliding/rotor accessories could go either way, and suits sound worse than simply shooping in some knuckle-spikes or tails. But, ultimately, do what Steelbrush said.

    Sega saw fit to transform Sonic into a werewolf in a game designed for mass release and commercial return; I think a fan making his own game in his own time can put in magical monitors full of transformy-essence if he wants.
  6. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    It's both. Not only is there no logic behind the abilities gained by those two monitors, but it makes Sonic look like a crappy fan character.

    He transformed into a werehog at night because of what Robotnik did to him. Even though it was an extremely stupid idea, at least there was some kind of logic behind why Sonic turned into that.
  7. Overbound


    Sonic Time Twisted Creator
    I didn't read through all the trash so forgive me if this has been said. But perhaps a good way to go Hez is to create shields that give you Knuckles and Tails powers. You could use the Sonic 2 shield (or any shield for that matter) and color it yellow or red depending. You could even create some kind of story element by saying since Knuckles and Tails were going to be away Tails made new shields for Sonic to use in their absence. Whatever way you decide to do it I think its a solid idea. Fan games each need their own niche and your especially since you already made a complete game. Yeah, you've got a solid niche here Hez. Maybe not everyone likes it but then not everyone likes time travel either.
  8. Hez


    I guess I couldn't tell you two tards apart? Either way you still don't make any sense. You keep acting like you are some jedi master of this "Sonic Universe" when again, even sega has done shit like this. Also, I wish you would get it through your head that this has the option to NOT EFFECT GAMEPLAY AT ALL. I've said clearly that you can choose not to use these power ups. And thirdly, quit being a winy bitch.


    A video for the sprite change. I like them, I'm keeping these ones, that's final. I MAY change the short walk to change to the normal walk quicker though. It also shows a very early special stage.
  9. Impish


    Those are really good sprites Hez. They look like the natural progression of Sonic sprites if they had continued making 2D Sonic games into the Saturn era, if you understand me.
  10. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    I too love what you've done with the sprites! Natural motion and interesting hues. Also, digging all of those background layers! That short layer of mountains behind the lake feel like they scroll just a bit more quickly than they should, but I'm not sure, it could just be me.

    THAT special stage. Looking forward to the challenge, since it looks like Blue Sphere with free-range of motion is more difficult than being grid-based. That looks dang fun.

    Are you nixing the color changes when Sonic gets Tails' and Knux's powers? I kinda liked it.
  11. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    We have entirely different sigs, avatars, and usernames, plus Volpino made more posts in this thread than I did and you still managed to confuse us. Good job.

    I'm no jedi master of the Sonic universe and never claimed to be. They were shitty looking powerups with no real logic behind them with the universe in mind. What bugged me the most was how bad they looked.

    The belief that optional power ups doesn't affect gameplay is ridiculous. Certain powerups will be more useful for certain aspects of the game and ideally, it's best that none of the powerups make Sonic look like a horrible fan character.

    You brought this onto yourself by insulting me. I probably would have stfu if you weren't such a dick about my suggestions to improve the game.

    Glad you're leaving his color as blue at least. It still looks awkward as all hell, but oh well. It's an improvement.
  12. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    Alright, dude. Do you even know what logic is? Logic is just a system of establishing causal relationships. Why does Sonic transform into the Werehog? Because some fancy cosmic entity used magic on him to make that happen. That's the extent of the logic behind that. It's no stronger of a logical relationship than... Why does Sonic grow a Tail and start flying? Because he hit a magic monitor that made that happen. Which is also no different than "Why is Sonic surrounded by a bubble of fire and can now launch himself through the air? Because he hit a magic monitor that made that happen."

    If you accept any of the rules of this crazy universe at all, you'd realize that there is nothing implausible at all about these transformations. The series is a mix of fantastic and science fiction elements that can push any amount of applied phlebotinum and use it to justify anything from Sonic being a hedgehog who can run faster than the speed of sound to Sonic woke up one day and was in ancient fantasy middle east living the stories of 1001 Arabian Nights.

    And for what it's worth, there is nothing at all awkward looking about that flying sprite as it is now and you really are just being butthurt that he didn't accept your complete rejection of a perfectly sound idea.

    EDIT: Also, when Hez says it doesn't affect gameplay in any way, he means it doesn't bring anything new to the table that wasn't already accessible through other means. The fact that it gives Sonic someone else's ability is irrelevant since those abilities were already in the game and already accounted for in level design.
  13. dsrb


    > Hez drops in a sentence about "oh no the egg mans has kidnaped sonuc's buddeez but thankfully he can access their abilities through THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP and modern televisual technology"
    > Problem, W.A.C.?

    Also wondering this:
  14. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    The game looks great, Hez. Ignore the whining of the furry sperglords and keep doing what you're doing.

    How did you do the 3D special stage in MMF2, if I may ask?
  15. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    If I had to guess it involves the mode 7 extension. I don't know for sure though.
  16. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    OK, EVERYONE calm down, especially Volpino & WAC. Being dicks to each other isn't going to do anything productive, so stop it.
  17. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Dude, Hez is being an equal dick to us. It's called criticism, I guess some people can't take it.
  18. Hez


    I'm a dick to everyone you stupid dildo.

    As for the color change, it just didnt happen because I changed sonic's pallete. The color change is still changing the old darker pallete I had. If people don't like the color change, I can keep it?

    Also, the special stage graphics are all placeholders. I figured I'd say this before people start freaking out about the pillow shading or whatever else you could find to bitch about.
  19. dsrb


    I think I'd keep the colour-change, or at least make the tails blue to match; having the clash of colours isn't great.
  20. EDOOM



    In fact, I'd go even further: heavier sprite editing such as adding Tails' bangs or Knuckles' spiky gloves when Sonic gets his partners' powers would make for a nice touch, IMO.

    One of the most original concepts I've seen in a while. Keep up the good work, Hez!!