Anyway, here's one more. I should probably going to stop posting those from now on. Unless people want to. Anyway the game is turning out to be much more like a Megaman X game than anything related to sonic or kirby at this point. Edit: I also might remove the soft red-ish glow on the level later on, it's there due to some other parts of level being on fire.
Lake discovered widescreen! :specialed: Wait I already said that. You're getting much better at ground tiles, though you might want to reconsider those number sprites. They look incredibly awkward.
Honestly, I am psyched that you are going into original game development, if this is what that is. Whatever you make of it is likely to be brimming with creativity and colorful worlds, so it already has my interest. Also, without Sonic attached to it, you're more free to do what you want with the concept. You could always open up a thread specifically for this in Video Games. I think most of us would love to keep up with the project, if you were up to it.
I will once I announce the game, but that will probably only happen after SAGE. I'm not 100% sure about it though, only time will tell.
Sorry for the bump but, Sonic Chrono adventure 1.1 just got released in SAGE 2014 More info in the SAGE page. Also, something special: