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Sonic CD's Mysterious Cut R2 Level Discussion - Post Origins Edition

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, Jul 12, 2022.

  1. MasterDreamcaster


    Running Up That Green Hill Member
    I know there were many theories about R2. It won’t be a surprise for me if one of the obvious suggestions – “what if R2 is a remake of Marble Zone” – turns out to be true. There are a lot of similarities:

    1. Concept artworks feature ancient architecture. And no sign of underground areas…

    2. Both levels are mostly underground locations.
    3. Stairs in Marble Zone and in 2R on Ohshima’s map.
    4. Swinging platforms.
    5. Lots of traps.
    6. Technology. Switches in Marble Zone activate large columns. And this thing in Dubious Depths – I don't know what it is, but its form is also a "column" of sorts. Or maybe it was like those "elevators" from Scrap Brain to visit different floors.
    7. Crumbling floor. I remember at least one example in Marble Zone. But in Dubious Depths it was supposed to appear often, judging by animated sequence.

    In any case, we will know for sure when concept art for Sonic CD will be released. Because what we have now doesn’t reflect in-game stages or animated ending. For example, rainbow waterfalls are associated with R2, but we see no sign of them in Toei’s video. Consequently, they could have chosen another artwork for their version of R2.

    Similar situation is with Stardust Speedway. I think that it was inspired by Star Light Zone.
    The biggest new addition is Eggman’s statue – people at Toei probably used map of Little Planet as a basis, but it doesn’t exclude the possibility of other references being provided by Sonic Team.

    Sonic The Hedgehog CD seems to be inspired by original Sonic The Hedgehog for the most part.
    Just look at these levels. Only Palmtree Panic and Stardust Speedway have loops, just like Green Hill and Star Light. Also, those two levels from Sonic 1 were the ones where you can run fast. In Sonic CD, developers wanted to add more variety: “fast” Round 1 – “slow” Round 2 – “fast” Round 3 – “slow” Round 4 and so on. Odd-numbered stages have more free space, starting from Salad Plain.
    Even-numbered stages are more about exploration, traps and gimmicks. Ridicule Root was supposed to introduce this idea. Naoto Ohshima described it as a level that “didn’t match Sonic’s speed.” Also, it could have been a dungeon. If we follow this logic, Salad Plain becomes a new version of Green Hill Zone, and Ridicule Root – a new version of Marble Zone. Four Rounds turned into remakes of four Zones from Sonic 1. New locations were also added (Quartz Quadrant and Wacky Workbench). The rest of Sonic CD follows first game’s structure: a place where player can run around (Star Light – Stardust Speedway) before entering the hardest part – Eggman’s base (Scrap Brain – Metallic Madness).
    So yeah, Sonic CD looks like an expanded version of Sonic 1. Even if developers "were not particularly conscious of this during development."
    It reminds me of Spider-Man vs. Kingpin for SEGA Mega Drive and Mega CD. The latter was a bigger game with added features.
  2. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    The ending animation relfects the little planet map concept art. The little planet map shows R2 would be mostly underground and you can see that in the ending animation shot. It's not immediately obvious, but the camera is pointing downwards from the bottom of some rocks with grass on top of them. You can see them in the upper left and right corners, they look like stone bricks with moss growing downward on the bottom, and on the top you can see grass, indicating the entire shot is taking place underground. Which reflects what the little planet map concept art shows. You can see these blocks are up in the air, not on the ground, because there is a shadow under the ones far enough in the background showing they are elevated.

    circled what I'm talking about:

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2024
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