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Sonic CD now out for everything except Nintendo consoles

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    From what I understand they don't have the rights to use the music in a digital space. Since Brawl and Generations were disc titles I guess that was okay.
  2. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    You can skip that screen in the original. :ssh:
  3. MastaSys


    Don't say it, that's one of Sonic's most well kept secrets.
    Like pressing up and down at the Sonic 3's barrel and the shoulder buttons in Sonic R!
  4. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    Did SEGA ever give an actual statement on Sonic Boom being unavailable in digital release?

    I suspect it will appear digitally on iTunes in Japan as soon as the Sonic CD soundtrack is released (contains the original Sonic Boom).

    Also, psst! Hey guys, over here. Keep it quiet. I purchased Sonic Generations digitally and it had Sonic Boom in it, oooooh!
  5. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Has a disc version in EU.
  6. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie

    So it wasn't a cover up to load the level? I sure missed the boat if this is old news. I've only really played through the 510 and 920 well as up to Tidal Tempest in the Mega Collection.
  7. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Did it loop like Sonic Generations looped the song? Because THAT's a terrible way of doing it, seriously. They faded the song and merged the start with a fade in on the end... sounds bad!

    Using the SNCBNK would be so awesome :(

    Well, we still have a possibility! Taxman made the port :D
  8. MastaSys


    There is a loading time, but it isn't as long as the time travel animation. (not talking about craPC version)
  9. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I think it was just as you described and yes, it sounded terrible.

    ...But I also have no idea of why would they use the prototype SNCBNK stuff, since it doesn't sound much like the final tracks. The posted video sounds cool and all but I don't think that really fits in there.

    It's not like it would be too difficult to make the final tracks loop correctly without adding anything, anyway. Didn't Sonic Adventure did it more or less properly for that certain event?
  10. E-122-Psi


    All Stars did do a bad loop with Palmtree Panic, yes. Possibly because they didn't have the enhancement technology to take out the fade out at the end. That said I don't think the 'looped version' sounds perfect either (I think that little proto excerpt would work better as the branching element rather than randomly at the beginning). It's hard to say since it's one of the few tracks in CD that's not really designed to loop.
  11. OKei


    OKeijiDragon Member
    Those SNCBNK transitions mixed into the music, for me, makes most of the songs ALL THE MORE enjoyable because it doesn't ruin the tempo when it starts at the beginning of the song again. Just hearing the song fade out and start again just ruins it for me.

    This is the best example, IMO.

    I have my Sonic CD Japan's soundtrack with those SNCBNK transitions inserted. It's my music preference whenever I play Sonic CD.

    Hey Taxman.

    To some it would just be a very superficial detail, but I sincerely wish for those SNCBNK transitions to be included in this port's Japanese music, however possible. I have already decided to buy the remake to support you and this game, but for that detail to be included would me so much to me and it would make this purchase a higher priority in my gaming wishlist for this Christmas. Since you are responsible for this port, I'm sure you have some power with Sega to make this happen. I hope for you to respond to this.

  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    The only thing that ruins this sound track is the god awful looping. It just cuts the song off and starts over again.
  13. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I really don't know why they're being called "transitions", since they've never acted as such outside of fan works.

    They're just small clips based on very early iterations of the music tracks, which in most cases don't even have the same instrumentation. That's why I don't think they fit anywhere near the final tracks.
  14. Rosiero


    Mmph! Oldbie
    Most of them fit really well in spite of the quality difference, IMO. In fact, I think that Palmtree Panic Bad Future one fits really well because of how different it is from the rest of the track, it covers up the problem by sounding like a short breakdown.
  15. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    ...That track just flows so much better when looping it normally without adding a thing.
  16. Rosiero


    Mmph! Oldbie
    Maybe so, I don't know. But the main point I was trying to make is that these being meant for transitions originally is more likely than you think. :V (I have no idea what the hell else they could've been meant for anyway)
  17. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    In fact they were found on the 720 proto and in 510 they didn't made them yet... so... well they may have been done a bit earlier between the 510 and 720 protos, and all of them work with the songs.
  18. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    ...I don't think that's relevant. They were only included in one out of many Sonic CD builds, so they might have forgotten to uncheck those files while building that one.

    If I remember correctly, the internal filenames suggest that there were also SNCBNKs for the invincibility and speed up songs, and I'm positive that they never intended those to loop.

    EDIT: Damn, this is getting off-topic. Sorry.
  19. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    I'll just leave this here:
  20. I might actually enter that, sounds fun!

    I played Sonic CD at GameStop the other day, game feels great, Sonic 2 spindash feels natural, everything looks great. Some things I noticed:

    -Opening cutscene lacked vocals
    -Opening was also fit to 16:9 (16:10 maybe for the tablet?) Couldn't tell if it was cropped, maybe the very edges were stretched, either way it didn't look bad.
    -Time travel animation was included, don't think it can be skipped.
    -Silhouette of Tails when you start a new game. There's a character select screen that had room for two characters, they made no attempt to hide Tails as his name is right there, not complaining as they announced it formally but a little odd.

    Point is, its the same game we've always loved. All of your money will be spent on this.