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Sonic CD now out for everything except Nintendo consoles

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. E-122-Psi


    Perhaps that is how it could make a link to original R2 plans with it's rainbow waterfalls.
  2. Lambda


    Dang... I want this so bad now. Hardcore fans would like the addition, and the general public wouldn't notice it's new... why SEGA shot this down is beyond me... Like, I'm really trying to figure out why they'd do that.

    Honestly, I rarely enjoy desert levels in platformers... but the colors and American West vibe here is atypical and very nice. Seems to have a good flow, too. Even if it is a test level.

    Oh well, I'll just have to let it go... or hope they get to make an original Sonic game with the ideas that got shot down... pretty please? :D
  3. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I can only guess that they didn't want to change the core game too much. Tails being included may have been enough of a stretch, like how HPZ is in Sonic 2.

    The sad part is, and I think this may have to do more with SoJ than anything, is they need to understand that because they re-released the original games so many damn times throughout the last 13 or so years, there's little incentive for people to keep buying them. Look at the feedback around the net about Sonic 2. Yeah, 16:9, touch controls, online multiplayer... the key selling point all of them pointed to, even SoA themselves, was Hidden Palace Zone's inclusion. It was entirely new content that was taken out originally, now restored. THAT'S why it sold like crazy, not just because it was Sonic 2.

    The sooner SoJ gets it through their thick skulls, the more liberties these remasters could have gotten. That said, I would rather see these ideas implemented in an all new game, not just simple mobile remasters. May as well leave remasters or porting to M2 and their GigaDrive emulator.
  4. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    It's a pride thing I'm sure. And it's a damn shame too. Did any of these remakes ever get a Japanese release in the end? What with Boom and the fact that these remakes are the best things since the originals, I get the impression that Sega West are the only ones that are really striving for excellence and at all in-tune with the market these days.
  5. Machenstein


    The only other reason behind Desert Dazzle's exclusion I can think of is Sonic CD's limited distribution. The general public has played Sonic 1 and 2 to death, but not Sonic CD. Sega probably thought people would experience the Taxman port first as if it were the original. It could also have been due to how unfamiliar Sega was with Taxman at the time. They had relied on emulators for years, then this Sonic fan turned programmer approaches them with an iPhone port of Sonic CD. He was a new face that Sega didn't completely trust at first, but since he proved himself with Sonic CD, now he can take liberties with the rest of the classics.
  6. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Because an extra zone would involve 3 new songs, 3 new level layouts and R2 wasn't really part of Sonic CD. With HPz it was more to do with the time constraints, but R2 had bad, uninteresting art and they decided to cut it... that's why we don't have it. It's not part of Sonic CD if people chose to cut it.

    As a graphic designer I can tell, for every logo/corporate identity/game art/everything related to it, you have at least two alternatives that were discarded by the client.
  7. doc eggfan

    doc eggfan

    Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Wiki Sysop
    GreatMegaLD, GreatSC3k, Great SG1k
    I love how Taxman just went ahead and started putting R2 together. That's how I like to work too, to half complete something and then take it to your boss and say "Look, isn't this a great idea and it's mostly done now so can I have permission to finish it off?"

    It's really annoying when they say no.
  8. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Hopefully Sega's got the hint by now. From what was completed, Desert Dazzle had the makings to be a level on par with that of Sonic 2 with its open design and use of multiple paths. Plus, Stealth-Tax's Hidden Palace is such a completely new animal from the original HPZ, it may as well have been its own original zone.

    Now we've all seen DDZ and are clamoring for it. Sega was smart enough to let Taxman start making these ports, so hopefully they'll be smart enough to offer him the chance to do Sonic 5, or at the very least an original Sonic project of some kind. They have a golden egg-laying goose right there! They haven't even begun to scratch the surface of the potential Stealth-Tax and the Retro Engine possess.
  9. E-122-Psi


    This hidden data does seem to work as a semi pitch to display the potential and see if buyers would take to it, sort of like how the beta helped in Hidden Palace's elusiveness. Very convenient if something were to come from this little oversight by Taxman's team... XD
  10. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I don't doubt that he has his backers in SoA. Sales for all the games suggest they were quite healthy, and they won some awards too. The main concern is likely going to be SoJ. It doesn't take a genius to see SoJ doesn't like being upstaged. Hell, a handy look at our lovely Sega Retro wiki will show various instances in the past where SoJ and SoA are at odds, but SoJ ultimately wins because they're the main branch.

    If the fans really want to make their voices heard, you all need to shake up SoJ. No disrespect to M2 for how impressive the GigaDrive is (and really, I respect the amount of work they put in to it and how it largely shames Nintendo's VC offerings), but Stealth and Tax have taken some classics, lovingly touched them up and made them super appealing to buy once again, and with bonus features incentives. It's like how Square Enix ported Chrono Trigger to DS and added stuff (opinions may vary on quality.)
  11. Lambda


    ...Are you proposing a movement?
  12. Falk


    A bowel movement specifically?

    I mean, essentially the message that needs to get across is 'people give a shit', right?


    Man I'm hilarious.
  13. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    How would we go about doing this in a way that would sound respectable and actually be considered seriously?
  14. Lambda


    I was GOING to say "Are you proposing a movement? I like a good movement"

    Then I decided not to 'cuz this. :P

    Money talks... loudly...

    However, I guess we're assuming that pride is keeping them from listening to the green...
  15. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    I'm all for some kind of message to SOJ here, what we've gotten to see looks great and I want to support more of that more than anything these days.
  16. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    To be honest, I'm not sure. There's clear demonstration that people have spoken with their wallets and shown that these remasters are popular, even to the point of people saying they want to see them put out on consoles so they can buy them there.

    SoJ is a very stubborn entity. They know about the west and their exploits. Hell, the PSO2 team over there is pretty damn impressed with how the west basically circumvented Sega's... roadblock, I guess would be a good word, and made their own translation patch just to play the game. Honestly, the mentality change has to happen right at the higher levels, and if they're not responding to surges of money, I'm not really sure what else can be a motivating factor.

    Stupid stubborn Japanse pride mentality.
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    But Sonic 4 is better than all of this because it comes from Japan. Only good comes from Japan

    Jappppaaaannnnnnn :specialed:/>
  18. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    That's really a shame, especially when it's that same stubbornness and pride that almost killed Sega to begin with.

    I hope the people at SoA are able to find some sort of exploitable loophole to make a Taxman original project a reality.
  19. ELS


    Does anybody else thing a cool function for Sonic CD would be to toggle songs on a per track basis?

    I like Sonic Boom but like most of the Japanese soundtrack but at the same time I love the US special stage song.
  20. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    Here's a question. I didn't buy it yet, but I was wondering if the PS3 version supports custom soundtracks. Judging from the demo it doesn't which is odd cause Sega likes to make it's games support that feature on PS3. I played Virtua Fighter 2 with a custom soundtrack the other day.