The funny thing is that his post was still easier for me to read than SpeedStar's because he bothered with proper capitalization and punctuation. The Sonic Jam release of Sonic 1 is the definitive version of that game for me and I know that's not 100% perfect, so honestly having Tails/Knuckles/Spindash/Widescreen out weights the possibility that I won't be able to glitch through some walls or whatever.
I'd like to see this lack of punctuation and capitalization I had going in my last post. I'm on an iPod which is a pain in the arse to type on any way, but truthfully, if the human brain can read words perfectly when they're scrambled but you struggle even if there's not a capital letter, then there's something wrong with you. Like I've stated, if you're happy to buy the same product with some extra characters squeezed in when they aren't going to add anything to the game (because it's not like Sonic 1 had any hard to reach areas), and the screen sides widened by a hair, then fair enough. I'd much prefer them to do a complete overhaul in the style of Generations. They could add extra characters then, but I'd also be getting something worth my while which a fan couldn't just put together themselves, like they already have before. For free.
Well, ya I'd love to see that too but if they're looking for a sonic cd type port that's what I expect. I honestly hope the next big game is s3k done generations style in celebration of that games 20th anniversary. No originality required
I just now downloaded this for my 360. I've not played this one before, so I'm off to give it a spin!!
It's funny to consider that now that I have a new laptop, the first game I play on it is an enhanced version of the very first PC game I ever played. Good port. Some weirdness with the speed shoes but otherwise a top form remake. EDIT: Oh yes, that reminds me -- anyone still have the links to the Japanese-audio-with-lyrics videos for opening and endings?
I'm getting really slow/floaty gameplay on my laptop for some reason. It was running just fine before, and I can't figure out the problem.
Maybe there's a background program slowing things down? A virus-scanner, perhaps, or malware. Oughta check the task manager, just in case.
Bump. Has anyone bought this for Droid 2? Since there are some reports of strange behavior on some hardware, and there's no Android demo, I'd like some report of how it handles on Droid 2 before purchasing.
So I've been playing Sonic CD on my desktop with no problems, however I just installed it on my laptop and for some reason it doesn't want to recognize my up and left arrow keys on the menus, and it's the only program that doesn't... I tried reinstalling it and tried resetting my machine, but left and up won't work. Any thoughts? I suppose I could just play on my desktop like I have been, but it's bizzare to me that it's not working right on my laptop and of all things the up and left arrows won't work on it. However in game it's completely unplayable... Sonic is moving by himself... and of all things it acts as if I'm pressing up and left... what the actual fuck?
Does your laptop have a built-in Bluetooth adapter and webcam? Try disabling them. I know that sounds strange but this game has shown to sometimes have weird input issues with those kinds of devices. If you are wanting to use a Bluetooth controller try re-enabling Bluetooth after the game has booted up. Like I said, I know these solutions may seem strange but I speak from first hand experience.
That actually might be it, built in bluetooth and webcam, I forgot about that problem from past posts when the game first came out. I don't suppose SEGA is ever going to let that be patched either... oh well I could always disable that stuff and play it that way then, but that's highly inconvenient, especially since to disable my bluetooth I have to go into the bios. I guess I'll just play it on my desktop.
Taxman - is there any chance of cloud-syncing between wp7, and Xbox Live? I plan on buying the wp7 version, and it'd be great to continue where I left off. I know this feature is being implemented in Sonic 4 E2...
My desktop copy is doing exactly the same thing - the above solution won't help me either as I have neither bluetooth or a webcam installed. Anyone able to shed any light?
A bit of a bump, but I have a question. Some of the tracks in the JP soundtrack use the "SNCBNK" files from the prototype to loop the music, but as far as I can tell we don't actually have a proper rip of those -- the ones on the wiki are in lossy MP3 format, and IIRC were obtained in a rather unorthodox way -- ICEknight swapped some files around and recorded the resulting output from Gens. Taxman, were you able to get properly trimmed, lossless versions to make your loops, and if so, are you willing/allowed to make them public?
I made a wiki article about Desest Dazzle. Unfortunately I didn't know much about it so feel free to fill it in if possible. Desert_Dazzle