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Sonic CD now out for everything except Nintendo consoles

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    Though the iPhone controls aren't exactly spectacular, this version of Sonic CD is the best, hands down.

    Honestly, I really want this to sell well for the sake of sending SEGA a message to do more Sonic titles like this, but unfortunately, this game was used as a marketing ploy for Sonic 4, and thus knowing SEGA, they'll think it sold well because people want more of that, instead, and therefore we'll get more shit.
  2. LOst


    Tech Member
    I think the rainbow waterfall concept was translated into that rainbow sky effect that you'll see in one of the Special Stages. I know it is a sky effect and not a waterfall effect, but if you think about it, there is another Special Stage background with waterfalls, and maybe they didn't look good as rainbows (maybe someone can test it by hacking), so instead of scrapping the effort, they just moved the effect to its own background.
    That was my initial thought when I saw the Hoshino video.
  3. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    + add knuckles and this would be a day 1 buy for me.

    New 16-bit style Sonic levels, official ones, is something I have wanted for so many years.

    ......I can dream. :(

    I was thinking maybe it had something to do with the rainbow water from the intro.
  4. MastaSys


    The first time I played CD was not in a Mega CD, it was the gems collections or the old pc version, one of those, so I played with the US soundtrack.
    I enjoyed it actually, but it not felt Sonic to me, I mean the Boss theme was so un-Eggmanish, more fitting like Satam or something like that, it felt wrong see the good old Doctor making stupid animations like running, laughing, or moving aroud his legs like an idiot in QQ, and riding dubious machines under this music.

    Then I played the JP one and I couldn't go back, it was more of the level of the other Mega Drive titles, it's easy to see why, for example compare Metallic Madness US with another Doctor's Base, even the darkest base don't have music that dark and evil.

    Actually the only issue I have with the US soundtrack it's not having past themes, it breaks the consistency for me, maybe some day some fan with talent will do it, *hint* some one of Sonic Retro *hint* *hint*
  5. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    Y'all negros hatin. The US soundtrack is kickass, especially Stardust Speedway.
  6. SteelBrush


    603e Member
    the home of spotted dick, Devon
    Tramadol, Tamazepam and finding a reason to exist.
    I used to really dislike the US soundtrack, then my old PC died and I had no access to SCD with the JP tracks. I was stuck with gems collection. In was in that time that came to enjoy the US soundtrack, it is quite different but that's what I like about it. The ambient tracks build a real sense of threat as the game progresses. SCD had a darker tone compared to the other classics, it's music reflects that.
  7. RedMetallix


    Supreme Thunder Member
    A desk.
    What? Don't be silly.
    Personally, I like aspects of the US soundtrack but not other aspects, its not a bad soundtrack as it is, but it doesn't really fit the game.

    Inside the Spoiler are my opinions on the US Soundtrack.

    + - Palmtree Panic: US Present Music is great, but the Future tracks sound like Tribal Music, doesn't really do it for me, the Voices in the tracks make it worse. I prefer the Japanese. Collision Chaos: great on both sides of the ocean, the US tracks (Especially the Bad Future Track) stick out for being very dreary, I like both. Tidal Tempest: Present is ruined by the woman's vocals in the US version, the Future Tracks are fine, the Good Future less so than the Bad because of the vocals, but they're downplayed, I mostly prefer the Japanese again. Quartz Quadrant: a sad case, the US Present is fine until it gets to the awful vocals, both of the Future tracks come off as lazy, they sound mostly similar for a good part of the beginning, and they both still have vocals, the Bad Future is a little better though, still managing to sound Dreary and depressing, like the Bad Future should be, again, I prefer the Japanese but the US has some good parts. Wacky Workbench: this is where I think both soundtracks have great points, the Vocals used aren't obnoxious and annoying, but actually work for the music, I like both. Stardust Speedway: same deal as WW, the US Bad Future is my favorite track in the entire US Soundtrack. I like both but for Bad Future I prefer the US. Metallic Madness: hoo boy. I like the US version's Present and Bad Future, but the Good Future track is easily the worst song in the US version, Mainly because I can barely fucking hear it, and even then it sounds like its just a quiet version of the Present track, LAZINESS, it is one of the songs that I can agree on it being "Elevator Music". The Bad future is fucking amazing though, it gives off a good vibe of FINAL LEVEL GET HYPED! In the End both are pretty good. Special Stage: I prefer Japanese, US has its merits but feels like it belongs in a different game. Boss Themes: I like the US, but they really should've put a distinctively different track over the Final Boss rather than adding a few laughs to it. JP version is preferred because of this. I like both Sonic Boom and the Japanese themes, but I only like the Intro version of Boom. The Slow Credits version is ruined for me by the US sound team plastering it over Little Planet and Time Attack (Which was retained in the Updated version), its just a BORING track that has nothing going for it, I don't feel like playing through a level fast when the music in the time attack is so slow. The Speed Up and Invincible Jingles are fine, both versions. I heavily prefer the US Zone Clear track to the JP version, so much so that I tend to use it when replacing music in other games. The Game Over Jingle is better in the JP version, the US version is good for the US soundtrack so I'll give it that.  
  8. How do you unlock the last two options?
  9. STHX


    SEGAAAAAAAAA?!? Member
    The world of Trophies
    Sonic In Mushroom Kingdom
    Total time under 5 and 4 minutes in the Special Stage Time Attack.

    The 4 minutes one will drive you nuts.
  10. Derf


    *Insert witty member title here* Member
    Yonder, Hither.
    Sonic ExoGenesis
    I think a DLC pack would be a great idea. I mean if Sega was scared that people wouldn't feel the game was true enough to it's roots then it's not like those people have to buy the DLC whereas there is still enought people showing interest and that would enjoy the extra levels for it to be a reasonable decision. I guess this way both the more purist fans and the ones who want the pack win.
  11. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    My distaste for this games level design has really come out now that I've attempted to get all the Projectors and Generators. It's.. Really fucking bad for trying to collect that shit. If you just wanna run the game, great. Wanna collect shit and try not to use a guide or map? Hope you like dicking around for 15 minutes in some stages.
  12. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    I said this earlier in the topic, but I'd be happy to make these if someone with the technical knowhow wants to work with me.
  13. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Just grab a copy of Synthfont *freeware*. And a soundfont (the instrument bank), make a midi and it's a good start ;p
  14. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Hey, Taxman, did you happen to make Metal Sonic not retarded in Stardust Speedway? Because I noticed that I could no longer do this to him. He actually keeps pace now.
  15. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    I know, but I want to work within the limitations of the Sega CD. Also I need soundfonts made for all the different past songs.
  16. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Limitations? Just use CDDA!
  17. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    But the past songs don't use Red Book, they're sequenced somehow. I mean, you could just make up any old thing if you're replacing them in this new version, but I'd like to make it true to the original anyhow.
  18. Afro Thunder

    Afro Thunder

    Call Da Doctor! Member
    NS, Canada
    Trying to get outta Dr. Dre mode, and actually release an album.
    I think the past songs were PCM sequenced because of data limitations.
  19. Krilnik


    Guys, I do not get an option to play the special stages in time attack. Do I have to unlock this ability somehow?
  20. Sir_mihael


    STILLLLLLLL no sign of it here. Although my soundtrack did arrive today, and for some reason I absolutely loved the fact it actually had the SEGA logo on the package. I knew exactly what this was going to be.
    To be honest, this is precisely what I entered this competition for. (well, aside from a nice signed copy of the soundtrack... but a non-signed is fine too.) (I guess.)

    Still, It would be nice to get the codes soon. I'm just wondering exactly where the holdup lies?