Anyone else teleport into walls? It's happened to me twice. Once in Palmtree Panic and once in Wacky Workbench although in PP there were convenient platforms to exit to the top. If it weren't for the fact that it was hard to maneuver I'd think that this was intentional. In WW I just fell and grabbed a pipe. And then another time in Stardust Speedway I teleported right into a bottomless pit (which I'm 99% sure there's supposed to be none in this game). Not sure if these were in the original or not... but just thought I'd mention it!
Well, yeah, it can be thought of as being beta content in two senses: (1) as hwd45 started to imply, it's clearly based upon Dust Hill Zone, which was scrapped from Sonic 2; and (2) as Ritz said, Taxman was considering including the level but didn't—making it a teaser of beta content of beta content, I guess.
OH thank you for explaining. I thought that he was saying the Dust Hill concept was THE R2, which is not the case. I didn't see the post that said the artwork was going to be included. I thought it was supposed to be a random image inserted into the game, similar to the monster Sonic, Chibi Sonic, and Rapper Sonic images hidden in the original game.Ha- interesting. Now, of course, we know that the rainbow waterfall/extra piece of FMV ending material represents the level.
R2 is different, though. It was never developed beyond being given a level slot, which corresponded to that of Marble Zone and led to speculation that it would've been that kind of level, since all the other level tropes match ones from Sonic 1 so closely. The speculation that it would have corresponded to the unknown area in the FMV makes some sense, but no other evidence to support that was found. What Taxman was considering including was not R2 but instead his own ‘Western desert’ level inspired by Dust Hill Zone. My wording “Taxman was considering including the level but didn't” is pretty ambiguous; sorry if that was confusing.
By the way, nobody has confirmed that the rainbow waterfalls were supposed to be part of R2, it could have been an early concept for Palmtree Panic or Tidal Tempest. Yet another level with waterfalls would have been a bit overkill, after all.
Would've been nice if R2 were western themed though. I think as far as level themes go that's a must for Sonic Team to do at some point
Watched the video out of sheer boredom and ended up enjoying it quite a bit, I loved hearing Jeff talking about how before this game came out Sega showed him the room where all the instruments were played and everything, saying it was the future of games. I also really liked hearing how much he loved the US soundtrack and he seemed to know about what he was talking about for the most part. Do people just hate on the US soundtrack since it's not the original? I find it way better than the EU version, lots of ambiance and really cool sounds. Also, does anyone know when the US PSN updates? Should be relatively soon right?
We would all be a bit shallow if we thought that. Personally I have favorites on both sides but I enjoy the Jap soundtrack more because it's more to my taste.
Yeah I understand what you are saying. The soundtracks are so different that it's hard to compare. The EU/JP one is more frantic and fast-paced music and the US one is more serious and dark. Really happy to be able to play it with the JP soundtrack for the first time instead of just listening to it on my computer. Maybe it's a different experience when playing with the JP than just listening to it.
I still want to know what Final Fever looks/looked like before getting the axe. And what Desert Dazzle's other timezones looked like. And what music was planned for the zones. And so on and so forth. It's really a shame those levels didn't make the cut.
I liked the US soundtrack, but I think Jap is slightly better and more true to the Sonic series 'feel'. It's similar to the Sonic and Knuckles Collection's new tunes, they aren't bad substitutes, in fact a lot of them are pretty cool, it's just they are in place of another even better soundtrack. Put them in their own game and people would probably have loved them. Desert Dazzle looks pretty cool, did Taxman actually make that little sample himself or is that using some unused beta sprites? I hope at the very least Sonic Team sees the potential here and gives it a future somewhere else, eg. in DLC form or in a different project. If I remember correctly, in that R2 movie in the ending wasn't there a Tremors type badnik that came out of the sand attacked Sonic? Sounds like a very desert bug type concept.
Yeah, definitely Jap for me. There are exactly 2 us tracks I prefer to their jp counterparts, namely QQ present and WW present.
The soundtrack changes the atmosphere of the game. I hate the US soundtrack because it sounds like elevator music. It lacks the poppy, upbeat sound of the original: the kind of music that was created for the original games. Not to mention it also sounds too generic sounding.
Yeah, I only played with the US music twice and after that it was JP music all the way. I'm playing through with Tails with the US music... it just ain't the same. But I'll play it until the end. Although, as much as I like Poot Poot Sawnick Wawwoirs, I do prefer Sonic Boom.
I really love all the time traveling in this game. Like how all the boost pads from modern Sonic games traveled into the past and wound up in Stardust Speedway.