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Sonic Boom

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by iojnekns, Oct 29, 2009.

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  1. Tweaker



    Controls are fine. Hush, you.

    If ridiculously epic bosses, fast-paced action and gigantic fucking walls of flames are "boring" to you, then I don't think there is any conceivable method of pleasing you. Seriously, what the fuck?
  2. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    Also, it seems people are getting stuck at the "pseudo light dash area," which is the trail of rings over the death pit jump to the higher ledge. Now, I know you meant it as a marker, but people think you have to light dash there and become mad that they can't get the "light dash" to work. Maybe playing too much Sonic Megamix.

    I figured it out after a minute (double jumping from running start) but for lots of others it is the Carnival Night Barrel of the game. Maybe if there was a sign right before it that told you to double jump.
  3. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    By properly executing all the points you've just mentioned?

    The boss is more of an annoyance than an "epic" one. It certainly wouldn't hold its own to the large library of epic bosses.

    The fast paced action isn't that great when the level design either does it for you or prevents you from actually having fun with it since you'll get locked into a handholding path, and the wall of fire is the equivalent of the Aladdin SNES lava run, except this wall of fire is far too long and requires more trial and error than necessary.

    Just because you make it flashy doesn't make it good.
  4. Flygon


    It's definitely a love hate, and for me, it has both plastered on at the same time.

    I also shouldn't be playing this when encoding a video that is taking up both cores, so my game lagging probably didn't help.

    I also couldn't get past the first act because of the lag. :v:

    But what I could play through was pretty damn good, the difficulty is indeed incredibly ramped up and unfortunately the art is a little bland (Again, biased, haven't got past the first boss which, for the record, surprised me), but all in all?

    It's a nice little package wrapped in plastic sticky tape just waiting to be torn at, and inside? A heart of gold that with a few refinements, could be glowing.

    Quick edit: One thing I'll note though, the implementation of the new maneuvers felt a bit... added on, not integrated. Usable though.
  5. Ayla


    I shat on your desk ^^ Oldbie
    West Linn, OR
    Hacking Contest, StH Overlooked, Personal Indie game
    boring? bad music? I'm not even sure how I want to respond to this. Humans are creatures of habit I suppose. It's possible this was ahead of its time. I can't see any other explanation. It's literally inconceivable to me that -- n/m. I'm just disappointed that people aren't enjoying this as much as I did. I mean... really, guys?

    Maybe it's my fault for overhyping it... I can't understand the backlash this is getting.
  6. Phos


    Going for the high score on whatever that little b Member
    Those places where you have to jump to clear a spring, but there are spikes on the ceiling for one. Then there are those electric floors which will hit you at random when going through some of the hold right sections. Also, first boss is nothing but this.
    Sonic outruns the camera just by holding right, how is this reasonable?

    Massive empty level followed by boss with a seemingly random attack. What's so epic about that?

    Also, anyone willing to upload a save state past the first boss?

    I got through it no problem. It's basically a band-aid fix.
  7. Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Taking a Sand Shower Tech Member
    Lyon, France
    Sonic 2 Long Version

    Technically speaking, that's no doubt an awesome hack!

    However, I was expecting more "old school Sonic" gameplay. Sometimes it reminds me Sonic Advance 2 where you gain (too much) speed and fall right to your death because you missed a move while jumping over a pit. So frustrating. What I like in Sonic games is to tap on any button, and just jump.
  8. Tweaker


    I... what? You're going to need to give me a picture or something, because that doesn't even sound vaguely familiar. In any case, were you aware that you can actually control the height of your jump based on how long you hold the button? Nearly every platformer has this. It isn't functionality that exists never to be used. If jumping full height makes you run into spikes, jump lower. It's not rocket science.

    If you're holding right and walking on electric floors, you're doing it wrong. Believe it or not, you're actually supposed to avoid those things. If you don't want to risk being hit by a very clear obstacle, don't step on it. I can't beleive this is actually a complaint. Did you complain when you ran on an electric bed in Death Egg and it hurt you, too? Be thankful that it's even possible to step on one without it hurting you the instant you touch it; I'd say that was actually one of the more forgiving portions of the game.

    Nothing but what? You trying to blind jump at the boss and getting pissed off when it hits you? I don't understand.


    Running out of the camera is intended to portray a sense of insane speed that Sonic 2 was actually quite notorious for. Why is it suddenly an issue here? Ever portion of the game where you run that fast either slows you down when you need to by means of a section with those springs that knock you back and forth or a ledge that slows you down when running off it. The balances are all there. If you're trying to blindly run into things without any foresight or prior consideration, you have literally no reason to blame the game for your own inadequacies.

    This is what pisses me off about people who bitch about challenging games—they bitch when things are too easy, but when things are actually switched up and made more challenging, they bitch about it. What kind of ass-backwards shit is that?

    Massive empty level? Massive empty level?! Are you fucking dense?! Are you trolling me? Holy SHIT.

    And seemingly random attack? Is it really to the point where anything unfamiliar or not utterly fucking simple is considered "bland"? Is this really what things are coming to? Jesus tapdancing christ.


    Holy shit, Retro. This is the worst thing you've ever done. I can't comprehend the sheer fucking idiocy of the comments that I'm reading.

    If you're looking for an old school Sonic game, you're looking in the wrong place. And that's the entire point—it's not meant to be a faithful old school game, and at least unlike a ton of other hacks it doesn't try and be. It's something new; something fresh; something that isn't just the same formula executed again and again with seldom any bit of variety or appeal. It has a different focus, different vibe, and a different overall goal. That's why it's called "Sonic Boom" and not "Sonic 4" or something equally pretentious.

    However, I severely disagree with the comparison to Sonic Advance 2—it is nothing like Sonic Advance 2. To add to that, I don't think there is a several bottomless pit in any of these levels, and any obstacle that you can fall into is easy to get right back out of. I think people are just... like, shocked, scared, or otherwise taken aback by such a change in formula that any redeeming aspects of the design are overshadowed by a lack of familiarity that drives people to be irrationally upset and critical. I have never seen such a negative response to such a brilliant piece of work and it literally infuriates me.

    Is it because it was hyped up? Because I absolutely stand by the fact that it was well warranted—this is a brilliant hack both technically and aesthetically, and the mere idea that it's not and the reasons people are giving for it absolutely drives me to insanity. You people are fucking bonkers.
  9. Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Taking a Sand Shower Tech Member
    Lyon, France
    Sonic 2 Long Version
    Sure. That's why I'm a bit disappointed. But this is obviously a very good hack.
  10. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    That our opinions and standards differ from your opinion and standards? I honestly blame the overhyping.

    The game is fine on it's own, but it's not the best thing this community has to offer. If this is truly what you're all hailing as the greatest thing ever conceived, then our whole game community is in a much worse state than I originally thought.
  11. Fuck, man, I love you <3
  12. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Frankly, if this is how you feel, then I'm thinking it's about time the hacking contest shuffled its judges around, because you guys are getting entirely too complacent. Right now, this conflict seems to rest squarely between the straight gamers and the hacking hobbyists (and sycophants), and the panel seems to be comprised entirely of the latter.

    I can't speak for all of us, but I can tell you right up fronts that the qualms I've got with this project have nothing to do with unfamiliarity. The flaws I've mentioned here are entirely objective; there are some things you just don't do with games, basic fundamental game design laws that are seldom broken outside of the hacking scene. Excessive speed, excessive features, excessive difficulty- you're only going to alienate people if you don't know where to draw the line.

    He's very obviously talking about the lightning bolts that rise up from the floor. The beds are placed too close to the ceiling and you wind up getting knocked right off when going through a loop. I just played through the hack again to reaffirm my stance here, and this very same thing happened to me at least twice.

    "It's not a flaw, it's a FEATURE!"

    Just because Sonic 2 did it, that doesn't make it right. It wasn't a problem there because there was only one location in the game where it was even possible to get the camera to behave that way- here, it happens every time I use the Super Peel-out. I'm sorry, but if you're going to jack the speed up like that, you're going to have to correct the resulting flaws to compensate. I'd have a lot more fun seeing where I'm going than I would running off the screen.

    That's exactly what it feels like to me. It's all just an airy void of loops and slopes with no substantial platforming, or even original gimmicks to give the level an identity of its own. And no, breaking the cambots to open doors doesn't count. Hell, you can't even do any real platforming reliably in this engine because the speed and momentum are fucked beyond all repair.

    It is completely like Sonic Advance 2, the only difference being that SAdv2's layouts were somewhat more linear and a lot less ostentatious. Don't act like there aren't any blind hazards in this hack either, because there are plenty, they're just conveniently kept separate from the speed segments.

    Tweaker Tantrum.
  13. Tweaker


    I don't know about "very obviously," but generally when you say "bed of spikes," you don't mean "panel of electricity."

    In any case, I will concede that the electric beds can be in a pain in the ass in regards to loops, but the trick to this I've found is to roll when one is above you. I assumed this was the intended design, but I could always be entirely wrong. I've found no problems with them when rolling, though, so... try that?

    I've gone out of screen several times and it's never been a problem. I can see exactly where I'm going and the excess speed doesn't force me into any obstacles that I don't see coming and they're easily avoided by anyone with decent reflexes and a handle on speed in a Sonic game. I don't see any resulting flaws, as the level design makes sure you're not blindly running into everything.

    So you don't like running off the screen. Okay. That's your problem—not the game's.

    You may not have actively aimed to attempt platforming given the edited physics and focus on speed, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. If you take three seconds to stop and look around, you'll find plenty of floating platforms on the upper path, a bunch of little hidden segments in the wall, portions where you need to traverse between sections with springs and enemies, jump over beds of spikes into precise little holes containing the path to the next segment... really, the list goes on. Just because you aren't collecting mushrooms and it isn't all flat suspended platforms (despite there being plenty of them) doesn't mean there isn't any platforming present within the level.

    I will admit that there are a bit of stupid hazards—the unpredictability of the camera lasers as well as a couple of sections where you fall into a bed of electricity come to mind—but it is nowhere near the level of Sonic Advance 2's sheer unforgivable platforming where missing a single jump will fling you down a large pit. The level designs are a lot more varied, a lot more diverse, and a lot less hold-right-to-win than Sonic Advance 2.

    The two are really not that similar; I'm sick of people trying to associate any fast Sonic game with Advance 2. Find a better scapegoat already.

    Week ban.
  14. Afti


    I'm not going to lie; this is not to my personal taste. I love the difficulty, but I'm not a fan of long speed sections.

    I do, however, acknowledge that the level design is quite good, for what it sets out to do, and most of the features are quite nifty.

    I love the bosses- they're definitely my favorite aspect.

    Art is slightly monotonous, but it works well; just needs a bit of decoration.

    I see the qualities others like in it, but it doesn't strike a chord with me.
  15. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    Had a shot at it, after reading the 'hype' and the disagreements. I think its good. I'm looking forward to the final product, mainly because, to me, this demo is exactly that - a demo. Just because Power Plant Zone has a load of speed sections doesn't mean every other level will be like that. We don't know. I may not like the speed sections but they all gel together relatively well so far, and I have only found one confusing section in act 2, but that was solved easily.

    I haven't found a problem with the controls. I normally use a 360 controller, but that is broke, so I'm using a keyboard. That should be a receipe for disaster, but it didn't stop me.

    Either way, it's all taste anyway. As previously said, people will love or hate it.
  16. Hm. Just played a bit around, the music ports are partly very good and partly very bad. Way to let a title screen music ruin everything :(
  17. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
    After all the praise I saw for this, I was expecting it to be great, but when I played it, it was one of the most non-fun hacks I have ever played. My main issue was the layouts. All I had to do was either hold down, or right/left and I would get to the end of the levels. I hardly had to even jump, the layout did that all for me. The second problem I had was the difficulty on the boss's was insane compared to the rest of the game. My third problem is, (Doesn't really ruin it, just want to mention it.) Sonic art. I hated looking at his sprite. It just looked... Bad.

    And Tweaker, don't bother making a huge reply to this, it's an opinion and I'm entitled to have one. Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone else needs to, I respect how much work has gone into this, it just wasn't enjoyable to me.
  18. Gizzy


    Making small changes to Sonic 1
    First thing I did was flick through the Sound Test. I suppose if I ever played any of the Mega Man games, I'd appreciate all the MM music ports. I did like the Sonic Boom track from Sonic CD though.

    As for the main game itself, I was caught out at the path of rings in act 1, which I thought I was supposed to light dash through. Act 2 had me running in circles for a while, trying to find the correct path. The boss was a tad tedious. I found myself constantly saving and loading states. Act 3 was intense. After dying at the very beginning and realising what I had to do, I was on the edge of my seat right through to the end of the act.

    Act 1: 7/10
    Act 2: 6/10
    Act 3: 9/10
  19. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    The way I see it is you have to get use to the way the game intends, obviously some of you have mensioned that the controls are different and that it's unexpected, this is frankly the whole point in sonic boom from what I can see, you have to get used to it I guess, learn and understand the controls, learn to fit with the games structure, to me I wouldn't nessesarily say it's a sonic hack and I think that's what you're all use to, tis pretty much what you're all expecting. So yeah the bosses are almighty and some how unreasonable, but that depends on wether you've had practice at trying to defeat them or not (Plus I think it's suppose to be difficult =P).

    All I can say is play it and play it and play it, you'll get use to, and fit in with it for sure.
  20. Tweaker


    Could you record a video of yourself doing this, please? Preferably using a mixture of a screen recorder and the function of Gens Movie that displays visually what buttons you're pressing as you're playing. I'd like to test your theory, if you don't mind. :)

    Don't worry—I spared you the length. But remember that I'm just as entitled to challenge your rationale as I please. ;)

    By the way! I'm in the process of making a video to show how to properly play the game with the new controls and whatnot. I get hit a few times stupidly and I'll be editing out the 15 minutes of failure I suffered against Gorbi (I'm not very good against Gorbi >_>), but it should give you an idea of exactly what context all of the moves hold within the scope of the game and how to use them adequately. It's probably a little more confusing than Megamix, but it's still not that difficult to get used to.

    EDIT: Never mind; apparently my GMV got corrupted and my AVI was deleted without possibly of recover. Fuck. I guess I'll wait for snk or ioj to post a video, since they were planning on it anyway...

    EDIT2: DISREGARD THAT; I SUCK COCKS. I just sent the wrong gmv. :D Hopefully it should be up soon...
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