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Sonic Boom

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by iojnekns, Oct 29, 2009.

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  1. Ice Sonic

    Ice Sonic

    Ice Cap
    No, I am not working on any hack, fanart, or website.
    I don't know about you guys, but Gorbichev crushed me no more than 3 times on my first tries. After that I beat him everytime.
    EDIT: My 300th post :)
  2. TmEE


    Master of OPL3-SA2/3 Tech Member
    Norway, Horten
    I got killed once or twice at Gorbatshov :P

    just go in circles and attack from top or bottom, or if you manage, from left or right... always have just 1 ring with you, and these little badgus that come when you do a hit leave a present to you too... that's quite generous IMO...
  3. Hodgy


    Games programming :)
    I must admit this hack is growing on me :v:

    I must really suck though because I have only got past Gorbichev once XD I haven't been able to do it again since >.<

    and yeah I usually do get killed by crushing >.< its frustrating but I guess im abit sadist in that aspect as it makes me want to beat him more (like my countless re-tries of the opening of ttfatf on gh3 ) :P
  4. Ice Sonic

    Ice Sonic

    Ice Cap
    No, I am not working on any hack, fanart, or website.
    If you fight him with just 200 rings it's really hard.
  5. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    Not to everyone, it wasn't for me.
  6. Tweaker


    For those of you bitching about the title screen music: Eat me.
  7. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    I gave this a try after Tweaker hyped it up to me some time ago, and I can honestly say I wasn't all that impressed.

    The level layouts, for the most part, were pretty linear, with what appeared to be only one way to the end, with a couple of deceiving side paths which only served to turn you around. The level art, as pointed out a few times, was pretty bland and lacked detail. A lot of the art was of a single colour, with the occasional block of detail here and there. With some zones (e.g. Scrap Brain) this seemed to work, but in this zone, it didn't work at all. The music didn't seem to fit within a Sonic game and sounded a bit out of place, although the track itself isn't bad. Sonic's art also looked flat and I wasn't too keen on the mix of 16bit and GBA sprites, although the palette may have accounted for both of those.

    The only part that impressed me really was the boss of Act 2, and even then, I found it a bit more frustrating than challenging, due to being trapped in the corners or instantly squashed with little reaction time. Act 3 was impressive for the first few seconds, but then the poor level layout made itself apparant and it quickly lost its appeal. The level itself may have been quite enjoyable if you were not under the pressure of the fire, but at high speeds, it just didn't work for me at all.

    That said, this is only my opinion, the game is your own for you to make as you see fit.
  8. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    Um there is a small error with the name of id $88, it's Sigma Phase 1, not 2 from Megaman X7. (Our Blood Boils- Sigma 1st is what it says on the Megaman X7 OST...) the main thing I liked about this hack was the music, BTW. The gameplay wasn't that bad.
  9. Ice Sonic

    Ice Sonic

    Ice Cap
    No, I am not working on any hack, fanart, or website.
    I have a video like that too but it's like 7 minutes long (not just one but many songs). Unfortunately, Youtube doesn't want to upload it. :argh:
  10. HighFrictionZone


    Hi. Member
    Katy, Texas
    Just got through doing a "normal" (read: non tool-assisted) play, and the jury is in: without savestates, I suck. But not too terribly =P.

    While fighting Gorbichev, I noticed a couple of things, most of them obvious, some less so:
    1. Whenever you hit gorbichev, you gain temporary invulnerability. Probably to keep his blue balls from instant revenging you.
    2. That street is two way. Whenever gorbichev hits you, HE gains temporary invulnerability.
    3. Doing that mid-air side dash almost always penetrates that spinning shield of balls he does. This can be used to ensure guaranteed hits without being hurt.
    4. If you can time a spindash such that you collide with gorbichev while he's doing that spinning field of balls thing, assuming you're on solid ground he stops you in your tracks but you remain spinning. This amounts to several free hits as your temporary invulnerability lasts slightly longer than his does, and all the small orbis he spawns hit you before their attack orbs do. Once you figure this trick out, he's much easier.
    5. I've never been crushed to death by Gorbichev. Anybody who complains about such behavior probably spends too much time standing still.

    I've only once defeated Gorbichev without using savestates in some fashion, and it was on the run I just now completed. Fancy that?

    No assistance run (in two parts because for some reason I sucked hard at Act 3 tonight):
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
  11. I bet it's pretty hard to die from crushing, since he has that orb shield, which hits and pushes player back.

    By the way, iojnekins, is Power Plant going to be first level in full Sonic Boom?
  12. iojnekns


    trouble keeps you runnin' faster Member
    Aww shucks! You're making me blush. Thanks guys.


    Its pretty pointless to remove the offending line - it doesn't really matter now, its a done and over with. Don't worry about it.

    @Ice Sonic
    That playthrough is incredible - you're excellent at playing Boom, you're easily as good as me if not better - your fight against Gorbichev was frankly astonishing! Great fun to watch.

    @Travelsonic - RE:"As I got yelled at for not realizing before, this is just a proto, things are gonna change between this and the next release for sure."
    I tried to make it clear I wasn't "yelling" at you - although I can see easily why you might think that - I did include a paragraph explaining. I tried to make it clear numerous times previously that it was WIP, don't worry about bugs, things are subject to change, hack being made for teams personal entertainment, yadda yadda yadda, I guess I lost my patience with re-iterating it repeatedly. I hope this doesn't change your perception of me as a reasonable bloke.

    I love to include references to other games but the Ecco reference isn't intentional actually, although now I sort of wish it was.

    @True Dude
    Great tune! Some of my particular favourites from the sound test include (but aren't limited to) 0A, 0C, 14, 16, 8C - I've probably missed out some other cool ones, but the standard of what our music dudes have come up with is so high, picking favourites is like shooting fish in a barrel, in my opinion at least.


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, sorry it wasn't to your taste but hey, you can't please all of the people all of the time. As I've said, I'm no artist and its my first attempt so its not the most adventurous or impressiev zone. Of course, we could go and find an awesome level artist and have great looking levels but that isn't quite the point - its more something for me to click away at on a lazy sunday afternoon. It might not be good, but I don't care, its very satisfying to do. Incidentally, any instance of anything good in that zone was probably done by the endlessly talented MKAmeX - you can see what the zone looked like before he got his shiny mitts all over it in my old SonED2 import guide (if anyone cares.)


    I'll look into that - as I say, I don't know where most of these tracks come from, I have the luxury of choosing them on purely what they sound like as a first time listener. I tagged all the music in the sound test, so thats probably my fault. If you are right, its a two second job to fix it ;)

    @Don Salieri - RE:"By the way, iojnekins, is Power Plant going to be first level in full Sonic Boom?"
    Thats the plan - it might seem like a strange decision or some overly contrived attempt at individuality, depending on your perspective, but its just something we wanted to do. I'm tired of starting in a pathetically easy, generic green level and its cool to throw the player in at the deep end. It was more fun to work on a level like Power Plant first, and it also fits nicely into the level progression we have planned. It was also appropriate for a simple, boxy design for me to learn to draw and use SonED2 with - no complicated shapes or curves to make collision for, or intricate grass or plants to draw and shade (frankly, I simply wouldn't have been able to do this and we would have fallen at the first hurdle). There are probably a few other factors that affected the decision but these are the most notable.
  13. Travelsonic



    No, neither I or any of the other people bringing this issue up were spending too much time standing still... in fact, one user forgot whom at this moment) even made note the other conditions needed to trigger this. but ignorance is bliss I guess, blame the player for a real game mechanic issue and it won't be an issue anymore. :psyduck:
  14. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    After replaying this, using the keyboard, which I am shit with, I never lost control of Sonic, except in areas where they were spring dependant. Gorbichev pushed me out of the screen once...and that was it. If I can beat him, with the keyboard, I don't really see how anyone else can have a problem with him.
  15. Hodgy


    Games programming :)
    It happens every 5 hits when he locks onto your x position if you attack from below and land below him you have no way of getting out the way in time >.<
  16. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    I dunno, this hack, while technically impressive, has too much of a SatAM feel for me.
  17. iojnekns


    trouble keeps you runnin' faster Member
    You don't like SatAM?
  18. That actually makes it more of a draw for me.
  19. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    I like SatAM for what it is, and used to love watching it as a kid. Though that kind of thing is not what I look for in games.

    I don't know why, but I really don't like it when people make Sonic darker like that. Still an awesome hack though. You guys have done great.
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