Just watched this week's episodes and my god, Sticks needs to die. I've never seen a character as annoying as her and I watch/read/play a lot of shit. I also kinda wish the action would be done as well as the opening cinematic of Sonic Unleashed. That aside, the Episode 3 was pretty good, Episode 4 is my least favorite so far. Sticks might have something to do with this.
I'm not sure how you could have that expectation of a CG TV show. Even on the same budget, they wouldn't be able to do as much seeing how for the TV show they need to animate about 572 minutes of stuff, while for Sonic Unleashed probably not more than 10-15 minutes.
Ah okay, so you guys decided to split the TV show from the general topic. good plan it'll be easier to keep track.
The first post in this thread is actually how I would have started such a topic off in the first place. :v:
Watched episodes 3 & 4 again with my boys this morning while having breakfast. They both enjoy it and always ask to watch it again when it's finished so I'm pretty confident it should go down well with kids. I enjoy it too but much prefer Sonic X.
Not expectation, just a wish. Wouldn't we all want that to happen, after all? One other wish I had before this launched was for it to have the writing on par with Ian Flynn's. I feel like he's the only one who understands how Sonic should be done nowadays. In fact, this one I was kind of expecting, seeing how this isn't from SoJ.
Apparently, the cartoon is OuiDo!'s first attempt at CG. That would explain some animation weirdness, since all their previous work has been traditional 2D. Babby's first CG cartoon! Honestly, I'm having fun watching this. I just turn my brain off. :v:
So, ... apparently Sticks is shaping up to be the series' Poochie or Scrappy, which is oddly appropriategiven the other dog references. Can the remaining episodes of the season possibly redeem her or will she go down in infamy, possibly to return two decades later as the villain of a Sonic reboot movie?
I don't mind Sticks, I just didn't care for the fourth episode all too much. Honestly a weird ass ugly robot dog barfing slime on everyone was just stupid enough to make me laugh at first then it kinda dragged oooonnnnn. Translate This was great though. Even if we keep getting one "eh" episode and one great episode I'll be happy. I'm sure kids liked the Buster episode so really my opinion doesn't matter all that much.
So, what channels is the show on and what are the air times (USA)? My younger brothers may want to watch this, and heck I may sit in on a few episodes.
Sonic X is nice in Japanese, really nostalgic but the 4kids version put me off of it. Sonic Boom may get better, I hope as episodes develop. Also, I really like the other sonic design. It's radically different.
I don't mind Sticks. That isn't to say she doesn't do some annoying crap though like that barfing robot dog despite her ongoing paranoia about robots and kindly destroying UT in the previous episode. Also: the end of Buster where it leaves, the only thing I could think of was the music when you "say goodbye" to a chao in SA2 and how I'd kindly put Buster in the place of a chao in a "Chao Departure" machine.
Sticks would be more tolerable with a different voice actor that just gave her a normal sounding voice. Her raspy/cutsy voice bugs me.
I like Sticks. She amuses me as a character and feel she's the best new Sonic character in a really long time. I wouldn't even mind if they eventually added her to the main series. Also, I like Amy's personality on this show waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than her personality in the games. The writer managed to make her likable for once instead of some annoying fan girl of Sonic that does very little useful.