So watching the 3rd episode was okay. Wasn't anything special, but it was tolerable. When episode 4 was on, I realized the one thing I hate about Sticks, her voice is way to raspy. Like, annoyingly raspy. Also, the episode in general wasn't that good. But at least we know that the whole show isn't terrible, as it does have it's enjoyable parts.
I almost liked the third episode. Especially the banter at the start. But fuck when the episodes shift into action. I've seen a lot of recent CGI shows and boom ranks #1 in most horribly choreographed and sloppy action. Lip synching was notably off as well. I cannot get over how the intro is a complete farce.
Sticks really doesn't add anything to the show. She's just kinda there: you could give her plots to Knuckles and I doubt it would alter anything. Hell, I'd figure it would be more amusing to see Knuckles interacting with Buster then it was Sticks. I do hope she gets a better identity as the show goes on.
Thanks for the rips, but it seems the PS3 doesn't like whatever video codec the rips use, as the rips have audio but no video (another person on #retro confirmed with their own PS3 as well)
I'll add with confirming this as well as I did it last week just to check if there were any hiccups in the video.
Neat. EDIT: Oh, that's just a logo that's often used for firehoses. Just seems to be a coincidence, so never mind.
Sorry about that! I'm guessing the PS3 doesn't like the x264 stream they use, which seems unusual, as any other device I've used (XBOX 360, Sony TV and others) plays them just fine. The video is encoded with High Profile format, which according to this page, should be compatible. So, I'm guessing it's the result of an encoding parameter used. I try to make them as compatible as possible, but not at the sacrifice of any quality. Yep!
I choose to believe this is an homage to Dreamcast. Probably not, though. Edit: just realized TimmiT beat me to this. :/
Now that you mention it, her voice actress (Nika Futterman) uses the exact same voice that she does for Cuckoo Loca in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I only know this because my baby neice is obsessed with Disney Junior.
Sticks would probably be a better character is she was written more like the DCAU's version of "The Question". He was a conspiracy theorist-type, but became an ensemble darkhorse because of his antics, rather than the series scrappy.
The Question was an enjoyable nut. He didn't constantly scream his theories, he kept them quiet and worked on them behind the action. If Sticks was like that, rather than screaming at her shadow and at people (which makes no sense, considering if she was aware of a conspiracy why would she announce it and make herself a target for said conspirators?)
Oh man, DC Animated stuff... It's a shame DC's movies can't pull off what they used to do so well on TV.
Just watched episode 3 with my 8 year old boy and my 4 year old boy (both big mario fans but both like Sonic) The boys enjoyed episode 3 and wanted to watch it again as soon as it finished, now about to watch no.4 EDIT Just watched 4 (which I thought was pretty stupid myself after how good no.3 was) but both my boys enjoyed it. Pretty surprised by how ok/good this show is so far.
So, the consensus seems to be that "Translate This" (written by Dave Polsky of South Park and + - MLP fame) was better than "Buster" (written by Eric Trueheart of Invader Zim and Pound Puppies fame), and I'm not going to be the one to buck this particular opinion. There is a small disconnect in Sticks' destruction of one machine in one episode only to end up loving another in the very next episode. Then again, it could be excused that she's the "random character" or that it was her bonding with a fellow misfit. However, I'd still have to say that the sleepover episode with the really long title was the best out of the current four.
What is with the donald duckgasm sound when I open this topic? I don't get it, and it's annoying. Please remove.
So Episodes 3 and 4. I'm really digging Eggman. He's really selling the whole kid's show super villain thing. Certainly my favourite so far. It seems this Knuckles is as stupid as the one from the game though. That is unfortunate. Overall I think the two episodes were better then last week's.